Dave198lbs Member


  • you seem to find fault with many of my posts. I did not mean it to be patronizing.
  • for the person brand new to taking some control of their health and deciding to finally lose weight, whether from a doctor's advice or peer pressure or just some sort of self awakening, the power of positive thinking cannot be emphasized enough. If a person believes and is committed to not eating after 7 pm, or cutting…
  • the sad truth is, the people who make bogus claims are not even going to read this thread because the title had the word research in it. It would be nice if a forum existed that followed the OP's guide, but MFP is not it.
  • While that may be true, some "opinions" are passed off as gospel and the danger is that a newbie or naive person may take it as truth and start doing IF because they read here that it cures shin splints.
  • I have done an intentional IF regimen and had success with it. I am now LCHF and find I do IF as a by product of my increased satiety from the high fat diet. I dont recall whether any of the IF regimens call for a specific time for the eating window. Mine changed periodically and I found no great variance in my results.
  • you can't make me do all those things. BUT...I do wish people would at least consider doing them before they post about the newest cure for cancer.
  • I would think that unless your blood is being analyzed as you pedal away, it would be impossible to do anything except make a wild guess as to whether you are burning stored carbohydrates and certainly a wild guess as to how much.
  • actually meal timing throughout the day is irrelevant. Our bodies do not use the man made idea of time when it comes to using the food we put in our mouths. Even going on a 24 hour time table is irrelevant.
  • a couple of glasses of cold water and then doing something (cleaning or reading or jumping jacks or anything to get your mind distracted) can work wonders to curb your appetite
  • good post. I will never understand why so many are so quick to brag about all the sugar they eat. Sugar is not the devil but all the sugar that is added to so many foods (like the low and no fat versions of otherwise great food like greek yogurt) can easily be avoided by buying the full of good fat variety. Unfortunately,…
  • that is fantastic. maybe you never ate that much sugar in the first place?
  • ugghhhhh.........the magic catch phrase of MFP. A good and valid reason to track sugar is for overall health. To say you don't even need to track it is absurd. If you just ignore it then why even bother with any of this counting and tracking. All the IIFYM crowd actually do sort of track sugar if they track carbs, which of…
  • give it a try.....regardless of the xoming storm of "just eat in a deficit" crowd. You might like it....you might hate it....it won't hurt you so give it a try.
  • if by doing a "cleanse" you mean getting more water and more fiber via veggies and fruit and such, then by all means do a "cleanse". A "cleanse" can help if what it really means is an improvement on your regular diet such as drinking more water and eating more fiber filled veggies and fruit.
  • for me, a low carb and high fat diet is giving me great benefits. For advice and encouragement, the MFP forums are probably your last resort. there are a few here (in this thread actually) who will remain sane about it, but overall, the MFP crowd does not stay sane about low carb. ignore the warnings that you MUST do it…
  • so....when the zombies come, and come they will, you will have no cardiovascular conditioning and be one of the first out of breath, panting zombie feeders? thank you in advance
  • and I try to eat more fat (while staying in a deficit) and that sums it up....there is no "one way" to get where you are going
  • no, no and another no.
  • for me...just me...only me...(as in I am not advising you to do it) and from a purely satiety approach, I aim for fat then protein and try to limit carbs to those I get from green leafy veggies, fage full fat yogurt and heavy cream for my coffee. From a healthy approach, I actually do the same but make sure I get in that…
  • take a break. noone will deny that cutting up a cow or pulling a potato out of the ground is a "process". That is not the kind of "processing" that clean or healthy eaters are talking about.
  • when "clean" eaters and "healthy" eaters talk about "processing" or "processed" foods, most people understand that they mean added preservatives and artificial flavor enhancements that are not found naturally in the food...i.e. mass produced foods. Noone denies that a butcher cutting up a cow into steaks is a form of…
  • curious...what "side effects"?
  • yes I did. The truth is that something like 97% of people doing this type of drastic "cleanse" will give up or significantly alter the regimen within the first 24 hours.
  • good luck. there is nothing wrong with a short 3 day break from your normal diet. it may or may not do anything significant. Just be warned that many here will blast you for even thinking about it and especially for mentioning it. Drink a lot of water.
  • you want to nit pik? how do you cut a deer into sausage? is there a sausage section on the deer you kill? what do you mean by "maximal" processed? why invent arguments?
  • of course it's a no and no one claims otherwise. clean eating does not magically make calorie counts meaningless. So...you admit then that you were just over generalizing about why people try to eat clean?
  • you are assuming too much.....not all people are eating "clean" for fat loss alone...it seems to me that people who discuss eating clean are more concerned with overall health...everything sold and even garden grown involves some "processing" whether it be cultivating or packaging. Most of the people who bash "clean"…
  • yep.....all people trying to eat "clean" (whatever it means to them) are all just looking for an excuse to keep eating the same amounts...they ALL do this...every single one of them
  • but there are actually many (I would imagine) people who do not need nor want to focus on the ultra serious lifting you do. Many are lifting to maintain mass and increase some strength and overall fitness. Not everyone wants to do snatch and cleans and certainly, not everyone needs to. Weight lifting is an excellent…