

  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    I love high heels... the higher the better and sexy Halloween costumes... Pick me pick me!!

    Age 41

    SW 212lbs
    SW when joining MFP 190lbs
    CW 176lbs
    GW 160lbs (puts me in healthy weight range - 150lbs would be great if I didn't have to lose the girls to reach it)
    I joined the summer challenge group two weeks ago which was very late in their game as they had been going since early June I believe but this one is RIGHT up my alley. So again Pick me Pick me!!


    I LOVE HIGH HEELS TOO! You are soooo in! lol..Lets do this!
  • sarahkatie28
    yeah buffjess! thanks for starting this group. I am so excited!
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I love high heels... the higher the better and sexy Halloween costumes... Pick me pick me!!

    Age 41

    SW 212lbs
    SW when joining MFP 190lbs
    CW 176lbs
    GW 160lbs (puts me in healthy weight range - 150lbs would be great if I didn't have to lose the girls to reach it)
    I joined the summer challenge group two weeks ago which was very late in their game as they had been going since early June I believe but this one is RIGHT up my alley. So again Pick me Pick me!!


    I LOVE HIGH HEELS TOO! You are soooo in! lol..Lets do this!

    Yayyyy I win!!!! Thanks!
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Is there room for me in this group?

    I'm 22 and live in Austin, TX. I travel for work so it can be challenging at times, but right now I'm staffed in Austin. I graduated this past December and have been trying to get back to where I was in high school. I have only now really been able to admit to myself how out of shape I had gotten. My bad habits are eating out too often and indulging in alcohol or chocolate. I want to be social and am trying to find new ways to do that other than eating and drinking.

    My high school weight was 150, but I'd like to be at 160 by end of October. That would be amazing.

    SW: 195
    CW: 184
    GW: 160

  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    I'd like to join if there's still room. My name is Stephanie and I'd LOVE to be at my goal weight by Halloween :smile:

    SW 130
    CW 125.5
    GW 115

    Glad to have you!
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    I'd like to join if there's still room. My name is Stephanie and I'd LOVE to be at my goal weight by Halloween :smile:

    SW 130
    CW 125.5

    GW 115

    Welcome!! We are all gonna be SMOKING!! lol:glasses:
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    I'm in if there is room!

    I'm in a challenge to lose 20 by Aug 31st so this will keep me going for another couple of months :bigsmile:

    Age: 33
    SW: 193
    CW: 177
    GW: 135

    Goal by October 31st : 155 :noway:

    there is room! Glad to have you and good luck!!!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i am officially commited, i have changed my photo to my fav pair of naughty monkeys!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    veggies are a tough one for me too - I eat plenty of fruits.

    Now by no sweets I realize that the iced mocha I am drinking now falls into that category but are you saying no fruit or yogurt??

    Yes because the point of it is willpower and self dicipline..If you can cut out all sweets even helathy ones, then you have the willpower to succeed in this challenge..I also want us to post how we did with our mini challenge.What you are proud of, then what you are not so proud of..Any questions? feel free to ask! i will also post daily inspiration quotes as well...feel free to add or leave feedback after i post! Look foward to loosiing with u guys!!!

    It will be SO hard to not eat any fruit. It's all I eat.. Well at least, I won't go over my sugars. I should probably change my pic from something other than a cupcake... although. It is on fire.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    veggies are a tough one for me too - I eat plenty of fruits.

    Now by no sweets I realize that the iced mocha I am drinking now falls into that category but are you saying no fruit or yogurt??

    Yes because the point of it is willpower and self dicipline..If you can cut out all sweets even helathy ones, then you have the willpower to succeed in this challenge..I also want us to post how we did with our mini challenge.What you are proud of, then what you are not so proud of..Any questions? feel free to ask! i will also post daily inspiration quotes as well...feel free to add or leave feedback after i post! Look foward to loosiing with u guys!!!

    It will be SO hard to not eat any fruit. It's all I eat.. Well at least, I won't go over my sugars. I should probably change my pic from something other than a cupcake... although. It is on fire.

    haha, that is what your image is? nice! no flaming cupcakes! :tongue:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    i am officially commited, i have changed my photo to my fav pair of naughty monkeys!

