When I see overweight people running...



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I always things "good for them". I might even get a little teary eyed...
  • jpsgrl
    jpsgrl Posts: 32 Member
    I think I should be out there joining them!
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    I get discouraged running, but have to remember when I was an athlete I had great form, and I can be that person again.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I think wow they are faster then me
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I am about to start week 2 of Couch to 5k and I like to do my walk/jogs in a secluded area with not too many people looking at me. I mean, I know its something that I am going to get over with progress, but now I prefer not too many extra eyes. The park that I go to has a lot of people who park their cars without getting out. Awkward.

    Anyway, these people dont keep me from doing my workout, never said anything. And I am down with the idea of ignoring them and working out just for myself, but to be real, this is what is on my mind, soooooooo I'm curious what YOU think (if anything) when you see somone overweight working out/running, and how you feel if you are the one working out/running???

    Off to my run, but shall return!!

    Darling, I am not comfortable with you - or anyone - running in a secluded area. For your safety. Please be careful out there!
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    I started running about a month ago, I always wanted to try it but I thought i was too big to try it. Im 210lbs now. So anyway one night i went out for a walk but ended up running some of the way as there was no other people around. That's a month ago now im still trying to learn how to run, mostly at night tho as im still a bit paranoid.
  • fittyfittybumbum
    When I see overweight people running/working out I'm get extremely proud of them, like buy something for them proud because they are not taking the easy way out by use of surgeries and those damn diet pills. Their determination to show that weight who's boss speaks volumes to their character.
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I always think, good for them! They're losing more calories than me, just sitting on the couch!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    When I see overweight people running, walking, swimming, or doing ANYTHING to get their bodies healthy, I want to shout at them how proud and excited I am, and tell them about my story to encourage them, and just give them a big hug.

    Seriously. I *love* seeing people be active, especially when it's so difficult (and exercise when you are very heavy is definitely challenging).
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    how could any HUMAN being not think anything but good thoughts?
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    To the person who was worried about jiggling and people judging you for it, I say this: Jiggling is just your fat crying. If you're not jiggling, you're not running hard enough...and that goes for anyone, overweight or otherwise. Honesty, I don't judge people getting their jiggle on. When I'm feeling self-conscious, I tell myself, "Make that fat cry!!" :sad:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I agree with everyone else, BUT you are asking this question on a fitness site. How many people do you think are here that would say anything other than what's been said?

    "Fat people running disgusts me!" Uh, I am a fat person who tries to run....

    I'm just saying. You'd have to solicit the opinions of those who are not fitness-oriented to get a full, honest picture of the landscape of thought on the matter.

    And who gives a **** about what those lazy voyeurs think anyway right?
  • monharri
    monharri Posts: 78
    I think it's great! I'm no skinny-minny but I run like an Olympian (just joking). Running is so much fun for me that I pretty much tune everyone out. That's when I'm in the zone. And I'm losing more and more weight as my endurance gets stronger and I can go longer distances.

    No matter what size you are, you will only reap the benefits of running. I know I have!
  • chrischinchilla
    chrischinchilla Posts: 109 Member
    ...I think to myself, "Good for you. I hope you'll keep it up!"

    Of course, it's superfluous to care about what other people think as you're exercising. The only time you should care is if someone comes up in the gym and says, "Hey, your form could use some work..." and then proceeds to teach you proper form. Other than that, most people don't really care. Judging from my own thoughts, the only thing I typically think is, "Will this person be here tomorrow, or is he/she just here today and by tomorrow they've given up?" I can usually tell--whether in the gym or out on the road--by how hard they're working. They are two types of overweight people--overweight and working, or fat and lazy. "Fat and lazy" shuffle, then walk. Or they sit at the weight machine doing absolutely nothing for longer than they actually workout. Lifting weights for 30 seconds and then resting for three minutes is NOT working out. And I HATE when people sit on a machine while they rest! That is the most absolutely disgusting thing a person, fit or otherwise, can do in a gym, to SIT on a machine and rest. Get the hell up, and STAND near it, until you're ready for your next set. Arrrgh. Anyway, the "overweight and working" type, however, struggle and sweat like everyone else in the gym...and that's what it's about. If you're putting forth all your effort, then you're part of the brotherhood, no matter WHAT your weight is. If you give it your all, and show up again the next day, and the next, and the next--if you're out on the sidewalks running and walking, pushing as much as you can, and I see you again tomorrow on my drive, and the next day, and the next, then no matter what your weight is, you'll be the person that other people driving by will look at and, if they're fit, think, "Yes! Look at the motivator go! THAT'S some commitment!" or, if they're NOT fit, think, "Damn...that person's been out every day this week. I REALLY need to follow his/her example and start getting my butt in shape." Either way, if you really care what people think, I promise you they'll think well of you IF you give your all EVERY DAY! Good luck!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I still think wow they are so much faster then me
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    They motivate me! I admire them for getting out there and doing what they have to do to and not being self concious about it!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I personally think good for them, if they're extremely over weight it must be very hard for them, not to mention admiring their courage and strength to run in front of a bunch of people.

    However...if you're concerned about people thinking negatively, I doubt you're going to get your answer from a bunch of people on a website who also work out and are trying to lose weight and get healthy. Of course we're going to think it's great. The people that would likely think negatively are lazy hypocrites or punk kids that like to think bad of everyone.

    But even if there are people thinking negatively about you....you're not out there for them, you're out there for you. And know that anyone willing to sit there and make fun of or think ill of someone working out, no matter their size, is obviously a person not to happy with themselves if they have to think badly about someone trying to better themselves.....so rather than worry about feeling embarrased, you should feel sorry for them.
  • SunKissed86
    When I see ANYONE running I think.. Good for them!! and I wish!! I used to run and now I can't outright run for more than 5 minutes without gasping for my inhaler... so more power to you at any size!! :flowerforyou:
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    Honestly, I usually don't see that. I have really only seen fit and lean people running lately, well, before the weather got so cold. But I think, honestly, far be it from me to judge someone on their size for any reason, and good for them because I wish I could run. I am overweight myself and cannot run more than a minute or so without aggravating shin splints, bursitis and asthma. I am stuck walking it out for now. So I envy anyone of any size that can run. I can understand though why you are so hesitant to do so in the park you mentioned. If I saw people sitting outside a park in a car and just hanging out, especially men, I would definitely be leery of that. Especially as a woman, that would creep me out. Stay safe and good luck with your running.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I tried riding a bike again so I could do something with my oldest. I borrowed a friend's (smart enough to test before buying) and I only did it once. I told my husband I felt like my butt was eating the bicycle seat. (It's okay to laugh here... I snorted.) Anyway, there's a big difference when I see someone else bike. I want to yell, 'Well done!' I don't want to startle them so I refrain, but I do smile. I hope one day to have the confidence to do things without worrying about others.
    So well done!