

  • I started this program last fall and saw HUGE progress, made it to about week 5 and couldn't seem to push trough that and let the holidays get the best of me :/ I've wanted to push through and try again, and this might have been just what I needed to try again. Thanks for reintroducing the idea!!! Good luck. ps- here is a…
  • I'm with everyone else!! I just think it's great to see because it means they are taking the right steps to change their lives!!!! I personally am in that "overweight runner" category and there are days it's become a crutch and excuse. But when I see someone even bigger than I am busting their tail, working hard I actually…
  • I completely feel ya! :( Frustrating..... I'm about 5'3" and am floating around 205-210 and MFP says 1200/day. And I hardly ever sleep cause I have 4 small kids and work graveyard while they are sleeping. I don't know....just feel like it still should be able to happen......
  • 4 kids later (2 of them c-sections) and I'm dying to know the answer to this question myself!!!!!!!!!!! I have a kangaroo pouch under my belly button and it's soooo frustrtaing! lol :) I feel the same way though. Like there is no getting rid of it without surgery. We, however, are done and hubby has offered that if I get…
  • sounds like a GREAT plan to me! Christmas time is where a lot of my personal confidence struggles come into play anyway when I'm around my wonderful looking family. Wouldn't it be great to be 20 lbs lighter and feel good about yourself?! Not sure how to "join the group" Does it automatically do that by me commenting?…
  • very well said! I think most men would say, healthy, confident, beautiful, etc. My husband loves me for who I am.....even through 4 pregnancies! He better love you as you, curvey or skinny, because either way through changes in life you will fluctuate between all of these. I've never seen a skinny person while pregnant and…
  • One thing that I have found is that just because the store and companies market something as "healthy" doesn't mean it is! I don't know what standards they judge by it doesn't always hold true. Just because they make something with a whole grain that is still loaded with sugars, dyes, corn syrup, preservative, processing,…
  • adding lots of fruit I think will help make a difference! it does for me anyway :) Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • sounds right to me! :)
  • my opinion: - if you are referring to a journal (emotional, etc.) I prefer either writing on paper or sometimes just opening a word document and typing your thoughts out. If you want it to be a bit more public, then maybe consider blogging. However.....I've tried with a food journal doing paper and I fail....miserably!…
  • congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment. Your hard work has paid off and it shows :)