cileee21 Member


  • I saw that show the other day too! I agree, it's definitely a great motto and great attitude to have.
  • YUM! That sounds like heaven in a bowl. :-) Thanks for sharing.
  • I'm fairly new as well and keeping track really shocked me. I had no idea I was eating as many calories as I was. I like that I can plan out my menu for the entire day. That helps keep me on track because I just check off what I've eaten and what I still have left to eat for the day. I also love how working out earns you…
  • I don't count diet soda...since there are no calories or sugars anyway...I figure it doesn't matter. I don't count it in my daily water intake though...since it can't possibly be that good for me.
  • Oh yeah.. weekends are tough...especially in the summer. I try to stick to a similar eating routine for saturday, but sundays seem to turn into a free for all. :-) oh well... baby steps.
  • It's so difficult to get 64 oz. of water in daily. Lately I've taken to playing games with myself in order to be sure I drink enough. I'm not up to my 8 glasses a day yet, but I'm getting close. My new favorite game is not to let myself off the treadmill until I drink the big bottle I bring with me. I figure it's a win win…
  • Welcome Jenn! I'm fairly new too and have found this site to be extremely helpful. It's so easy to track my calories and get a good picture of what I need less or more of! :-)
  • Sounds like you may need more protein in the morning to keep you fuller longer. And add in a small snack like a piece of fruit. It takes me about 10 minutes to make and eat an egg white burrito. I use 1 egg and 2 egg whites, scramble them with a tiny bit of spray "butter", then roll it up in a whole wheat, low carb…
  • I didn't see too many healthy options at this restaurant. I would most likely go for the grilled chicken fajitas, but would ask them to go light on the spices to keep sodium content down and light on the cheese, and also serve it with just the salsa. No guacamole or sour cream.
  • That's pretty much the reason why I joined this site (that, and my friend sent me the link)...but I've dieted tons of times on my own, but never tried it with any real support or community to turn to with questions, concerns, or to share my successes with! I know I'll lose the weight.. but it will be so much more fun doing…
  • Hi Robin~ I also just joined! A friend sent me the link and I was instantly hooked! I love the fact that there is an online community where we can share thoughts and successes! Andrea