    I have a couple pairs of Naughty Monkeys... :tongue: Love them.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    veggies are a tough one for me too - I eat plenty of fruits.

    Now by no sweets I realize that the iced mocha I am drinking now falls into that category but are you saying no fruit or yogurt??

    Yes because the point of it is willpower and self dicipline..If you can cut out all sweets even helathy ones, then you have the willpower to succeed in this challenge..I also want us to post how we did with our mini challenge.What you are proud of, then what you are not so proud of..Any questions? feel free to ask! i will also post daily inspiration quotes as well...feel free to add or leave feedback after i post! Look foward to loosiing with u guys!!!

    It will be SO hard to not eat any fruit. It's all I eat.. Well at least, I won't go over my sugars. I should probably change my pic from something other than a cupcake... although. It is on fire.

    haha, that is what your image is? nice! no flaming cupcakes! :tongue:

    Yeah. My boyfriend doesn't like cake but he likes cupcakes (weird, I know) so for his birthday he wanted be to fit all 22 candles on his birthday cupcake. That is what it looks like when you put 22 candles on a cupcake.:laugh:

    Although, I just noticed. When she was saying glad to have you, she didn't to my post. I wonder if there isn't room...:sad:
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Ok I have to go read the whole thread but I totally want to join, halloween is my end date (partially because it's my grandmother's bday and she passed away last fall and was always on me about losing weight) and I have so many cute little costumes picked out that I plan on going to every halloween party, haunted house gathering or anything that I can wear a costume to for 2 weeks :)

    I weigh in on Thursdays so I hope that's not a problem....I actually go get weighed because I can't keep a scale at my place or I get an unhealthy obsession about it.

    Jenna 27 in Dallas

    My start weight was 216
    CW 180 (hope to be out of the 180s tomorrow!!!)
    GW a size 6 which is 140-145 for my height


    Ok now I'll go read what y'all posted.

    And my favorite pair of shoes that I have (I have easily over 100, it's bad) is a pair of patent red heels that have a little bow on them, they are super adorable :)

    and please tell me there's still room, this would be HIGHLY motivating for me. I also ramble A LOT, but I'm excited about this group :)
  • sarahkatie28
    i am officially commited, i have changed my photo to my fav pair of naughty monkeys!

    OMG! that's my favorite pair too! I've been trying to find a pic of them. I own them in dark red and i love them!!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I sooooo have to take a picture of my new babies when I get home tonight! :happy: I have yet to wear them out of the house (can't decide what the perfect first outfit for them will be - I know. I'm a complete dork about the 'first' outing in a new pair of sweet shoes....:wink: )

    I actually shouldn't have too much trouble with the no sweets thing, i'm more of a salty and cheesy girl :laugh:

    I definitely need some exercise challenges though - I get unmotivated so easily!
  • K8losesW8
    K8losesW8 Posts: 12
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?
  • s_sanchez
    s_sanchez Posts: 96
    I'd like to join if there's still room. My name is Stephanie and I'd LOVE to be at my goal weight by Halloween :smile:

    SW 130
    CW 125.5
    GW 115

    Glad to have you!

    GREAT! I'm so excited. Guess I'll have to take a picture in my red high heels too :wink:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?

    I just got under 180 for the first time in YEARRRS three weeks ago! I have another 10lbs to lose before I weigh less than my BF.:blushing: But I cannot wait!!

    I generally work out 3-4 days a week with cardio and strength. @ 45min on the elliptical and 45min of strength (rotating days with arms, legs and abs/back/everything else).
  • sarahkatie28
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?

    I see we are both central Texas girls! :)
    Where do you work out? What do you currently do to work out or what do you like to do? I find that the easiest way to lose weight, to incorporate activities you enjoy doing
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?

    I do about 30 minutes of strength training 3x a week and 5 min of abs 2x a week in the mornings. Then I work out doing intervals on the elliptical for about 15-20min and the cycle for 5-10min with a 5 minute cool down on the treadmill 3x a week afterwork.