Questions about if I am doing this right... I really do want

My totals so far today 634 85 22 34 16 1,139
Your Daily Goal 1,268 174 41 47 18 2,000
Remaining 634 89 19 13 2 861
This is just today's example.... first number is calories, then carbs, protein, fat, fiber ,sodium

I feel like my carbs are too high. I went thru some past logs of mine and had a low of 40 carbs, high of 170.
I like to eat salads, do lean meats, mostly chicken for protein.
I imagine people ask for help then don't follow it, but I really want to make the best of this. I have lost 8 lbs in the 4 wekks (as of Monday) that I have been doing this. I don't have major hunger pangs - which I was advised to avoid. I eat every 2 hours or so as best as I can.
I have the soy replacement meal in my coffee most mornings. Dinner will probably be a salad with 3 oz chicken .

How can I find a better balance in what I am doing, or is it ok?

I am hypoglycemic so I watch my sugars -- I try to stay away from high sugar fruits or eat very little of them. I also try to have my grains with a protein. Crackers and cheese, an apple with string cheese ... you get the idea.

I also don't want to get burnt out on salads, but am not sure what is good to eat. I bought some whole grain crackers. Ricotta cheese -- I eat a 1/4 c of that with a pear. (learned that one when I was doing the Zone book -- but I can't do the 40/30/30 math)

I am 45, 206.5, wanting to get to around 160 to 150 - depends on what feels healthy. Thanks for input... I know everyone is different. If you see something in me that seems the same as yourself and know something I could do better, please share.

i have 2 small children, one I homeschool - he is special needs. Sometimes our homeschool day on curriculum is 2 hrs, sometimes it takes until 8 at night to get thru everything. I am currently not working (injury to my arm)
I am trying to fast pace walk 3 x a week at least. I am up to to an hour that I can walk 3.0 mph and I have tried a light jog at 3.2 on the treadmill but can't keep it uup too long. Right knee has arthritis -- the jogging hurts but I am trying to boost what I do.
I am 5'3 too so I have a short stride.

Not sure what else to share. thanks again


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I would suggest eating a iltlte more during the day...seems like your going to have a lot left over. 2 pounds a week is a GREAT loss!!! I would make sure your drinking a good amt of water too! :)
  • freedomlady
    freedomlady Posts: 28 Member
    Great job Kelle!!!! You are doing terrific! I wouldn't worry about all the small details of what is in the food. As long as you are dropping excess, unneeded weight you are on the right track. I've lost 12 so far and all I do is make sure I do not overeat like I used to do. So far, so good. I am using "the anderson Method" which is a great new way of thinking about food. Bill Anderson has a book out that I bought and it has given me the motivation to keep going. So "you go girl!!!" High five to you!!
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    Thanks for the encouragment. I found a great site after I posted this question....
    that lists foods that can help lose weight. Has great info about complex carbs, eating raw veges and fruit is best, what ones are good etc.
    I felt better after reading y'alls posts and reading that. I realize the carb number may seem high but I am eating complex carbs that are good for me. :) thanks again.
    I am drinking 8 - 12 C of water a day. I have a 52 oz jug that I drink by around 1 or so then refill and drink the rest of the day and thru the night (when I wake up to go, I drink more). Lemon water... I'm addicted.
  • One thing that I have found is that just because the store and companies market something as "healthy" doesn't mean it is! I don't know what standards they judge by it doesn't always hold true. Just because they make something with a whole grain that is still loaded with sugars, dyes, corn syrup, preservative, processing, etc. doesn't make it healthy since it is made with wheat. (just a random example) So for me, I REALLY have to pay attention to the lables and the nutrition facts. It sounds like you are really eating healthy and seeing results, so I would say don't fix what isn't broken! I know for me at least with homeschooling it can be hard. We do school at the kitchen table, which means that we are in the kitchen which tempts me a lot more. I'm more tempted to snack but if you can keep those as wholesome and natural as possible then that's the best. Obviously, with busy lives that doesn't always seem to work but I do try to stick with something good if possible. Okay, enough rambling, you're doing great! :)