20 pounds down by Christmas!



  • Count me in!!!!! :D
  • ImChar
    ImChar Posts: 51 Member
    Count me in!
  • ImChar
    ImChar Posts: 51 Member
    Count me in!
  • mcrowder109
    mcrowder109 Posts: 18 Member
    Down 7 lbs so far. I am totally siked.
  • mcrowder109
    mcrowder109 Posts: 18 Member
    Down 7 lbs so far. I am totally siked.
  • So did anyone lose more than 8 lbs? I saw one of you ladies managed to lose 8 in one week! That's amazing, but also beware of how much you are doing. You don't want to over work your body and potentially hurt yourself.. that would delay your weight loss even more :( And knee/back injuries are the absolute WORST!
    Yeah, that was me. I contacted my doc on Monday about it and she said that if this keeps up, increase the calories. She does hope it was just "beginer's luck" but she's NOT worried about one week like this. Keep in mind that I had just started MFP the weekend before.

    Oh yeah,, forgot to mention,, I had to throw away my bra! It got too big..........
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member

    To all the new people, WELCOME, and just to reiterate my previous post, anyone can join so sign-up all you friends, just make sure they are posting that weigh-in! I will be updating this Sunday so make sure you get it to me and PLEASE DON'T MESSAGE IT TO ME! Ok, moving on...

    @spottedlee That is such a great loss! I'm happy to hear you spoke to your doctor about it, I get worried about you all sometimes with those crazy weight losses....For the rest of you, don't forget that the small losses add up, so don't be discouraged!! One pound at a time will get you to where you are going! That goal takes one step closer to you the more you work hard... it WILL pay off, I promise.

    This week's NSV's, another notch on my belt down and I've reached a healthy BMI range!

    Tell me your NSVs this week!! I want to knoww so I can be a proud weight-loss like mom and post it all over my MFP wall :D!

    Ok, here's my LET'S ROCK THIS WEEK talk for you: Remember: fill half your plate with veggies, sleep for a full 8 hours, drink water, eat less meat, dairy and sugar, breathe deep and slow, activity! movement! exercise! Take time to soothe away stress. Take care of yourself. Most importantly-- love yourself.

    YOUR CHALLENGE THIS WEEK: Post a before/after picture. I don't care if you've you lost 2 pounds or 200! I want to see EVERYONE on my spreadsheet posting their pictures on here or on their profile picture. I want you all to take a look at the work you've done and be proud! I think sometimes we are too negative and pick on all the things we aren't doing, or can't do well enough...... I want this to be a POSITIVE week for everyone! Walk away from the cookies and pizza, and reach for the green beans and grapes! Think of MEEEEE and this challenge every time you get tempted... then come post your NSV for the week when you over come it!

    Love you all- stay strong, positive and motivated!
  • Myzstarr
    Myzstarr Posts: 32 Member
    i wanna do it or is it too late???
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    It's never too late! :D Please read my previous post!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Weighing In:

    SW: 189.4

    10/14: 187.6

    10/21: 183.6

    10/30: 181.6

  • MommyNemo
    MommyNemo Posts: 29 Member
    Yay.. Weigh in 191.3
  • sounds like a GREAT plan to me! Christmas time is where a lot of my personal confidence struggles come into play anyway when I'm around my wonderful looking family. Wouldn't it be great to be 20 lbs lighter and feel good about yourself?! Not sure how to "join the group" Does it automatically do that by me commenting? Either way though.....I LOVE this idea! count me in
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    joining you all in this awesome challenge now. started mfp about 35 days ago with the goal of losing 36 total ....youll see my signature... i am 13.5 down this week was really hard and i lost nothing so it is perfect timing to get into the challenge group. count me in please.

    so where do you start counting me in from? my starting weight on mfp (188.5)? or my current weight (175)?
    am i crazy to think i can lose 20 by christmas counting from today forward?
  • klynn22091
    klynn22091 Posts: 47 Member
  • spindiddle
    spindiddle Posts: 3 Member
    is it too late for me to be in?
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Weigh in this week... 216 :sad: +0.4lb this week.Oh well, I knew my super quick weight loss would catch up with me sooner or later!!
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Better late than never - I'm in!
  • darlingbelle
    darlingbelle Posts: 5 Member
    I wanna play! :) Please add me to the list!

    ps- how do you add a ticker and info to your signature?
  • akyraj2006
    akyraj2006 Posts: 83 Member
    SW: 267.8
    10/14: 268
    10/21: 264.4

    CW: 261.6

    totally siked about this because i though it would have been way less. been doing a lot of muscle building and just expected to stay the same!!!!

    great job you guys on all your work!!!!
  • Minus 1, now 259

    :yawn: Now back to bed,, it's 4:45 AM on west coast!