Starting Over



  • Aceco30
    Aceco30 Posts: 29
    i've been drinking upwards of 150 oz/ daily...and it's crazzzzzy how much difference it makes!
    but i am getting really sick of it, so trying to change it up with at least 1 perrier a day! :)
  • Aceco30
    Aceco30 Posts: 29
    DAMN IT! i'm stuck! i haven't lost anything (i'd be happy with a quarter pound) since Sunday morning.
    What do i do to break this plateau??!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    i've been drinking upwards of 150 oz/ daily...and it's crazzzzzy how much difference it makes!
    but i am getting really sick of it, so trying to change it up with at least 1 perrier a day! :)
    DAMN IT! i'm stuck! i haven't lost anything (i'd be happy with a quarter pound) since Sunday morning.
    What do i do to break this plateau??!
    You said it's making a crazy difference, but you aren't losing weight? What is the difference you're talking about?
  • Aceco30
    Aceco30 Posts: 29
    I have lost everyday for two weeks until the past two days, where i have stayed put...
    I was saying that the water makes a big difference in how i feel, sleep, etc. Just overall well being.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I have lost everyday for two weeks until the past two days, where i have stayed put...
    I was saying that the water makes a big difference in how i feel, sleep, etc. Just overall well being.

    Two days is not a plateau. Sorry, it just ain't.

    Reading back through the thread, you started with a very large weight loss. That was water weight you lost by drinking more water. That's the "free starter" everyone gets when they start drinking more water (the benefits of high water intake continue, but the weight loss is a one-shot deal).

    Your goal should be, at most, 2 pounds a week. If you weigh daily, you'll have variances based on a lot of factors, such as how much sodium you ate the day before (causes water retention).

    I can't see your diary, but I'd recommend you take your food control to the next level. You've been watching calories, but now start tracking the following things:
    - Calories
    - Protein
    - Fats
    - Carbs
    - Sugars
    - Sodium

    Try to keep ALL of these things as close as you can to the recommended numbers without going crazy about it. Once you get these things in proper balance, if you're logging your workouts and eating your workout calories, you should be losing weight at the rate you set when you went through the initial setup.

    In fact, it might be worth going through the setup again, just as a refresher of what your weight loss goal was.
  • Aceco30
    Aceco30 Posts: 29
    I know the initial weight loss was heavily based on water and my body eliminating salt, waste, etc...

    I track protein vs carbs heavily-as well as calories. And yes, I know the rapid loss at the beginning isnt reasonable for long...the only reason I was dropping like that was because i was doing a GF/DF cleanse to start my weight loss and try to increase my energy.

    That's a great idea to redo my setup...thanks for the input!

  • Aceco30
    Aceco30 Posts: 29
    Felling great!! After a couple of weeks of wishy washy attempts at keeping on track, going up, down, back up, etc...I am back on track.
    Back to 17.8 lbs lost!! Now, I just need to keep it up! Pretty close to my next reward of new Lululemon yoga pants!!

    Feeling motivated and looking forward to more progress! Hopefully I can keep this momentum going!


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  • sr4ca
    sr4ca Posts: 43
    If I may make a suggestion. I think you are trying to lose too much too fast. And this could be the reason why you put it back on in the first place. You really should try to only lose 1 lb a week....that way you a retraining your mindset on food, which will help you when you get to the maintenance phase. Also, I highly recommend that you not weigh every day. Our bodies fluctuate way too much...once a week would give you a much clearer picture of where you are. Good luck on your journey.
  • Aceco30
    Aceco30 Posts: 29
    Thanks for the advice! I certainly know a 1-2lb max weightloss is best.
    Right now, I am in a cleanse phase (doctor approved) to try and rid my body of gluten and dairy-and trying to deal with those HUGE changes have been difficult.
    It's a 21 day cleanse, so after those 21 days I will be on a more 'normal' regimine with a heavier focus on exercise and balancing my diet back out.

    I agree, weighing everyday can cause more problems than good! I like to weigh a couple of times a week, to stay motivated.