ukaryote Member


  • No prob. Anything (legal) that can get you started is fine by me. Weight loss is mostly a head game, and if that gets your head into the game to start with, great! Then, keep that calorie deficit going and you will get there.
  • It takes a while. Sometimes it works. Then, when it does, sometimes you get used to it and have to increase. It is difficult to be patient and wait for a change for a month or two or three. Necessary, though.
  • The reason they are called "macros" is an abbreviation, in contrast to micro nutrients. We need a daily intake of several grams or hundreds of grams of Macronutrients like protein, fats, and carbohydrates. We need milligrams or micrograms of Micronutrients like vitamins C, D, selenium, and so on.
  • yeah, I have been losing weight steadily without too much exercise. But I really miss the exercise because it makes me feel better. Been too wrapped up with other issues to make the gym or home exercise regularly.
  • -- edit -- FinallyHopeful said it best
  • Uhh, try one? :D Seriously, if you don't do breakfast, then don't. There are so many success stories here and every one has taken a slightly different path. Some people swear by protein shakes. I think they taste like holding back you own puke. Calorie deficit for decreasing weight. Exercise for fitness. Easy to say, more…
  • Oreo cookies could be considered bad carbs. If those are bad, I don't wanna be good! Another bad carb could be alcohol. Actually the calories are from hydrocarbons, not carbohydrates. But if I can't have a dram of good Scotch occasionally, what's the point? In moderation. Especially the Oreos. Thanks for mentioning…
  • Working out elsewhere sounds like a good idea. Especially in your case, but anyone can have rude housemates and there are no easy ways to deal with that social pressure. Indoor makes sense, especially when it is precipitating. OK, the next question is your budget. Most indoor places have some sort of fee. Search for gyms…
  • Often people lose weight rapidly when they start and it slows down as they continue. It takes calories to maintain that extra fat. The more obese, the faster the initial loss. If you slow down on the weekly loss, please try not to be discouraged and keep going. Two pounds is ambitious, possible at first. Welcome! and keep…
  • Oh. That makes sense. Thank you. Somewhere, I lost the URL, is a photo collection of athletes with very different body types. Their BMI values are all over the map. All of them are considered extremely healthy.
  • Questions first: Why do you want to reduce the carbohydrates? Lower calorie intake? Better macro balance? Simple vs complex carbohydrates? Following a particular plan?
  • Best if you went to paleo you would lose weight faster simply because you said you don't really like it. You would eat less.
  • If it ain't in the house, I can't eat it. When my spouse does not bring home chips I am much more successful. I have to be more emphatic. Very tactfully.
  • OK, for that population it affected their behavior positively. It would frustrate me. Different reaction to the same stimulus.
  • Then it was an effective article. Not necessarily accurate. But hey, whatever works for you. People succeed here with all sorts of plans - as long as they stick to the plan!
  • ^^^This And it will be time for extended rides on a real bicycle. Yay! I always wear a suit. People look ill when I do not.
  • Tough one. Let's assume a person is not sensitive or allergic to a given sweetener. Do artificial sweeteners lead to undesirable behaviors or metabolic responses? Articles like this have been circulating - essentially the same article reprinted at many sites. More appearance does not necessarily make it true or false, just…
  • Agreed. And it can be painful for you if it does not happen. My spouse is not at all interested in either managing weight or exercise and it is exacerbating existing conditions, so I am in it for me and my family. Gotta take care of this engine to take care of my family, and it is even more important if the other half buys…
  • Wonderful! Good going! I am for whatever works, does not damage you, and fits your pocketbook. If Jenny Craig alone works, great. If it works in conjunction with MFP, also great!
  • "as soon as I get sad' I keep recommending that people search for "dopamine and binge eating behaviors". Not that you have a clinical disorder, it will bring up lots of studies linking food and feelings. Essentially, sugary and fatty foods really do make us feel better for a short time; they cause more dopamine to float…
  • I'm surprised you don't already have a speed cadence sensor for your road bike. Actually, you will use some sort of bike on the trainer. There are many options, check out a cycling forum or site.
  • IMO, there is not substitute for a given food. I learn to do with less or without. Mostly it works, sometimes I scarf down more than I should.
  • Then you won't. This is a head game. If you think you cannot do it, then there is less chance. Plan on succeeding for a year. The couple of months will seem easy.
  • Good start! Never can tell what really works for you until you try it. Planing is always a good idea.
  • Three pounds per week is a 1500 calorie deficit per day. Please be careful you do not get too tired and make mistakes while exercising.
  • Strawberry protein shake in a can. How did they manage to make it taste like liquid clay and Froot Loops?
  • 2 lbs per week is a very large amount unless a person is very, very obese then they can drop quickly for a while. Two pounds per week means a daily calorie deficit of 1000 calories. so, 3 months x 4.2 weeks per month = 12.6 weeks * 2 lbs = 24 to 26 lbs. Hit that and you are doing amazingly well. OK, that is a short term…