First Day Failure

withtree Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
This is my first day on myfitnesspal and I am shocked to see that, at 2pm, I have already eaten my allowed calorie amount. I have lost 17 lbs, since Jan 1st 2010, but I have not lost another pound for the past month. Keeping a food diary is an eye opener and shows me that I eat way more than I think that I eat. I can no longer eat it and forget it. I am now forced to be accountable for what I eat and this is good. I am looking forward to reaching my goal of 135 lbs by my birthday in October. Thanks for reading.:smile:


  • Adkins_Sherri
    Adkins_Sherri Posts: 14 Member
    Hello there! Welcome! I am fairly new as well. I've been using this site for a little over 2 weeks now. If you don't mind, could you set your profile to public so that everyone can take a look at your daily food journal? That way everyone can take a look at what you are eating and give you some pointers! Look forward to getting to know you!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Welcome and good luck! Get some exercise in so you can eat a healthy supper! :) And look at your "failure "as a learning opportunity... which it seems you already are.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    Yes, it is quite an eye opener is it not? That is why IMHO that this site works. To thine ownself be true. Log every bite. Don't fudge and you will become accountable and not only lose weight but become healthier. Good Luck!
  • onyxlibra7
    onyxlibra7 Posts: 93
    No gain! U know what u have to do now so it's ALL GOOD! Get on it girl! And good job with ur weightloss btw. =D
  • Adkins_Sherri
    Adkins_Sherri Posts: 14 Member
    If you don't know how to change your food diary to "public", just go to the first tab at the top of the page that says "MY HOME" click that, then you will see a tab that says "SETTINGS" click that. One you get into settings, look for the one that something like "Diary" or "Food Diary" Click that. It will give you some options as to how to set your profile so that only people you have selected as friends can see it or you can open it up to everyone.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Don't think of it as a failure. You made choices today. You learned from them. Education, even from making mistakes, is always a success.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    This is my first day on myfitnesspal and I am shocked to see that, at 2pm, I have already eaten my allowed calorie amount. I have lost 17 lbs, since Jan 1st 2010, but I have not lost another pound for the past month. Keeping a food diary is an eye opener and shows me that I eat way more than I think that I eat. I can no longer eat it and forget it. I am now forced to be accountable for what I eat and this is good. I am looking forward to reaching my goal of 135 lbs by my birthday in October. Thanks for reading.:smile:

    I prepare my food for the day, then log in before eating anything. Make adjustments at that time.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    It's not a failure, it's a realization!

    I know I eat WAAAAY more than I realize I do when I don't track it and write it down. MFP has been a big help for me - I think you'll get a lot out of it. I think learning clever ways to get the most bang for your calorie is actually kind of fun :tongue:

    Best of luck!
  • Adkins_Sherri
    Adkins_Sherri Posts: 14 Member
    Ow, I forgot to mention this. I actually get on this site first thing in the morning while eating my breakfast. I go ahead and log everything I plan on eating at that time. That way if I go over my points in any certain category I can revise it then before I actually eat the food. After I make sure all points are where they need to be, I print it off and hang it on my refrigerator. If I am going to work that day I bring a copy of it with me and hang it up at work, that way I don't stray from my plan!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    It took me a week to see what you realized in the first day. I agree with a previous poster about why this site is so helpful. You gotta force yourself to be honest about what you eat and then see the reality of it. I have restructed my life since the first week here and I am amazed at how well its working.

    there are plenty of posts here that will help you figure out what to change in your diet... good luck!
  • cileee21
    cileee21 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm fairly new as well and keeping track really shocked me. I had no idea I was eating as many calories as I was. I like that I can plan out my menu for the entire day. That helps keep me on track because I just check off what I've eaten and what I still have left to eat for the day. I also love how working out earns you more food calories. :-) It's summer and I have a weakness for those Edy's fruit bars.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Don't think of it as a failure. You made choices today. You learned from them. Education, even from making mistakes, is always a success.

    I second this post!!! Now you know what you need to do and you couldn't have been doing that bad if you have seen some progress! Now you know how to make even greater success and have the tools to do it....not to mention all the support in the world. It takes time, but you'll get there. It's a working progress and the good part is you're not alone!! So, welcome and good luck! :flowerforyou:
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