Need help, I am starving!

momof5kiki Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So I had a bowl of cereal (I know wrong choice as it was crap cereal) and a cup of coffee for breakfast. I had 24 ounces of water between breakfast and lunch. Now I just had a smart ones meal, and I am starving. I have no idea how I am going to hold out until dinner time. It's only 12:30. I am going to try drinking another 24 ounces of water, but I only have 600 calories left for the day. I know there has to be some secrets to not starving all day, and water is not working for me. The only thing it is making me do is go to the bathroom every 20 min.


  • jbunn12
    jbunn12 Posts: 2
    If i get hungry inbetween meals I used to use the weight watchers point system to measure how much i was eating each day. There are foods that have zero point values and i would always eat those foods inbetween my meals as snacks. (celery, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, onions cucumber green peppers) you can make a pretty good salad with that and use fat free italian dressing
    Another thing i used to use and just started back on today are some pills called PGX daily, they helped me about 9 months ago when i began my weight loss journey and i have felt like i need there help again. they help to keep you full. you have to drink a half a glass of water per pill you take but it seemed to work for me and i loved them
  • MissCaraElaine
    MissCaraElaine Posts: 3 Member
    One good trick is to eat things higher in fiber. Oatmeal or an apple are usually easy. You just have to be careful with the instant oatmeals. Most are loaded with as much sugar as the "crap" cereals. I eat the Active Lifestyle brand.

    It is also a good idea to plan your calories so you can snack during the day. If you don't you will be so hungry by dinner time you are more likely to over eat. I like to eat almonds. They are high in fat, so you only need a handful of them, but they are really filling and have tons of health benefits. Go for the raw or unsalted varieties.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Well I eat snacks between meals (meaning I am munching on something every 2 hours just about) and I earn extra calories by going walking or doing intensive chores. You don't have to starve, just burn the excess with exercise.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    sipping hot tea or chewing gum work for me (most of the time). If that doesn't work I grab a tablespoon of peanut butter!
  • cileee21
    cileee21 Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like you may need more protein in the morning to keep you fuller longer. And add in a small snack like a piece of fruit. It takes me about 10 minutes to make and eat an egg white burrito. I use 1 egg and 2 egg whites, scramble them with a tiny bit of spray "butter", then roll it up in a whole wheat, low carb tortilla. It's about 160 calories and keeps me full until about 11 am. Then I'll have a snack of about 100 calories. Hope this helps!! It sucks being hungry!! :-)
  • sheenmarie3
    sheenmarie3 Posts: 38 Member
    Try to eat several small snacks inbetween small meals. It helps to keep your metabolism going and helps keep you full. :happy:
  • my3kids
    my3kids Posts: 59 Member
    I always start my day off with 9-12 grams of something protein..Protein helps keep you full longer..Veggie stix are always a great snack inbetween meals and are good source of vitamins that your body needs when you start any diet. sometimes you think that your starving and your just thirsty. eat something small every 2 hrs ..
  • ydavyd
    ydavyd Posts: 15 Member
    this exact issue was addressed today at WW meeting. Our leader suggested having at least 3 oz of protein per meal. I think I need to have at least 20gm per meal in order not to be hungry. I know it sound like a lot and I've never tried that. But this is what I will be working on and I will keep you update.
    Ex: Chobani plain yogurt has 18gm and banana or other fruits. Should be 20 gm of protein :)
    My other idea is deli chicken meat. 3 oz is almost 16 gm, with bread and hummus, probably around 20 gm

    Anybody else has an idea? I'm having the same problem.
  • i would put a snack in between your meals so you arent starving. i found this a great help for me.
    breakfast and lunch i used to go without snacks until i started gettting more into my routine. but now that im waking up earlier... i gotta have snacks.
    either that? or make sure you make mini meals so after ever? hmmm.. 2 or 3 hours. eat your meals/snack.

    so you keep your body working and not only that your body isnt starving.

    have a protein bar, meal replacement, or something with fiber and nuts, or something with protein and something else? i hope this helps you
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    You need to eat if you're hungry, :smile:

    What was the cereal? I have cheerios with strawberries & 2% milk, and it's filling and under 200 cals.

    Then an apple for a snack when I get to work, there's another 60 cals.

    Lunch is some kind'a leftover meat from dinner (lean & grilled, never fried). A big salad, maybe a little of some kind of starch like rice or potato, usually about 350-400 calories for lunch.

    Another nice piece of fruit for afternoon snack, an orange or banana, there's another 60 cals. Maybe grab 100 cals worth of pretzels if necessary.

    So - I come home from work having eaten tons'a food, and I'm not that hungry, and i've only had 800'ish cals - and I'm a 200 pound man. It's not that hard, you're still learning what to eat. Go for the big bulk/lo cal stuff. Fruits are good, veggies are great, lou'll get it.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Eat a piece of fruit of some baby carrots. Don't let yourself get to the point where you are starving, it puts you at a greater risk of eating something unhealthy.

