

  • Could you walk for 30 minutes? that should burn about 225 or so...salad with chicken is probably your best bet.
  • I have been under my calorie goal AND working out 5-6 days per week burning 500+ calories each day and I have lost 0 weight! I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have been trying to eat healthy foods, lots of fruits and veggis, complex carbs and protein. I am really starting to get discouraged!
  • I am 5'7" and 140 is pretty accurate for your height. I am trying to get down to 135, but I am doing this knowing that I'll fluctuate 5 pounds up/down once I get to this weight. It also depends on your body structure, amount of exercise, etc. Good luck with your goal!
  • Thank you for your response! I have been working really hard, and gaining weight. I think it is because I am not eating enough. It makes much more sense now; when I work out, I need to eat the extra calories to keep my body burning calories effectively. :)
  • It DOES matter what time you stop eating...if you stay within your calories but you're eating too many too close to bedtime, you won't lose weight as efficiently. I try to stop eating after 6:00. sometimes I'll eat one small tablespoon of peanut butter around 8 if I get hungry. Protein begins metabolizing quicker than…
  • Wearing a good quality sports bra, which is more expensive of course, really does help!!! Also, it is supposed to help if you start wearing a bra to bed every night. Kind of helps them reform. Under Armour sports bras are AMAZING!!!
  • I would definitely try to stay within the ORIGINAL calorie goal and only use the excess calories you are given on occasion. You should also check the thyroid bc that could be it. Hang in there!!! If you're doing spinning, you could be building muscle. Have you taken measurements? Try that
  • Maybe while you're nursing, you should workout, but not watch your calorie intake as strictly. I definitely know you need more than 1200 while nursing, around 1800-2000 should be enough to keep losing while nursing.
    in Nursing Mom Comment by mtracy11 May 2010
  • Alcohol has a lot of carbohydrates so if you are drinking it in the evening, your body is storing it as fat. Even if you are under your calories, you are probably overconsuming carbs and at the worst time of day!!! Try mixing 1/2 the wine with diet sprite or another spritzer! It's half the calories and still settles the…
  • Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! I love to hear stories just like yours!!!
  • Force yourself out of bed and go for a walk with your dog!!! This will begin to stimulate endorphins that not only help you burn calories, but rid your body of the crampy bloated feeling that comes along with that special time of each month. :) If you HAVE to have something sweet, try fat free pudding. It's pretty good and…
  • I'm glad to see you on here! I have the same problem and over the past few weeks, I have realized that there are ways to make changes that still taste good, but don't have the adverse affects to your health. Using applesauce in recipes instead of oil, extra virgin olive oil, and less butter and NO margarine are all great…
  • I think Koli and Sam come off that way, but because they are just at a different place with their weight loss. I think they are honestly determined and self-motivated and I believe that no matter where they are, they are going to lose the weight and keep it off. I think Daris should win! He has worked so hard all season…