Not very good at dieting

lets talk about how tempting everything is -_-


  • DontForget3Oct10
    DontForget3Oct10 Posts: 7 Member
    It sucks for someone who goes from snacking all the time to being completly cut off from junk food
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    If you start by thinking you there are foods you can never eat you will get disheartened very quickly. You already sound like you want to give up. You can still eat the foods you enjoy you just have to budget for them in your calorie allowance. Or exercise more to give yourself the extra calories. You don't need to cut out junk food completely, you can still indulge now and again just don't go mad.
  • Cslauson86
    Cslauson86 Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2015
    Try eliminating one thing at a time. Sweet drinks for a few day, then stop sweet things for a few day, then stop savory snacks, etc. Everything in one day is difficult to maintain.

    Or, go straight to your diet plan, but don't limit the quantity for a few days. Get your body used to the new plan.

    Also, try hot tea or coffee (sugar free) for a few snacks to help you get started.

    Cheese sticks help me get by (I'm not too concerned for the fat).

    Also, keep logging your food. Don't stop!! "Having" to log may stop you from eating it, just to avoid "the log." Ah, too lazy to write it down. Works for me. LOL

    Main thing, remember, it's a battle. Be prepared (mentally and physically). Make a plan and execute! When you fail, restart. It will get easier and easier, just don't quit!
  • Perhaps there's a better way. This is coming from a college/university student who had fries every day, crisps every 3 days, an energy drink per day and McD every week! Certainly not the proudest year of my life :disappointed:

    So with any diet, you are watching your calories yes? Are you hitting specific carb or fat requirements?

    When I was on keto (2 months), I looked at REGULAR eating intervals instead. So I can still have snacks like nuts, chocolate coconut bars, protein bars, cheese etc.

    Breakfast anytime in 7am-9am, Snack/Tea at 11am-12pm, Lunch 1-3pm, Dinner 5-6pm, Snack/Supper 8pm, Night meal if I worked out hard that day around 10pm then off to bed :smiley:

    When I had cravings, I held on for 1 hour, then I would reward myself with a sweet diet mineral water :blush: I started baking too, so when the cravings hit and I've earnt it, the little things I ate still fit very easily with my keto diet.

    If your mouth likes the chewing action, have some gum. Even better, some Vitamin Gum xD

    Also, drink heaps of water. That is a great filler.

    Now that I'm on a carb diet instead, I still stick to the same eating pattern. Happily, I can have fruits again! :awesome: I do lots of camping/hiking/rock climbing in the year, so this pattern fits extremely well with my days outdoors.

    I think what worked for me was that since I religiously logged every single thing that went in my mouth, I made sure to eat only at designated sessions. This helped my discipline *Thumbs up*

    Just change the foods first and find what YOU like. If you feel guilty for cheating, then be brave and commit.

    YOU CAN DO IT MY FRIEND! :smiley:
  • DontForget3Oct10
    DontForget3Oct10 Posts: 7 Member
    Ive actually been doing pretty well, but i fear it wont last more than a couple months
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Then you won't. This is a head game. If you think you cannot do it, then there is less chance. Plan on succeeding for a year. The couple of months will seem easy.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I used to yoyo. No more. Got a scary health diagnosis so now I know this is for life. I'll still have an occasional treat. But only rarely and only a little. It's a "I want to live for many more years" thing.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Can take or leave anything because there is nothing forbidden in my food plan.
  • DSkoppy
    DSkoppy Posts: 25 Member
    There will always be ups and downs. The important thing is that you just don't give up. Shake it off and start over, tomorrow is a new day. Then start over and keep working at getting better and being strong.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    If you start by thinking you there are foods you can never eat you will get disheartened very quickly. You already sound like you want to give up. You can still eat the foods you enjoy you just have to budget for them in your calorie allowance. Or exercise more to give yourself the extra calories. You don't need to cut out junk food completely, you can still indulge now and again just don't go mad.

