

  • almond13
    almond13 Posts: 77
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?

    The BF weighs a bit more than me (not much)... but the worst thing is I can't get his pants over my butt :ohwell: :laugh: so i guess it is a similar problem... :laugh:
  • K8losesW8
    K8losesW8 Posts: 12
    :) always get along with fellow texans.

    I work out at 24 hour fitness. I like doing step and kickboxing but it's hard to work around the class schedule. Usually I do elliptical or intervals on the treadmill for forty five minutes. I love walking outside but not when it's this hot. I'm at a loss for what to do to strength train. Any simple ideas? Weights intimidate me.
  • sarahkatie28
    :) always get along with fellow texans.

    I work out at 24 hour fitness. I like doing step and kickboxing but it's hard to work around the class schedule. Usually I do elliptical or intervals on the treadmill for forty five minutes. I love walking outside but not when it's this hot. I'm at a loss for what to do to strength train. Any simple ideas? Weights intimidate me.

    oh girl, do not let weights intimidate you! You can do it! It's a little hard to explain over the computer, but my best suggestion is to visit Oxygen Women's Fitness Magazine

    It's the magazine that got me into weights. It's awesome! Once at the site go to the training tab and look around. If you have any questions, email me. I work out at Golds but maybe we could meet up at one of the parks in Austin.

    Buy the magazine if you can. It's kind of pricey but so worth it! (its my photo)
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?

    The BF weighs a bit more than me (not much)... but the worst thing is I can't get his pants over my butt :ohwell: :laugh: so i guess it is a similar problem... :laugh:

    my bf weighs less than me, and is like 5 inches shorter than me too...sucky!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    you girls are so hilarious...i hope im in :ohwell:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    This group sounds AWESOME!!!! I hope there is still room! Daily challenges are exactly what I need!! Going a whole week with one challenge doesn't always keep me motivated, or I put them off during each day. With this I'd have to get each one done!

    I totally agree with the shape workout challenges, water, avoiding foods, and FOOD PUSHERS!!!!!!!

    My name is Patty and I am 25.

    SW: 206 3/09

    CW: 187 7/09

    Overall Goal: 130 by 4/10 (my birthday)

    Challenge Goal: 165

    Hope I make it in, thanks for starting the challenge Buff Jess!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    LOL.... The name dragged me in, then all the shoe talk got me hooked! You girls are out of my league though, with all your designer shoes. I live in Michigan's UP and have nowhere to wear them. I have some sexy shoes, that I bought 2 years ago, and have worn exactly.... twice. lol... Between the nowhere to go and the hazardous to wear heels weather conditions for 3/4 of the year...

    Anyways, if I've made the under 20 limit, yippeee... I did really well when I started, lost 20 lbs between September and December. Then had my stepmother come for a week visit, and the stress had me eating. Have been struggling to get back on track since then. I've lost another 20 lbs since then, but it's the same 5 over and over... Ha...

    Anyways, SW 187/ goal weight for Oct... 170

    Ummm... reading through further.... I guess my original way back when starting weight was 206
    Current weight 187 Oct. goal weight 170

    I have felt your pain!! Being from windy Wyoming and practically living on my horse wearing boots and jeans I had no reason to buy heels!! Now that I live in California though, it's not practical for me to wear wranglers all the time... IT'S TOO HOT!!!! :laugh:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    LOL.... The name dragged me in, then all the shoe talk got me hooked! You girls are out of my league though, with all your designer shoes. I live in Michigan's UP and have nowhere to wear them. I have some sexy shoes, that I bought 2 years ago, and have worn exactly.... twice. lol... Between the nowhere to go and the hazardous to wear heels weather conditions for 3/4 of the year...

    Anyways, if I've made the under 20 limit, yippeee... I did really well when I started, lost 20 lbs between September and December. Then had my stepmother come for a week visit, and the stress had me eating. Have been struggling to get back on track since then. I've lost another 20 lbs since then, but it's the same 5 over and over... Ha...

