steve8113 Member


  • weight training, u need to lift big to get big. i have the same eating habits etc as u. started lifting about a month ago. i have noticed more change now that i did losing 30lbs before that goodluck
  • There is a difference, muscle strength is anaerobic ( doesn't use oxygen to create the energy needed) and endurance is aerobic (uses oxygen to create needed energy. the main difference in these is high reps u use aerobic and low is anaerobic. when u do low rep and heavy weights u actually use different muscle (type II)…
  • Yeah water isnt a problem as i have always carried a water bottle with me, its a habit. im just totally lost because if anything i shoulve retained water. also i am trying to ease into maintenance as i am 1.72m tall and 67kg, no need to lose weight really, maybe just the last 1 or 2kgs. but not totally fussed as my goal…
  • i usually weight in a few times a week but only 1 to add to this site on fri morns. i usually weigh in before i know i will eat extra just to get a feel. im playing around with everything so when i hit maintenance i know what i need. just that the few times i have eaten more there has been a big jump
  • i made it my own goal, mfp actually had me on 1300. so i am eating :D trust me, feels like i never stop.
  • thanks everyone for replying, yes your all right. good to see there is a difference :D
  • from my understanding u want to eliminate carbs after a workout unless you want get fitness gains. this is because u will continue to burn fat if u dont eat the arbs due to an insulin response as insulin has a negative fat for the release of fat tissue for energy.
  • i just noticed the pic is small, any way of making it bigger?
  • i think the only way u can tell is with a HR monitor. from stuff i have found a pushup burns on average .83 calories. so u burnt a few.
  • yeah, you do 3 weeks then recovery. it actually goes quite quick. i was surprised. dont take pics for a bit yet, got to wait till ay 30 lol. my results aren't dramatic but i can feel it working. i am starting to increase my calories now though, i was working on about 1400 but going upto 1500-1600 as i think its needed. i…
  • congrats, let the good times roll. im finally on recovery week of phase 1 :D seeing a difference now :D love it
  • 4759 + 18 = 4778
  • thats very true, but the thing u have to be aware of is the intensity, at higher intensities you use carbs rather than fat. so best would be long endurance type events. the truth is that you can burn more calories at a higher intensity, but these aren't always the calories u want to burn, ie carbs. the reason sprinters use…
  • you need to do more than 30 mins in one session ideally. After 30 mins you start to use your fat stores greater than you do in the first 30 mins. when you start to do exercise you initially start to use carb stores as ur energy source. this use of carbs is due to the increase in insulin levels at the onset of exercise. at…