    Exactly. (*)
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    I have found a couple of "go to" snacks that are filling and tasty. Plus they it is easier to limit myself than when eating chips or sweets. My go-to snacks are a good tasting low-carb flax seed bread (like ezekiel) that I put a little jam or savory spread on, and my latest is sweet potatoes. If you get small sweet potato, one makes a good snack -- you can make it savory with a little spicy/sweet salsa like mango or pineapple, or chipotle, or use a little plain yogurt. Find your own fave and use it when your mind is more hungry than your body. I know I can eat everything as long as it fits in my cal limits, but I have trouble stopping at just one serving of certain things and use up my whole limit on carbs.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Very tempting for sure!!! I am right there with you.

    What I do is still have the "snack" or "drink" and go with the serving size. I measure it out on a plate and when it is gone, I am done. Not easy for sure.

    That being said, I do not buy potato chips because I will eat the whole bag. I have no self control over those things. I am a potato addict so I get my "potato fix" in other ways.
  • Faizaraza
    Faizaraza Posts: 2 Member
    I have tried everything but I just don't lose weight anymore... I exercise for n hr at least 5 out of 7 days and I try to eat less than 1200 calories but m still not losing weight. ..any tips will be highly appreciated. ..
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Don't think of it as a diet (we freak ourselves out with that word) but a healthy lifestyle change for a better way of life and for our lifetime. Never tell yourself 'I can't have' but allow yourself a small portion - portion control is very important. Make small attainable goals along your way and take a positively positive attitude about this. Don't defeat yourself from the get-go by saying 'I can't do this', 'I'm not going to make it' and most importantly measure all of your foods and be absolutely honest with yourself about what you are consuming and how much exercise you are getting. Reassess yourself and your goals, let MFP set your goals for you by honestly answering the questions. I'll bet there isn't a 'less than 1200 calorie' suggestion for you.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    It sucks for someone who goes from snacking all the time to being completly cut off from junk food

    Why are you completely cut off from junk food? Why not filling, nutrient dense foods and then have 1 serving of 1 junk food per day. You can probably fit 1 serving of "junk" into any day. I try to save 150 calories every night for something sweet like a chocolate bar or ice cream.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited January 2015
    lets talk about how tempting everything is -_-

    My response is based on your thread title! ;)

    Actually not being able to 'diet' good is really a good thing!!! Toss out the diets and bring on moderation and healthier choices (this can mean different things to different ppl), more fruits, veggies, etc. Toss in some movements you love and don't do exercise that you hate.

    So see how far ahead you really are? Stop the dieting mind set and go with baby steps Hon! Here's a good way to think of it many of us keep in mind: It's not a race!

    Forget the scale and think about how much better you feel with each new change, pants getting loose, face clearing up, more energy, sleep through the night... you get the idea right?

    The weight dropping off will come, the things we worry about most take the longest to happen because we are so focused on failing.

    Wishing you well :)
    Hearts <3
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Ive actually been doing pretty well, but i fear it wont last more than a couple months

    And this is why diets fail. You'll want to make sustainable changes that will last you for life. Fit a little bit of the things you love into your goal, whether it's once a day or once a week. I always leave some room for chocolate or ice cream in my day. Deprivation tends to lead to bingeing.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Faizaraza wrote: »
    I have tried everything but I just don't lose weight anymore... I exercise for n hr at least 5 out of 7 days and I try to eat less than 1200 calories but m still not losing weight. ..any tips will be highly appreciated. ..

    Switch it up, shock your body and you will get over that plateau of not losing weight.
  • lisahughesdesign
    lisahughesdesign Posts: 5 Member
    Faizaraza wrote: »
    I have tried everything but I just don't lose weight anymore... I exercise for n hr at least 5 out of 7 days and I try to eat less than 1200 calories but m still not losing weight. ..any tips will be highly appreciated. ..

    Have you tried the 5:2 diet. I find that this helps when I have a plateau with my weight. I stick to 1200 cals on 5 days and then on 2 days I eat less than 500 cals. I tried doing it on consecutive days, but it was too hard. I now do a fast day with a break in between, for instance, on a Monday and a Thursday. It kick starts my metabolism.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Faizaraza wrote: »
    I have tried everything but I just don't lose weight anymore... I exercise for n hr at least 5 out of 7 days and I try to eat less than 1200 calories but m still not losing weight. ..any tips will be highly appreciated. ..

    If you aren't losing, you're eating more than you think