    There's no way I could eat only 3 meals a day, I snack between each meal. Breakfast is a 8am, then a snack at 10, lunch at 12, another snack at 3 and then dinner about 6. Some days I'll have a snack at night too. Some times I feel like all I do is eat but it's all healthy stuff so it's been working for me.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I find that when I eat just cereal for breakfast I am starving all day! I have been trying to get in some protein at breakfast (eggs, fruit/yogurt) or even just oatmeal and those seem to keep me full longer. I also find I can make my own lunch with a lot more filling food than the Smart Ones entrees! :) I'm just putting that out there for future reference... I found that even if I add a side of leftover vegetables (low calorie ones) to the Smart Ones meal that it helped a lot. You can steam up some broccoli easily or microwave an ear of corn in just a couple of minutes as well.

    Today -- can you get some fruit, veggies, or some nuts? Both are high in fiber and will help curb hunger. Almonds are great for this! Or celery and peanut butter (though pb has calories). Go for a walk after supper and get a couple hundred more calories to work with for the day as well!
  • drucilla8
    drucilla8 Posts: 15
    I know one thing that helps me during the day when I feel myself getting hungry in between meals is packing healthy snacks that I can nibble on through out the day. For instance, if you like strawberries cut up about 1 cup of strawberries and that could be a snack to eat at least 2 or three hours after you've eaten breakfast. Then you're not starving when lunch time comes around. The you would do the same for after lunch, maybe another two to three hours after you've eaten lunch eat another healthy snack like baby carrots, orange slices, celery with peanut butter. Just count out the number of carrots you eat, how many orange slices and how many Tbsp's of peanut butter and how many celery sticks. This has always helped me, because if dont eat anything in between these meals then you're starving by the time you eat lunch or dinner and that's when people over eat. Also, you can use some of the techniques from weight watchers where it tells you what the "filling foods" are. So after you eat breakfast/lunch your not still starving.

    If you just started you're gonna feel hungry in the beginning, because you're drastically cutting back on the number of calories your body is use to consuming so it's gonna take few days for you to get used to it. But stay strong and keep posting so we can work through it with you. We're all in it together to get healthy. ( Sorry if that shows kind of sappy....LOL!!!)

    Good Luck!!!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Sounds like you may need more protein in the morning to keep you fuller longer. And add in a small snack like a piece of fruit. It takes me about 10 minutes to make and eat an egg white burrito. I use 1 egg and 2 egg whites, scramble them with a tiny bit of spray "butter", then roll it up in a whole wheat, low carb tortilla. It's about 160 calories and keeps me full until about 11 am.

    That sounds rather nice! Will have to try that!
  • jaerene
    jaerene Posts: 18 Member
    I agree with the great suggestions you've gotten. I personally have snacks scheduled, and get plenty of protein and add healthy fat from sources like almonds. But it sounds like you need a right now - today solution for having enough to eat for the rest of the day. I think going out and getting some exercise, to earn some extra calories, might really help you today. Fit in a few 10 minute walks if you don't have time for anything else. Eat a healthy snack so you don't end up wanting to eat everything in sight later. I love balance bars, Pure Protein Bars, and MetRX bars. They help me a lot between meals, with plenty of protein! Good luck!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    You need protein, veggies, nuts and some fruit.

    What you have eaten so far is basically very processed and empty carbs and calories which your body burned up in no time flat.

    Do you have a vending machine where you can get some nuts such as almonds, cashews or maybe even some peanuts would be better than sitting at work being hungry.
  • fonrouge82
    fonrouge82 Posts: 50 Member
    If I am hungry between meals, I eat a hard-boiled egg. 70 calories and it keeps me full. I make them ahead of time and they are there when I need them. It works for me! :flowerforyou:
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I'm guessing you have 5 children? That said, I bet you work up exercise calories each day. Are you adding those into your total amount of food allowed each day? Means more calories for more food (especially low fat food), and = less starvation.
    What about fat-free yogurt? Or the fat-free healthy breads? Make your milk, salad dressings, and anything you can, as low fat as possible. With all the water you are drinking (8 cups per day), you should be able to flush out any extra sodium from the fat-free stuff.
    Less fat calories means more calories for the healthy stuff.
    You have fun! :drinker:
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    For breakfast, after I have been to the gym I have been having

    2 slices of pumpernickel bread - thin slices about 50 cals each - toasted

    1 tablespoon of philidelphia spread between the 2

    2 slices of smoked salmon (which I leave soaking in lemon for a minute before I put on the bread)

    It comes to around 250 calories and it keeps me full until lunch.... and there is protein in the salmon and the philidelphia

    I think you need to spread your calories around a little so you can eat healthy snacks in between and as everyone else has said... protein at breakfast keeps you fuller for longer
  • her's my thing, I was not hungry until about 11:30. Then I ate at 12. I gelt more hungry after I ate. Is that normal? Now I still feel like I am starving. Like I didn't even eat anything at all.

    I do have blood sugar issues (low) so when I get hungry, if I don't eat soon, my blood sugars usually seem to drop shortly after. How is it possible that I feel more hungry after eating? The smart ones I ate was rice and beans.
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