    Anyways, SW 187/ goal weight for Oct... 170

    Ummm... reading through further.... I guess my original way back when starting weight was 206
    Current weight 187 Oct. goal weight 170

    I have felt your pain!! Being from windy Wyoming and practically living on my horse wearing boots and jeans I had no reason to buy heels!! Now that I live in California though, it's not practical for me to wear wranglers all the time... IT'S TOO HOT!!!! :laugh:

    I checked your profile and saw you lived at Pendleton. I live in SD. We're neighbors! Down here it's been all over cast and mild which is great after the hot winter. We are so backwards. Why are you at pendleton? Marine or Navy?
  • Changeisgonnacome
    you girls are so hilarious...i hope im in :ohwell:

    Go back to page 2 and 3, BuffJess informed us all we were in. I think there was one for you too but not 100% sure. Weren't you one of the first to post?
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    LOL.... The name dragged me in, then all the shoe talk got me hooked! You girls are out of my league though, with all your designer shoes. I live in Michigan's UP and have nowhere to wear them. I have some sexy shoes, that I bought 2 years ago, and have worn exactly.... twice. lol... Between the nowhere to go and the hazardous to wear heels weather conditions for 3/4 of the year...

    Anyways, if I've made the under 20 limit, yippeee... I did really well when I started, lost 20 lbs between September and December. Then had my stepmother come for a week visit, and the stress had me eating. Have been struggling to get back on track since then. I've lost another 20 lbs since then, but it's the same 5 over and over... Ha...

    Anyways, SW 187/ goal weight for Oct... 170

    Ummm... reading through further.... I guess my original way back when starting weight was 206
    Current weight 187 Oct. goal weight 170

    I have felt your pain!! Being from windy Wyoming and practically living on my horse wearing boots and jeans I had no reason to buy heels!! Now that I live in California though, it's not practical for me to wear wranglers all the time... IT'S TOO HOT!!!! :laugh:

    I checked your profile and saw you lived at Pendleton. I live in SD. We're neighbors! Down here it's been all over cast and mild which is great after the hot winter. We are so backwards. Why are you at pendleton? Marine or Navy?

    Yes the weather has been beautiful!!! I love overcast and cloudy, although I would like a FEW hot days to spend at the's been too cold for it!! I love SD, such a beautiful city! I just got out of the Marine Corps in February:bigsmile: ...still here at Camp Pen because my husband got stationed out here when he re upped last year...sooo that'll make it 7 or 8 years total that I'll be living out here...can't wait to go someplace else, LOL!!!
  • Changeisgonnacome
    So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight
    and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :)

    For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout?
    I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :) anyone else have that problem?

    I had that problem for the last 19 years and it is finally no longer a problem.
    AND I weigh less than my 18 year old now too. AND I want to keep it that way. :laugh:

    I walk with a friend almost every night.Two or three nights with Nflinsky who is a member here and hopefully part of this challenge. I live on a mountain so I either have to go up first or down first. Either way I eventually end up going up. We walk somewhere between 5 to 8 kms and attempt to do so in an hour. I also do Billy Blank's Bootcamp dvds and Rodney Yee Yoga. I've tried Skinny B*tches Booty Bounce and a few others. I have a pool and so I swim laps. I also have a home gym with a 9 station weight system and a treadmill but try to use those through winter. It's too beautiful out there to stay in...
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    LOL.... The name dragged me in, then all the shoe talk got me hooked! You girls are out of my league though, with all your designer shoes. I live in Michigan's UP and have nowhere to wear them. I have some sexy shoes, that I bought 2 years ago, and have worn exactly.... twice. lol... Between the nowhere to go and the hazardous to wear heels weather conditions for 3/4 of the year...

    Anyways, if I've made the under 20 limit, yippeee... I did really well when I started, lost 20 lbs between September and December. Then had my stepmother come for a week visit, and the stress had me eating. Have been struggling to get back on track since then. I've lost another 20 lbs since then, but it's the same 5 over and over... Ha...

