For those who've done/are doing/want to do the couch to 5k



  • I finished C25k last summer, and was consistently running 5k 3-4 times a week throughout the fall... once winter hit, I quit, and I've been wanting to get back into it. I was planning on starting at Week 1 tomorrow too, so feel free to add me. :)
  • ashshields12
    ashshields12 Posts: 54 Member
    I started the C210K today. Would love some friends to do it with :-) feel free to add me
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Hey! I'm on day 3 tomorrow, I'll add you now :)
    Anyone feel free to add me and we can all try to kick each other in the butt to complete it. Is everyone doing the program on actual ground or treadmill?
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Hi, I'm new to posting on this site, so if i'm not doing it right, please advise. Anyway, I'm looking for advice/encouragment regarding the c25k program. Running a 5k is a 'private' goal of mine. I say private because I'm afraid to tell anyone because I'm not confident in my ability to follow through. I have been working out reguarly 2-4 times a week for over a year now, and my strength and ability have increased, but I am sill about 100lb overweight. Even though I run in short bursts while working out, I'm very intimidated about the c25k. Have any of you started the program while still overweight, or did you wait until your weight had come down considerably first?
    I did the C25K last year at 210-220 pounds. I finished up with participating in a 5K in November. I have been lax in my running so I've started it again, and I'm in week 4 at an increased speed over last year. I am looking forward to doing a couple 5K's later this summer/early fall. It's great exercise even if you aren't planning on actually doing a 5K! Keep in mind that many 5K's are run and/or walk so don't be afraid to sign up for one. It's perfectly acceptable to alternate running and walking or simply walk. Don't make it too private of a goal. Get good support from people that will cheer you on -- like the people on this thread. By the way, I weigh 155 pounds now; I've lost a little over 100 pounds since May 2011. Hang in there!
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member

    if you have an Android phone the app allows you to use your own playlists!!

    I love that app!

    Yes, this app is awesome! The GPS is a lot better than some of the others. And for $1.60? Score!

    I love couch to 5k so much, I've doing it for the 3rd time. LOL First time I was heavier and didn't have good shoes (or the money for them), so I waited about 3 months. Second time, used it, loved it, had to repeat some weeks, but that's okay. Then my foot gets injured at work. :( I"m couldn't run for almost 2 months, sooo....I just started week 4 today. It's slightly easier this time, but I still didn't make it through the last 5 min interval with out walking for bit. Good luck to everyone using it!
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    This is my first post and I think I't great that so many folks are trying the Couch to 5K program. In my area we have the "No Boundaries" program or NoBo. I am a pace group leader for either the walkers or the slowest run/walkers. Graduates then have the opportunity to join the Jeff Galloway Program which trains you to do a Half Marathon. Hardly anyone runs continually. Most of us jog for 30 or 60 seconds, then walk for 30 or 60 seconds. Different muscles are used when you switch back and forth, allowing some time for recovery. Running every Saturday morning with the same people allows time to chitchat and make close friends. After 5-6 years I still walk or run with the people I met in my first group. I'm 68 years old and I'm not fast, but I often get medals because there are so few people my age running...but I'm having a blast! Keep at it everyone, you deserve to be healthy!
    This is so very cool on so many levels!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I did it in Jan/Feb 2011 - and it really did get me off the couch and running!
    Since then I've run three races (12, 10 and 14km) and am training for a half marathon.
    It really is possible to go from "I couldn't possibly run for 1 minute let alone 30 mins" to "when is the next race?"

    My best tips:
    - good shoes and bra.
    - run slowly. Really slowly. Build endurance first, speed will come later.
    - don't push it too fast, allow your body to recover on the rest days.
    - repeat weeks if you need to.
    - don't panic about the weeks ahead. If you follow the program through steadily, you'll be ready.
    - enjoy!
  • Jesamess
    Jesamess Posts: 12
    I started this program last fall and saw HUGE progress, made it to about week 5 and couldn't seem to push trough that and let the holidays get the best of me :/ I've wanted to push through and try again, and this might have been just what I needed to try again. Thanks for reintroducing the idea!!! Good luck. ps- here is a great little blog post someone shared with me the other day that might also help :) You can do this!
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    Is there a C25K support group ? Is this it ? I am feeling like week 1 may last a little while

    There are several Groups based on C25k, along with several Running Groups. :)
  • ramasavage
    ramasavage Posts: 12
    Highly recommend! It's how I started 2 years ago. Currently training for my first marathon. You will love C25K! You can do it!!!

    WOW! Awesome!
  • lythiam
    lythiam Posts: 32
    I'm starting whenever the weather here clears up :)
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    I started the C25K program to get started running, but then I decided to train for a 7-mile race at the end of July.

    I did the C25K program to get up to 30 minutes of running at a time, then I add 5 minutes a week until I get up to 70 minutes, which will be more than 7 miles at my pace.

    I credit C25K for making me not freak out about running or trying to do too much before I should and get burnt out.
  • Gumbie7
    Gumbie7 Posts: 45 Member
    Just looked it up and bought the app! Thanks for the idea, love it!!!! Anyone doing this feel free to add me. This will be the first time I'm doing running for fun, not because I have to.