Stuck for about 2 months - Help please!!!

Hi, I am a 23 yo female, I weight 140lb and am 5'4. I have been stuck at 140 for about 2 months (give or take 1 or 2 lb)

Before these 2 months I was eating 1200cal a day with no exercise, I then started 30 day shred and upped my calories to 1400 with still no progress. I then 2 weeks ago started doing insanity and am now aiming for 1550 cals a day.

My numbers may seem low but 1 or 2 days a week I do go over my calories so it averages out during the week.

I'm sick of working hard and losing nothing, I'm also not gaining that much muscle so I really don't know what to do.

Any advice?

Thanks :)


  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    Measure yourself. The scale doesn't show the whole picture.
  • bitterrevenge
    bitterrevenge Posts: 25 Member
    I have been taking pictures every 2 weeks and there is generally no difference.