    Anyways, SW 187/ goal weight for Oct... 170

    Ummm... reading through further.... I guess my original way back when starting weight was 206
    Current weight 187 Oct. goal weight 170

    I have felt your pain!! Being from windy Wyoming and practically living on my horse wearing boots and jeans I had no reason to buy heels!! Now that I live in California though, it's not practical for me to wear wranglers all the time... IT'S TOO HOT!!!! :laugh:

    Shoot, when I was in my low 20s, I remember working midnights at a local store when I was in college. I wore short hoochie skirts and heels like you wouldn't believe. I have no idea how I did it! I wear heels for a couple of hours now, and my feet are killing me. But I still think they are sexy.... When I wear them now, I'm not usually on my feet :blushing:
  • K8losesW8
    K8losesW8 Posts: 12
    I will go look there sometime tonight. I know if I do more strength training it can give me that toned look I want.

    Right now my project is up North (I live down South) so we should definitely meet up for a walk!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    you girls are so hilarious...i hope im in :ohwell:

    Go back to page 2 and 3, BuffJess informed us all we were in. I think there was one for you too but not 100% sure. Weren't you one of the first to post?

    :sad: :sad: nope didnt get any confirmation that im in...i guess ill just wait until tomorrow LOL :-p
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Hey Sexy Mamas!! To clarify who is all in this group..Whoever has posted before this post is in!! Yayyyyyyy!!! Tomorrow I will start a new thread and start a new one weekly..Example tomorrow will be Red High Heels Group (week one)...Good Luck to all of us!!! Remember no sweets tomorrow!! Lets jumstart our will power! You know you want them new shoes! lol...You guys are all great and this is going to be a really awesome group!!:drinker:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hey, I want in! I just got home from work and saw this...and i have a pair of sexy red heels that I am hoping to wear with something else equally sexy! come Halloween Pleeeeeeeeeeease? :flowerforyou:
  • sarahkatie28
    LOL.... The name dragged me in, then all the shoe talk got me hooked! You girls are out of my league though, with all your designer shoes. I live in Michigan's UP and have nowhere to wear them. I have some sexy shoes, that I bought 2 years ago, and have worn exactly.... twice. lol... Between the nowhere to go and the hazardous to wear heels weather conditions for 3/4 of the year...

    Anyways, if I've made the under 20 limit, yippeee... I did really well when I started, lost 20 lbs between September and December. Then had my stepmother come for a week visit, and the stress had me eating. Have been struggling to get back on track since then. I've lost another 20 lbs since then, but it's the same 5 over and over... Ha...

    Anyways, SW 187/ goal weight for Oct... 170

    Ummm... reading through further.... I guess my original way back when starting weight was 206
    Current weight 187 Oct. goal weight 170

    I have felt your pain!! Being from windy Wyoming and practically living on my horse wearing boots and jeans I had no reason to buy heels!! Now that I live in California though, it's not practical for me to wear wranglers all the time... IT'S TOO HOT!!!! :laugh:

    Love the shoes girl!!!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Hey Sexy Mamas!! To clarify who is all in this group..Whoever has posted before this post is in!! Yayyyyyyy!!! Tomorrow I will start a new thread and start a new one weekly..Example tomorrow will be Red High Heels Group (week one)...Good Luck to all of us!!! Remember no sweets tomorrow!! Lets jumstart our will power! You know you want them new shoes! lol...You guys are all great and this is going to be a really awesome group!!:drinker:

    WHOOHOO!!! Git 'er done!!!:laugh:

    Texbelle...thanks love!! Likewise, yours are waaay hot!!
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Hey, I want in! I just got home from work and saw this...and i have a pair of sexy red heels that I am hoping to wear with something else equally sexy! come Halloween Pleeeeeeeeeeease? :flowerforyou:

    Ok and welcome!!!Our first challenge which will start 2morrow is ABSOLUTLY NO sweets..Good luck!!
  • cnutbrown
    cnutbrown Posts: 80 Member
    If there is room, please count me in!\

    I am 31

    SW 230
    CW 217
    GW 155

    I would like to hit 185 by 10/31!!