

  • Frying them sounds like a good idea!!
  • Thanks for the advice! I certainly know a 1-2lb max weightloss is best. Right now, I am in a cleanse phase (doctor approved) to try and rid my body of gluten and dairy-and trying to deal with those HUGE changes have been difficult. It's a 21 day cleanse, so after those 21 days I will be on a more 'normal' regimine with a…
  • Felling great!! After a couple of weeks of wishy washy attempts at keeping on track, going up, down, back up, etc...I am back on track. Back to 17.8 lbs lost!! Now, I just need to keep it up! Pretty close to my next reward of new Lululemon yoga pants!! Feeling motivated and looking forward to more progress! Hopefully I can…
  • M verdict... Weird consistancy, flavorless (virtually) but just might curb my carb needs!! I'm not unhappy I bought them!
  • Wow! Thanks everybody! I saw a recipe for pho with them that looks pretty good-but I will keep all of this in mind. I just bought the sample pack today, so it'll be a bit before I try them out! Thanks again for the input! ac
  • Thats sort of what I was thinking...use them to make meals seem more substantial and curb those carb cravings... Thanks for the heads up on soaking up the flavor! good plan!
  • I know the initial weight loss was heavily based on water and my body eliminating salt, waste, etc... I track protein vs carbs heavily-as well as calories. And yes, I know the rapid loss at the beginning isnt reasonable for long...the only reason I was dropping like that was because i was doing a GF/DF cleanse to start my…
  • I have lost everyday for two weeks until the past two days, where i have stayed put... I was saying that the water makes a big difference in how i feel, sleep, etc. Just overall well being.
  • DAMN IT! i'm stuck! i haven't lost anything (i'd be happy with a quarter pound) since Sunday morning. What do i do to break this plateau??!
  • Nice job! Use the $300 to get something to keep you motivated, a garmin, or fitbit, or something!! Way to go, Ashley
  • i've been drinking upwards of 150 oz/ daily...and it's crazzzzzy how much difference it makes! but i am getting really sick of it, so trying to change it up with at least 1 perrier a day! :)
  • This morning I had lost another 1.2 pounds! I am happy I am continuing to make progress but need to add consistent exercise back into my schedule so I can hopefully keep this up! Just two more weeks!! Technically, I only have 11 days after today to complete my 21, but I am going to finish it out with my friend that started…
  • How much water is enough water??! Any theories!??
  • I will absolutely try them after these inital 3 weeks! :) and report back!! i'm sure i will love them! everything sounds pretty delicious right now!!
  • That one sounds delicious as well!! I agree, it's all about staying busy. I'm looking forward to the weekend because I can plan my days and tackle all kinds of projects and still stay on the diet and focused. This morning was my first weigh in without a decrease. :/ Not sure why either. I didn't overdo yesterday, didn't…
  • I like popcorn instead of chips-airpopped is delicious with seasalt. no butter! As far as protien for snacks, I like greek yogurt with cut fruit, or a protien bar.
  • I am just sitting here wondering if other people are constantly thinking about their diets? What am I eating? What are my calories? What is my weight? Etc...It feels like all I think about!!! Maybe because I sit at my desk all day and have time to think about it?! It's so annoying. If nothing else, I would love to get to a…
  • That sounds fantastic! after these inital 3 weeks of (pretty much) chicken and asparagus I will try it!! Thanks so much!
  • great work!! and great pictures from everyone!!
  • Congratulations!!! What a great feeling you must have had getting on that rollercoaster with your daughter, and how proud she must be of you! Keep it up!! ps. I don't know if I would count "insanity" as a reward-it's killer!! Good luck!!
  • One more pound down! Yesterday was a hard day with a lot of temptation, but I stayed strong. I am sick to death of boiled chicken and asparagus. But, I'm sick to death of shirmp, too. SO, I better get my butt to the grocery and get something else on the list of acceptable foods. I've still been struggling with the lack of…
  • Thanks guys! I hope you are right! I am working on not only shedding this weight again (and for good) but also working on the mental side of why I stay in this vicious cycle...I have high hopes and need to realize when I am reaching those goals! I look at pictures now of my marathon weight and I just WISH I was that weight…
  • So far, so good! I am down 11.6 pounds from dieting, and this week I am going to add in working out as well to hopefully keep this strong trajectory going!! This time around I need to be more appreciative of myself, my goals, reaching those goals and continuing on! Marathon weight -5 would be amazing!! And I can get there!!
  • Everytime I try to sync my fuelband with my computer it takes FOREVER and then after about 20 minutes comes up and says it can't connect my fuelband and to unplug and try again. I have been getting the same read for 3 days. I tried to call Nike+ but was on hold for 2 hours and gave up. So frustrated!
  • Okay! I think I am finally ready to commit to this. To losing this weight, keeping it off, being happy and healthy. I feel like I have spent so much of my life using my weight as an excuse not to be living like I want to be. Here it goes!! Ashley
  • I just got one and so far think I will like it, but my screen only displays the fuel and the time...shouldnt it show me cals and steps? or do i just see that on the nike+ app?? thanks!!
  • You're right, all around, Kate. I know I need to find a better balance in my life once I get back to my goal. I'm trying to do the same things I was doing then, but I honestly don't really remember what I was doing. Other than spending a ton of time in the gym. There's a good place to start, I guess.