lindsayvernon Member


  • I think what you're describing is a recomp. This is a super slow process, but it is achievable with proper diet and getting in your exercise. Is there a reason you don't want to lift weights? Or is this just for general information whether it is possible?
  • sliding in on the last day of June, are you still providing information regarding the online consultation? Would be interested in knowing what it's all about.
  • Thanks for the reply. I've got an appointment booked for monday with my physiotherapist, so hopefully I'll get some answers and possible help with this pain. But I'll also ask my husband nicely if he'd mind taking a wee video of me doing my squats and hopefully get that posted as well. Anything to stop me from limping…
  • I would go and speak to a podiatrist if you are over pronating. They will say you need orthodics (insoles), they always do...and they will try and push their expensive ones. But you can ask for their advice on what areas of your feet need more support (your arches, heel lifts, etc.) and you can purchase supports at the…
  • I would say that you are doing fine, but know that sustaining a low cal diet is hard to do. 10 lbs in 4 weeks is great, so don't get down on yourself already. Just make sure that your diet consists of whole/fresh foods as much as possible as they help to keep your full longer. You will eventually start to stall on your…
  • If you're wanting to make your stomach and legs look better you're going to have to start lifing weights. No matter how much weight you lose, if you don't work your muscles you're not going to look or be toned. Losing 10lbs might not be the answer, hitting the gym and doing a full body weight program will probably help you…
  • With the incline DB row, can I increase the weight the same way I do with all my other lifts (2.5kg each time I do the workout)?
  • thanks for the suggestions, I'll give them a try the next time I have bent over rows in my workout.
  • The guy that was waiting for the squat rack didn't even do squats, he wanted it for the OHP (I'm guessing he wanted it more for the bar since it was the olympic bar). I completely get not hogging equipment, and I do understand being able to move out of the rack for other was more the fact that he just stood…
  • SHBoss1673 - when I was doing my rest my husband was doing his set of reps. So the equpiment was always being used by two people, it wasn't just me on my own. But the times that I might be alone at the gym and someone is waiting I will take your advice and see if they want to rotate their sets between mine.
  • interested lindsayvernon
  • just picking up a few points that you made in your post. You say that you are the queen of guesstimating, so you are admitting to not logging your food accurately and then you wonder why you are gaining weight. Invest in a food scale and weigh your food, it's really not that hard and not that time consuming. Tracking can…
  • Sadly once you have those stretch marks, you're kind of stuck with them. You can use products to try and lessen the look of them but they will always been there. Using bio-oil will make them appear less red, but again those stretch marks will still be there in the end. The best way to help lessen getting anymore would be…
  • I'll be logging. I might not be having my dinner that night, but when I do on the 28th and I'll be logging that as well. I'm getting in extra activity leading up to christmas to make sure that if I indulge that I am able to do so and not feel bad afterwards.
  • if you're looking to get a flatter stomach you might want to add some weight training into your workout routine. Cardio is great for burning calories, but to change your composition you need to be lifting. You seem like you're in the right frame of mind for getting the last few lbs off, it does take time for the last bit…
  • Just to make clear, you wouldn't burn anywhere near 300 calories jogging for 15 minutes. You would have to be doing a full out sprint to get numbers like that. Walking is a great way to get yourself started on incorporating exercise into your days, even if it is only for 15 minutes. You have to start somewhere. Focus on…
  • I have the opposite problem. I gain and lose in the my chest first. I've only lost 6lbs so far and most of that is off my chest, and I'm not very big in that area to start with (B cup). One thing I will say is when you're losing weight and it starts coming off your chest, make sure you are working the muscles in your chest…
  • any suggestions?
  • open up your diary so people can look at what you're eating and get a better picture of your eating habits. If you're following what MFP gives you for calories, you want to make sure that you are NETTING 1200 after your it would probably mean you need to eat more. You need to fuel your body to keep it going,…
  • So this is what your husband eats for his meals, are you eating the same? You haven't tracked anything in the last couple weeks, are you trying to find a diet to help you lose some weight?
  • how would eating like that make you sick?
  • I find that treating the weekends the same way I do weekdays to be the best way to keep myself on track. I pre-track as much as I can so I can see what I have to work with for the day. Try getting out fo the house for a walk, or even a good exercise session (be it cardio or weights) can help combat any extra eating you…
  • Thanks everyone for the responses, all very helpful. To note, I have done weights in the past but nothing extremely heavy. I'm really about proper technique and hoping to progress without doing myself an injury. I know I will have to up my protein when I start lifting, does this also mean that I should really start…
  • you do have the option of not having any of the drinks and nibbles at your lunch tomorrow. You can still be social but no one is physically forcing you to eat the food. Bring your own stuff in with you and have that instead, then you're in control.
  • I know this time of year is hard, but don't feel like you can't make it through those nights without going over your daily calorie budget. Try getting in some extra exercise to help burn some extra calories so you don't feel as guilty when you do go out for the meals. Try only eating half of what comes on your plate. I…
  • You're probably not going to like this, but you need to eat more food. If you are working out 5 days a week and only consuming aroudn 1200 calories you're leaving your body in a position with not enough fuel. You should also look at weighing out your food and using a HRM for your exercise (if you aren't already) as you…
  • water, water, water...and then when you're done with that, even more water. Try to limit your salt as well. Are you constipated too? That causes some major bloating as well, so if you are possibly look at senocot to help with that.
  • friend request sent!
  • there is not way to "maximise" your weight loss, but there are steps to help get you going in the right direction. If you have a significant amout of weight to lose it'll come off quicker to start but slow down as you get closer to your goal weight. Don't set unrealistic goals, focus on your health more than the numbers on…
  • those are bipolar meds, you might want to talk to your doctor before you decide to stop taking them.