Richelle73 Member


  • I so agree! I was advised by a trainer lately to drink a gallon of water a day which is 3.78 liters. I have been using water bottles that are sold by the liter to keep track of my water intake. So i drink 3 1-liter bottles or 2 1.5-liters. I just refill at home and take it with me. I lost 6 lb by increasing my water…
  • I just read someone elses post about bumps, I never new about that. Where is the Bump choice?
  • I got hives after the birth of my first child, it was horrible; so I feel for you!! Go and pick up the benadryl spray, its less messy then the cream and easier to apply while you are at work. Hope you feel better.
  • My husband always told me I should eat 5 small meals, he told me it kicks up your metabolism. I never believed him until now. I always skipped breakfast and ate brunch at 10 or 11, maybe snacked and had a big healthy dinner. But I kept gaining. Now I eat breakfast, a snack, etc and I am loosing. I am taking this slow and…
    in Help Comment by Richelle73 June 2010
  • When you don't drink enough water that's when your body will retain it making you bloat. Just like when you skip meals your body thinks its starving it stores the calories, same thing with water. My water has to be cold or its hard for me to drink it and I use a cup that holds 16oz.. Lemon helps and tea also is counted as…
  • Adding fruit to your oatmeal! LOL Cheerios with a banana or strawberries. Toast with peanut butter on it...I have been eating oatmeal also but with 1/2 cup of blueberries. Then i might have cereal a couple days later or I have one egg on toast. I don't like eggs by themselves. But I guess you don't have to worry about…
  • Wow, what an amazing job! When you entered your BMI what did it say that your average weight should be. I found on the internet another BMI calculator. It gave the BMI for fast weight lose which is the calories that this sight gave me as my goal. But it also gave a BMI for maintaining. I think if you are happy where you…
  • Way to go at being dedicated to yourself and making a good choice. Remember you can still celebrate with your friend, just make a different choice - you could have a salad instead of that burger. I feel that this isn't a diet but about making new choices, just as you are doing. If you don't feel that you have the self…
  • What if you had a big breakfast, eat most of your calories through out the day, then you will have less to eat in the evening.
  • Way to go!! Congratulations! I feel motivated LOL How fun, I think I will take some before also....I know when I was smaller I didnt feel good about myself and I just kept gaining and when ever I did I would think why wasn't I happy when I was this, and then I would gain more and then question myself again. Pictures are a…
  • Hi Tracy, I love water and that's all that quenches my thirst. I have a cup and I can add 2 cups to it and then I just keep filling that up as I go. I would suggest not drinking other things, they will prevent you from your water intake. I haven't really started working out yet. I have been increasing my activity. Sadly…
  • Hi, I think we have about the same weight to loose. I never had a weight problem and as I got into my 30s I was just in denial and the weight just kept coming on and I kept waiting for it to fall off, It never did. So welcome to the sight.. I use to like to cook, I would like to find that part of me again.. Maybe we could…
  • I am going to try mike's light hard lemonade or mike's light hard cranberry lemonade. They each have about... 98 calories
  • Wow, That is amazing! Congratulations on your weight lose and dedication. Have fun Shopping!!
  • I heard an idea; ask for a to go container, box up 1/2 your food to take home and eat the other 1/2 while you are dining.
  • Welcome, I have been doing this for 2 wks now and I really like it. I am sorry about your back pain, I also suffer from back pain and have become very sedentary. I would wake up between 3 - 5 am in pain and would get up because the pain was just to much. Some days were worse then others. I went to the Dr. they said I had…
  • I love Cabernet....They say one glass is healthy for you at a meal. So limit yourself to one glass and more for your cheat day. Start adding in a snack at 10am and one at 3 pm... Do your research of what would be a good calorie source with the foods you like. Maybe an Apple, eat one half and then the other half later,…
  • If packing your own meal is what you need to help you have self control; then you have to do what you know you have to do. You are not being rude at all. For me this is the first time in my life that I am taking care of me. You are more important than what they think, Love yourself and keep taking care of yourself.…
  • Thank you everyone for all the encouragement and nice things that you said. It gave me that boost!! I am not sad anymore that my friends aren't doing this with me. Its not about them anymore, its about me/us loving us and making the changes that we want in our lives. I feel motivated and am excited that we have each other…
  • At Raleys in the health food section there is a Chinese tea called Super Slimming Tea/diet tea By Triple Leaf and comes in a red box. Brew some up at night, but make sure you aren't going anywhere the next day, it works!! They also have a Detox. I haven't tried that one,
  • I bought a pair from Kohls, they always are offering you coupons and free money. I bought them for ½ the price. I put mine on and went to cook dinner;. just standing there I thought my toes were going to fall off. However I did get use to them. Its amazing how tall and straight you stand. I felt odd at first standing with…