

  • Ohhhhh Man !!! The leaves are falling off the trees, the wind is getting fiercer, the chill is in the air,frost has made it's way. Yep,,, it's chilli time for sure ! I can smell it,taste it, Mmmmmmmmmmm. All the great recipes on this post is makin me chilli CRAZY !!! Oh & bring on the HEAT Baby !!!! Thanks everyone !!!
  • Welcome to the family Yanci & good luck to you as you strive to reach your goals ! I love it here & so will you. Once again,, good luck.
    in Hello Comment by Bake1 October 2011
  • I know they are bad for you but I could hot dogs daily !! & I love pineapple upside down cake !! Oh & those jello shots you have at parties,,,,,, LOVE 'em !!
  • That's GREAT !! Good for you ! Keep up the great work !! As a man I love a great butt ! You are doing a great job. Keep smilin & keep losing !!:smile:
  • Sounds yummy, we are going to save this & try it out sometime. Maybe this week-end when we are curled up together watching a movie on Netflix. Party animals that we are,LOL.
  • Thank you bugnbeansmom, I tried to do the bike at therapy,they ended up taking me off of it because I didn't have the coordination & my feet kept slipping off the pedals. It's really frustrating that you can't do some simple things. I know it could be & maybe will be worse in the future but, I am hanging. As far as…
  • Now that is some funny stuff !!
  • I love the fall colors ! The leaves,Indian Summer,Halloween,Chilli, & those apple dumplings with caramel sauce that the local school kids sell every Fall. A true weakness of mine. Mmmmmmmmm . Great post.
  • looks like I will have to go to the store & try this out. I mean if it's only 60 calories. A bottle of water is 90 I think.
  • WOW !!! I wanted to thank everyone for a fantastic greeting! I was surprised by all the responses you have given me. Once again,I thank all of you for that. In answer to some of your comments,YES,,, I have seen a specialist. I have seen about 5 or 6 neuroligists. I have had every test known to man. They have all come back…