

  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    oh even better idea...we should take our before pics in ugly beat up shoes and then take our after pics in pretty high heelies :) hehehehehe ahhhhh im so giddy ....but unfortunately i have to go clean...a realitor is coming over today sooooo it has to look immaculate lol
  • Changeisgonnacome
    BuffJess, You've disappeared and we have hijacked your thread...:laugh: Albeit, on topic!

    THANK YOU FOR STARTING THIS GROUP:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    FANTASTIC idea!!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    In honor of this group I have changed my profile photo to one where I am showing off my Louboutin's. I have also added pics of me last Halloween. I make all my own costumes. Although I think it looked awesome I want to be much much tinier this year. I was the Master and my husband the slave as you can see. This year it's the other way around and so I will be wearing much much less. :laugh: I hope to look fabulous when I do. I weighed 195 or so in those pics... as of yesterday I am 176 ... so lets do this!!!!
    OMG! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those shoes...and i do say they look damn good on u! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Seriously, I LOVE SHOES!!!! Very very much. I bought Prada to wear with my Halloween costume. Actually I bought the shoes and built the costume around them. This group is seriously for me...:laugh: :tongue: I'll post a close up pic of the Halloween shoes. Give me 2 mins and check back.

    im a shoe addict too...

    i suggest we all buy a pair of 'goal' shoes if we meet our halloween goal?:happy:

    LOVE YOU!!! I needed an excuse to buy another pair. So when we reach our goal we all get a pair of designer shoes? Deal!!! I can set you up with some reputable eBay sellers if there are no local stores in your area that carry designer. YAYYYYY I LOVE THIS GROUP ALREADY!

    Shoe addicts unite! :bigsmile:

    I think i'm actually on a first name basis with a couple of clerks at DSW.....:blushing:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    oh even better idea...we should take our before pics in ugly beat up shoes and then take our after pics in pretty high heelies :) hehehehehe ahhhhh im so giddy ....but unfortunately i have to go clean...a realitor is coming over today sooooo it has to look immaculate lol

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    yes thank u very much jess for starting this group...before i go how do u add friends?
  • Changeisgonnacome
    too funny. Ok well I'm going to log off and go back to bed. I stayed home with a fever today and should probably rest some. Mind you I'm all excited now, shoes will do it every time, and am not so sure I can sleep with all these pheromones rushing through me now... :ohwell: TMI I know... women are so easy, well I am. Share a bit in a discussion on shoes, that's all I need.

    You should all read Shoe Addicts Anonymous by Beth Harbison and its sequel Secrets of a Shoe Addict if you haven't already. Might help you figure out how to pay for the shoes..:wink: . Just kidding...
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I love the taking pictures in crappy shoes then the after in our hot high heels.
  • Changeisgonnacome
    oh even better idea...we should take our before pics in ugly beat up shoes and then take our after pics in pretty high heelies :) hehehehehe ahhhhh im so giddy ....but unfortunately i have to go clean...a realitor is coming over today sooooo it has to look immaculate lol

    :ohwell: I don't own any beat up shoes... how about a pair of flipflops I wear around the pool?
  • Changeisgonnacome
    yes thank u very much jess for starting this group...before i go how do u add friends?

    go to the profile you want by clicking on the user name and then select add as friend
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    or even bare feet....walk thru the dirt then take the picture
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Nikkytoo, I LOVE those shoes!!!:love: When I came back from Iraq I swore up and down my welcome home present to myself was going to be a pair or sexy Leboutins (hope I spelled that right lol!) I am SUCH a shoe addict...of course, I ended buying my gorgeous truck and that took away my shoe money :tongue:

    I love the idea of all of us taking pix in red heels!! It could be a little er, "group unity" thing if we all made our main pic one of our sexy feet in sexy red heels!! I may copy Nikkytoo and do just that!!! :laugh:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Go for it KaitieBug....;o)

    I was just thinking, I hope we made it into the first 20 BuffJess said she'd accept :ohwell:
  • sarahkatie28
    In honor of this group I have changed my profile photo to one where I am showing off my Louboutin's. I have also added pics of me last Halloween. I make all my own costumes. Although I think it looked awesome I want to be much much tinier this year. I was the Master and my husband the slave as you can see. This year it's the other way around and so I will be wearing much much less. :laugh: I hope to look fabulous when I do. I weighed 195 or so in those pics... as of yesterday I am 176 ... so lets do this!!!!
    OMG! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those shoes...and i do say they look damn good on u! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Seriously, I LOVE SHOES!!!! Very very much. I bought Prada to wear with my Halloween costume. Actually I bought the shoes and built the costume around them. This group is seriously for me...:laugh: :tongue: I'll post a close up pic of the Halloween shoes. Give me 2 mins and check back.

    im a shoe addict too...

    i suggest we all buy a pair of 'goal' shoes if we meet our halloween goal?:happy:

    I heart shoes too!

    I think that's a great idea! let's all buy a pair of goal shoes and on Halloween everyboday post a pic of yourself in the shoes! Let's do it!!!
  • almond13
    almond13 Posts: 77

    im a shoe addict too...

    i suggest we all buy a pair of 'goal' shoes if we meet our halloween goal?:happy:

    YES!!!! Goal shoes :bigsmile: I :heart: shoes... when i get home i think i am going to change my pic to my fav. pair... in honor of this wonderful group...... :bigsmile:
  • sarahkatie28
    me too! I'm going to change mine to shoes too!
    yeah shoes!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    LOL.... The name dragged me in, then all the shoe talk got me hooked! You girls are out of my league though, with all your designer shoes. I live in Michigan's UP and have nowhere to wear them. I have some sexy shoes, that I bought 2 years ago, and have worn exactly.... twice. lol... Between the nowhere to go and the hazardous to wear heels weather conditions for 3/4 of the year...

    Anyways, if I've made the under 20 limit, yippeee... I did really well when I started, lost 20 lbs between September and December. Then had my stepmother come for a week visit, and the stress had me eating. Have been struggling to get back on track since then. I've lost another 20 lbs since then, but it's the same 5 over and over... Ha...

    Anyways, SW 187/ goal weight for Oct... 170

    Ummm... reading through further.... I guess my original way back when starting weight was 206
    Current weight 187 Oct. goal weight 170
  • almond13
    almond13 Posts: 77
    hehe. the pic i found has BOTH of my addictions (other than food) hehe... bags and shoes :bigsmile:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    hehe. the pic i found has BOTH of my addictions (other than food) hehe... bags and shoes :bigsmile:

  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    veggies are a tough one for me too - I eat plenty of fruits.

    Now by no sweets I realize that the iced mocha I am drinking now falls into that category but are you saying no fruit or yogurt??

    Yes because the point of it is willpower and self dicipline..If you can cut out all sweets even helathy ones, then you have the willpower to succeed in this challenge..I also want us to post how we did with our mini challenge.What you are proud of, then what you are not so proud of..Any questions? feel free to ask! i will also post daily inspiration quotes as well...feel free to add or leave feedback after i post! Look foward to loosiing with u guys!!!
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Hi ladies!! Hope there's still room for me :smile: My name's Kaitie, I'm 22, and I've been dying to dress up as a "Jerry Springer Contestant" for awhile now :laugh: I need to change up my routines to shed these last 10 lbs and start toning :tongue:


    Welcome To The Group!! Glad to have you!!