Working out with Ataxia

I am extremely excited about this site & will continue my efforts to loose this ugly & disgusting gut !! But, I have since experienced somewhat of a problem. It seems that working out,(via treadmill & lifting weights & ab doer) makes my ataxia worse. What I mean by worse is that I am all over the place when I walk about with my walker. I do know that I have to talk to my Dr. about this. I am determined to work out daily but there is a price to pay I guess. I don't know if I should skip a day in between or maybe only work out 3 days a week. I am afraid that if I do that, I will fall off the band wagon. I am excited to see the results in my weight loss when I have completed the month or so of my plan. Anyone have any thoughts about what I should do ?? I will call my Neurologist & see what he says. I really hope I don't have to cut my exercising down. Hope all is well in your world & good luck to you all in achieving your goals.


  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Of course talking to your doc is important. I am so sorry you are having issues. I was actually thinking about you last night and wondered if a set of pedals would be helpful to you. You can get bike pedals that sit in front of your chair and keep you in more of a sitting position to get some cardio without the stress on your muscles and joints. I imagine you would have to pedal for a good little bit but it might be a good bridge option for you until you can figure this thing out? Or could you start swimming? Just don't give up!!! You got this!
  • Bake1
    Bake1 Posts: 15
    Thank you bugnbeansmom, I tried to do the bike at therapy,they ended up taking me off of it because I didn't have the coordination & my feet kept slipping off the pedals. It's really frustrating that you can't do some simple things. I know it could be & maybe will be worse in the future but, I am hanging. As far as swimming goes,That's out too. I just can't get the arms & legs to move in rythm. I know it sounds strange but I have lost some motor skills. I won't give up. I may not have the life I was once looking forward to but as I stated before. I know that it could be a lot worse. Some have it a lot worse than I do. I still live,love & laugh,,,, always will.
    Thanks again for thinking about me,,,,love the profile pic.