When I see overweight people running...



  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I am about to start week 2 of Couch to 5k and I like to do my walk/jogs in a secluded area with not too many people looking at me. I mean, I know its something that I am going to get over with progress, but now I prefer not too many extra eyes. The park that I go to has a lot of people who park their cars without getting out. Awkward.

    Anyway, these people dont keep me from doing my workout, never said anything. And I am down with the idea of ignoring them and working out just for myself, but to be real, this is what is on my mind, soooooooo I'm curious what YOU think (if anything) when you see somone overweight working out/running, and how you feel if you are the one working out/running???

    Off to my run, but shall return!!

    I am self conscious too. Especially when I first started running. I still go at dusk though :embarassed: and I don't feel as out of place anymore but now I am self conscious because I pant and gasp for air and people at the track probably think I am going to pass out any minute.
  • babybluefire
    babybluefire Posts: 100 Member
    I am so humiliated and embarrassed when I run. I am a size 12, but mentally not in a great place wrt my weight. People more over weight then me yell nasty things, people way thinner then me yell nasty things. It just sucks. I have a thyroid issue. I need to get checked out for that and possibly asthma as well. I am prone to stress fractures and shin splints. Running is just frekin hard.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I am slightly overweight, but when I see someone more overweight than me, sigificantly overweight actually, I am happy for them! I think it is great.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I agree with everyone else, BUT you are asking this question on a fitness site. How many people do you think are here that would say anything other than what's been said?

    "Fat people running disgusts me!" Uh, I am a fat person who tries to run....

    I'm just saying. You'd have to solicit the opinions of those who are not fitness-oriented to get a full, honest picture of the landscape of thought on the matter.

    And who gives a **** about what those lazy voyeurs think anyway right?
    Right. But who gives a **** about what ANYONE thinks? I didn't start this thread! :laugh:
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    I personally think its great to see somebody of a larger size jogging/running, but dont think i will go there again myself, not until alot lighter, this was due to nasty remarks made by 3 late teen/early 20's group of men, making rude comments as I went by whilst out jogging with a vastly slimmer friend, so unfortunately has put me right off and knocked my confidence.

    Mean/stupid people SUCK. And there are plenty of them out there. I hate that happened to you. I am certainly one of those people who feel like people are looking at me. Maybe i will get up the confidence to participate in a 5K soon!
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I have to say, thanks for posting this. I was curious to read the responses, as I've recently joined a gym, where I am NOT pretty to watch on the treadmill. I always feel so self-conscious, sure that everyone else is entranced with my jiggling rolls. I didn't read all of the responses to this, but the ones that I did read were so inspiring and made me feel great. It's good to know that maybe not everyone is as judgmental as I assume they will be. Maybe I'm the judgmental one, afterall. Definitely something to think about. And I loved the people writing about how they want to 'click like' when they see people running. ME TOO! Totally cracked me up. Thanks, guys. I've just gotten a big burst of confidence and a reaffirmation of how awesome the changes I've recently put into my lifestyle are.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I would have a lot of respect for the bigger person exercising, yesterday in the gym there was this very large lady on the bike in front of me, and she was going at it like her life depended on it, sweat pouring and noises being made! I thought massive respect to her, I wanted to say great job, but dont that would be strange coming from a stranger. if everyone but effort in like that hey....

    next time say something like that, great job, nice burn, man if we were in a race you would have left me in the dust!! coming from a young good lookin guy like you it will probably make her day!!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I cant keep up with them, dam they are faster then me
  • CrazyLazyStylist
    CrazyLazyStylist Posts: 65 Member
    Yes, I am reading every one! When I say secluded area, it is really off a highway, near a pizza shop and a car dealership, and it is a park where parents take their kids! I just mean its more secluded than the main road on side of my house:)

    I really appreciate eveyones positive comments! I know this is a site for people who want to be in shape, but it is also a site for people who are already in shape and want to maintain or have already met their goals, and I wanted real opinions. I have never had anyone say anything to me (I guess I wouldn't know cause my headphones are massive) and you all are right, there is a fine line of what can be looked at as extra encouragement and a compliment especially from a stranger.

    Thank you all for taking the time to comment!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Ok, so I skipped pages 2-8, sorry not enough time to read the whole thing, but I wanted to say...

    Me personally, if I see someone overweight running {or anyone for that matter} I think good for them!!! And, then I want to get home and lace up myself!

    With that said, there are some people who are just jerks. I remember about 10 years ago I was out running and in great shape at the time {pre-kids} and a car load of teenages...using that word makes me feel old, but yes, teenages yelled and screamed out the car window at me. I'm pretty sure they were not cheering me on. Some people will yell crap/think crap no matter what size you are. So don't take it personally. Get out there and do your thing!!!
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    When I see overweight people running/or working out, it puts a smile on my face. I think to myself they're on the road to success just like me, they are doing this to be healthy too. We all know that extra pounds on our body is a health risk which can lead to high blood pressure, a stroke etc. So, for me to see someone who's overweight trying to make a different's in their life like me, it's a wonderful thing.

    I remind myself daily of two things,1. there is no better time to try something new than right now and 2. the road to success is always under construction.
    Good luck. :smile:
  • ResetJen
    ResetJen Posts: 124 Member
    I only have admiration for them (including myself) when I jiggle along, we have all been given a wake up call or found motivation from somewhere...so the fact we are on our feet and exercising in public view is all power to us and the focus we bring.

    The other runners/walkers are all supportive, it is the car sitters and porch watchers whom may have idle minds when the see us...all I can say to that is, let them have their idle minds, it doesn't hurt me.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    I think I prob should not start walking when I get to the next light...sigh...
  • MissAlexxMarie
    I usually just think, they're one step ahead of an overweight person thats sitting on the couch feeling sorry for themselves!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    *HUFFING* dam still cant catch my breath and cant catch them, dam-Ty
  • KellyLin62
    My 1st thoughts are WAY TO GO!! I am inspired by heavy people out there!!! I have so much respect for them!! Then I think if they can, I can!!! And before long the heavy people who were running become the in shape heathy people running! Kinda cool how this works!!:smile:
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    I have noticed that since I have started running I notice runners everywhere!! and everytime I do I wish real life was like facebook where I could click "like" as I drive by and let them know that they are awesome for being out there and doing their best!!

    Agree!! And Go Sox!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think - hooray, another runner, I wonder if they know about the race in King's Park that I've just signed up for.

    And if it looks like they are puffing and panting and struggling (like me sometimes) I wonder if they have just started and if they are doing C25K and if they know about MFP and I hope they will keep going and fall in love with running like I have!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    When I see really heavy people running or on the bike, I just think "F**K YEAH!". This actually often puts me in a better mood. Sometimes I even think to myself 'hmm, I wonder if they are here because they found MFP too!?' :laugh:

    It's funny because when I first started jogging and was bigger some people would yell things out like 'c'mon!' as I was wobbling along. At the time I was grumpy as I assumed they we're being nasty, but looking at it the way I do now, maybe they were as happy to see the chubby guy running as I am seeing it now! :bigsmile:
  • candacerm
    What other people think of you is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS :) I always love that quote. It helps me get through a lot of situations!

    That being said, I always want to give a big thumbs up to the heavier people I see running, and if I'm in my car driving by a popular running path, I do look at them, but in a "wow, they're doing it, I should do it too" way. Not everyone that looks at you or stares is thinking negative things!