When I see overweight people running...



  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I always feel really impressed when I see overweight people working out. I am like "That's great! I hope they can keep it up, it must be so difficult!"

    When I work out, I feel self-concious sometimes. But I think that is common whenever you are doing something you aren't comfortable with, and it has decreased with time so I'm sure yours will go away too, especially as you lose the weight!! :)
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Honestly, as long as you're not wearing spandex that's 3 sizes too small, I don't think much of it! That just doesn't look good on anyone, size 02 or size 20. I figure everyone's got to start somewhere, why not here!
  • I typically don't focus on their body shape, I just see an active person enjoying the beautiful weather.

    I went on a jog through my pedestrian-heavy college town yesterday and asked myself, "Why have I never done this before?"

    I always think "That is so awesome that they are out doing something!"

    haha I had to quote this cause I went for a jog through a pedestrian heavy seaport village the other day and by the time I managed to finish I was like WHY THE HELL did I TRY THAT??? lol its hard to maneuver through a crowd with a stroller.
  • Honestly, as long as you're not wearing spandex that's 3 sizes too small, I don't think much of it! That just doesn't look good on anyone, size 02 or size 20. I figure everyone's got to start somewhere, why not here!

    um yeah, Im pretty sure Ryan Reynolds looks good in spandex... ;)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm self-conscious when I run but I realize that I'm not looking at anyone else while I'm doing it! In fact, if I notice anyone running, I'm like damn way to go!
  • When i see anyone running it makes me feel good because i know how damn hard it is to get that drive and make it happen. I used to be 260 lbs and i ran my but off to get down into the 160's(at one point , working for muscle now). Then i seen how skinny fat i was so i had to take a new direction and go with weight lifting to fill out my body in a better way but it is very much harder than lifting.

    I have much respect for anyone who is willing to put in the work.

    I am new to this site and not really here to lose weight atm. I just really love being able to track my macros so easily. Great site overall :)
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I'm glad you posted this! I haven't read the whole thread, but I too am self conscious about exercising outside. I have a bunch of slim friends, and they just suggested that we run a 5k in May. I said yes, but have been nervous about being the fat girl trying to run. I am now going to train and run it with pride! Thanks for the post!
  • Jesamess
    Jesamess Posts: 12
    I'm with everyone else!! I just think it's great to see because it means they are taking the right steps to change their lives!!!! I personally am in that "overweight runner" category and there are days it's become a crutch and excuse. But when I see someone even bigger than I am busting their tail, working hard I actually feel ashamed. I feel like no excuses, I need to stop being lazy and make something happen!!! I would say, do your thing! This is about you empowering yourself and being able to do something that you need to do for your own happiness.....don't worry about the others. It's not their problem, it's not their life.

    ps- for the record too, I seriously must have the world's biggest ghetto booty and if I let myself think about how bad it's shaking and jiggling as I run it's so embarrasing!!!!!!! lol :) I just have to forget about it and focus on getting through the run!
  • davegruper
    davegruper Posts: 68 Member
    I have been a runner for 15 years, and I feel like I am still at the beginning stages. I love to see people running of all sizes, shapes and skill levels. It inspires me because I see people taking positive steps to manage their health. Its not about where you are, but whether you are making progress. My advice: Do a 5k that has more then 100 participants and talk to some of them before and after the race about their goals, journey, successes and failures. After hearing them, you will be more comfortable running yourself.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I know this sounds stupid, but when I see runners, especially overweight runners... You're my hero's! And believe me, I don't keep it to myself! I was on a 6.1 mile trail last week and a couple came jogging by at mile 4 and I said "Ya'll are my hero's! Keep it up!" One day I hope to be them. I hope to one day make it the whole 1.5 miles around our park without stopping and insisting that my husband is trying to kill me for insurance money because I totally feel like dying. And when I see people out there running who are even more overweight than me pounding the pavement- YOU'RE ALL MY HERO'S!!!! Sometimes I even get a bit emotional because it is such a struggle for all of us but there they are, running their lungs out. Don't be ashamed. Believe it or not, I am pretty sure that everyone driving by in their cars and notice you are just as PROUD of you as I am.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Sorry, totally just saw how old this was :)
  • When I see over weight people run I think "Good for them"! I love seeing people out there doing something about it, :) When I jog I listen to music and try not think about what other people are thinking, I am doing this for me. :)