luis1984 Member


  • It is ok, we all have our slip ups. There are times when I have a beer here and there or some chocolate cake and still manage to lose, however not as much as I expected. That is life!
  • To make it easy for you let me tell you what I do, for low carb days I eat 1,500 calories and if you divide that up in five meals that is equals to 300 cals per meal. Also keep in mind that regardless of a high carb low carb day for breakfast you must eat a high carb breakfast menaing half of those calories must come from…
  • Why don't you try protein shakes, just make sure they don't have more than five grams of carbs per serving and no more than three grams of sugars. Those work better than protein bars and you don't eat all the chemicals
  • You are supposed to slingshot every four weeks: 4,8,12 three times per a three month period. I am on my second slingshot week, I still tend to lose at least 1 lb during my slingshot
  • Hi, I would like to say that there really isnt a proper excuse to say I can't work out, ihave a lot to do, or I cant cook. I am probably the bussiest person there is literally. I am a single dad of a three year old with a full time job, I am also a full time graduate sudent, I cook my meals ahead every day, follow the…
  • I can imagine been difficult specially if your partner isnt on the program. I can kind of relate, while I dont have a significant other I live with my daughter and so I cant force her to eat my way she is only three years old so there is a lot of temptemtaion at home. Kepp it up because you are doing this for you.
  • I think that if you are not up to cooking, then you should make your quick meals. I think as long as you know your calorie intake and know what you LC days consist of (protein, veggies, fats) and your HC days (protein, carbs, veggies). It is not so hard as you think. I go grocery shopping once a week and I stock my fridge…
  • I think it doesnt matter where you go because the norm in lc days is just protein and veggies and fat I dont know what is your calorie intake on low carb days but due you are a woman I am assuming you eat the 1,200? just eat your protein and veggies dont eat your desserts even if they are included cuz if you do all the…
  • I think I do pretty good as far as water goes. I am starting week three and lets see what the scale says this saturday
  • I completly hear you on that one. For some reason I read the book once but I constantly find myself going back to make sure I understand and dont mke any assumptions. I would use the tape measure but I dont think I know how to use it well. I guess for me the best way to know my progress is by the scale. I am starting week…
  • Hi, I am on week two but I am up for the ride.
  • Did anybody found themselves losing the first week on the chose to lose and week two losing only half of a pound or not losing any? that happened to me. I do my shappers on my low cab days first thing in the morning and do my shreeders six days a week at night, I am 5'10 and eat 1500 on my low carb and 2000 on my high…
  • Im new as well, although have been on the program for two weeks. It is weird because the first week I lost 4lbs and yesterday's weight in I only lost half pound? weird... Anyways I remember in the book Chris talks about how smetimes your body can't catch up with your weight and it delays it but once your body does the…
  • Hi Lisa, I get what you are saying, I started with my own version of the adkins. I was initially 238 lbs on April, I decided to get rid of almost 60 extra lbs of weight that I accumulated since i left the military. As I was saying, I lost the first 18lbs on my own version of th adkins but my doctor adviced me that if I was…