bitterrevenge Member


  • What would you suggest doing if I were to stick to the program that I am doing, increasing my calories? As I mentioned at the moment I am overweight so I still need to lose the fat.
  • Thanks guys, he didn't devise the lifting plan as a way to build muscle, just as a way to get me into weight lifting, it's something I've always been interested in but not something I've had the confidence to just go to the gym and start doing myself. He just talked me through what to do for each muscle group with the plan…
  • I got my last tattoo on the side of my calf and I was at the gym the day after. My partner said it would be fine (He's been a tattoist for years). The best thing to do it is if it's on a part of the body that will stretch then to just apply whatever ointment you are using before you workout in order to give it some…
  • I really like it tbf - To me it doesn't seem watered down, but it is less tangy than regular orange juice.
  • I know that's the sensible idea, I'm just a bit miffed as I only started my new gym on Firday and I have the whole week off work and was looking forward to working out :(
  • I have recently been on holiday with someone pretty much the same height and weight as you, they flew on a thomas cook flight in econemy class, rest assured they fit in the seat, it's snug for me and I'm 140lb. Plane seats are snug for everyone! She did however have to ask for a belt extention, but the flight attendant was…
  • I have been taking pictures every 2 weeks and there is generally no difference.
  • I eat out reguarly, at least 2 or 3 times a week, aslong as it fits into your daily allowances then go ahead. I don't see the problem myself, I enjoy eating at restaurants and if I gave up eating the food and the places I enjoy I would fall of the wagon very quickly
  • Ok thanks, I think I'll start upping it gradually and see how I get on
  • I just did the calculations included in the insanity nutrition guide and according to my results to lose a 1lb a week I could eat 1900 calories but that seems relatively high for me
  • Yes it is, because I was only doing 30ds occasionally I didn't bother logging it on here so I was purely eating 1400 a day regardless of my activity level for the day
  • Try shopping at different times of the day, I went earlier than usual yesterday and managed to pick up loads of discounted turkey (burgers/breasts/strips) that I can freeze. Typically though I live on - Oatmeal or eggs for breakfast - Asda do 12 eggs for £2 If you like things like soup and noodles etc try B&M's or home…
  • I thought so at first and the 1200 calorie limit did help me lose weight for a while, but then I got stuck! I upped my calories to 1400 and the weight has started flying off, bare in mind I'm a 140lb short women so you should be eating more than 1200. I'm sure someone will come along with a more definate answer soon though
  • Thanks a lot for the helpful advice. - Looks like I'll be upping my calories - Which I won't complain about :)
  • 5,4", 140lb, 23, I would say light activity - my shifts include me standing the whole shift but not really moving a lot and I do the 30ds
  • Although most days I am at 1200, two days a week I am over by a good few hundred calories so I figured that this would average out over the week. 5 days a week I am at or slightly under 1200 - due to work shifts I only eat two main meals and snacks. On the other two days I eat 3 meals and probably eat around 1600-1700.