When I see overweight people running...



  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    i think its awesome. they are doing something to change. i have a completely different opinion if i see an overweight person at an all you can eat buffet shoving their face with 10 plates of food. But if someone it out there making a difference and at least attempting i applaud them.

    Keep in mind though, alot (not all) of people on here are/were heavy at one time..so we all have a biased opinion about this. i know some of my friends who are skinny see bigger people and always have some kind of smart remark to say. Youre going to have haters everywhere. But it will benefit & pay off & who cares what rude people say!
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    I always think you go boy/girl! Good for them! I wish I had their confidence, and knees lol.
  • kasarin
    kasarin Posts: 82
    I say a silent wish that they are able to find the strength and determination that I found to be able to lose 212lbs and run my first 5k!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    When I see anyone at any size working out in any way... I think Good for you! If we dont take care of ourselves, Nobody else will.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    When I see overweight people running I experience jealousy (because of my knees I'm forbidden to run) and total absolute ADMIRATION! I bet IF anyone is paying any attention to you, they are feeling the exact same things! Or they are saying, you know what, I need to go home, lace up the sneakers and get my run on!
  • reshapemariah21
    reshapemariah21 Posts: 184 Member
    I avoid running in public during the day... I apparently have the rudest people at or around the park that I exercise at. They like to yell things like "You're still fat, b****!" and "Damn she's ugly" smoking weed and just laughing like hyenas.. While I'm running WITH MY TODDLER in his stroller. And I'm not even that huge.. I live in what people call "the hood", and they just don't care what they say to people.. plus the park is right next to the high school. Upside is, I've lost 43 pounds since, and still going. I'm not going to let those words hurt me because I know I'm stronger than that. They must have some issues at home that they have no other way to deal with than harassing people who are obviously attempting making a change in their lives to bring them down to their sorry *kitten* level.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    Hmmm, I'm 36.

    @ what other people think about me being fat" a long time ago. I will go to the beach at 250+ lbs and I will go now. I have a skirt on my bathing suit that is flattering to my not flattering parts, but I'm not going to deny myself of something I love because other people may see me. I'm not hiding from my life. We only live once :)

    When I saw other people running before I started losing weight, I would think, "That's awesome that they're out there doing it, I should be doing that!".

    Now I think, "Damn, they are working so much harder than me! I SHOULD be running too!"
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Personally I envy the overweight person that's even just jogging. I have a joint disorder so running and jogging really hurt. I had torn muscles in my calves all through high school from daily stairs walking. I always feel like I should go up and tell them they're doing great but it's the same level of awkward as when people used to stop me everywhere to talk about my hair back when the back of it was shaved except for two pigtails.

    Me I'm way too self-conscious and I have social issues so even when I'm walking or I'm at the gym I'm paranoid about people staring. My psychiatrist told me, "you're not that important." Which is true. Yeah I stand out a bit, but everybody's doing their own thing. Still, it's just never a comfortable situation for me.
  • I think good for them, and that i should be more active too, because that is keeping from looking as toned as i want to be.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I'm a little too self conscious to do the jog in public (luckily for me theres a track at the high school a few blocks away...i'm waiting for it to get a little warmer and that track will be mine) but when i see overweight people running i definitely give them credit for doing what someone like myself is afraid to do. Its kinda odd that in society the only people you expect to see working out are the people who are already fit as if it doesnt start somewhere *shrug*
  • TeraJo
    TeraJo Posts: 58 Member
    I am overweight and I am also doing the C25K program at my gym on the treadmill. Everytime I go for my run sequence I feel incredibly proud of myself for doing it. I am freaking DOING IT. I started the C25K before at the same gym and was able to do a slow jog at 4.2MPH and now that I have started it again I am going at 5.5MPH and walking at 3.5MPH. This is such a huge step for me and honestly I could care less what others think there.
    Also, I will say that occasionally I will get someone who comes up to me after my work out and tell me that they saw me really working hard and to keep going. That was awesome to hear and definitely motivated me to go again. So if you see someone and you are inspired by them. Tell them. You could make their day, week, and even inspire them to keep going.
  • criscricket
    I am about to start week 2 of Couch to 5k and I like to do my walk/jogs in a secluded area with not too many people looking at me. I mean, I know its something that I am going to get over with progress, but now I prefer not too many extra eyes. The park that I go to has a lot of people who park their cars without getting out. Awkward.

    Anyway, these people dont keep me from doing my workout, never said anything. And I am down with the idea of ignoring them and working out just for myself, but to be real, this is what is on my mind, soooooooo I'm curious what YOU think (if anything) when you see somone overweight working out/running, and how you feel if you are the one working out/running???

    Off to my run, but shall return!!

    When I first began running years ago. I also used to think everyone was looking at me and was very self-conscious. I almost stopped running because of my negative thoughts. I believe for me what worked was just doing it over and over, helped me get rid of that negative thinking. You should only care and be focusing about what one person is thinking and that person is YOU! :-))))) It doesn't matter what other people think, and even if they do have a negative thought you cant hear it and most of the time you'll never see them again, and if you DO see them again, they will most likely be thinking, YOU GO GIRL! your out here running again!!! I hope this helps you. :-)
  • RandomMiranda
    I think, good for them (and me, for that matter).
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I don't particularly care what other people are doing with themselves in public, so it's not on my mental radar. So I honestly don't think anything of an overweight person running, because I don't notice.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I think it's awesome and motivational :)
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I think:
    1. They are AWESOME! and Kudos to them!
    2. That was me not too long ago!
    3. I hope I can some how encourage them to keep going!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I think, "Oh, another runner. We are of the same tribe." Then I make eye contact and give "the nod".
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I am about to start week 2 of Couch to 5k and I like to do my walk/jogs in a secluded area with not too many people looking at me. I mean, I know its something that I am going to get over with progress, but now I prefer not too many extra eyes. The park that I go to has a lot of people who park their cars without getting out. Awkward.

    Anyway, these people dont keep me from doing my workout, never said anything. And I am down with the idea of ignoring them and working out just for myself, but to be real, this is what is on my mind, soooooooo I'm curious what YOU think (if anything) when you see somone overweight working out/running, and how you feel if you are the one working out/running???

    Off to my run, but shall return!!

    I think it needs to eventually be that you don't care what they think or even say. Like most people who posed in reply, most people IRL will think it's great. A few people will have negative things to say, but so what? If you can't ignore them, how about replying, "I may be fat, but I can get fit. You can't fix stupid!"?
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    If I see someone overweight running, I think a couple of things:

    1. Good for them! That's awesome.
    2. I know it's got to be harder for them than it is for me, so if they can do it, I can do it. When I see people working on goals bigger than mine, I find it inspirational. I should suck it up! If they can get out there and do it, so can I.

    I'm not in the overweight category, but I'm sure someone somewhere judges me when I work out anyway. Maybe my form is poor. Maybe they don't think I'm working hard enough. Blah blah blah. But I hope I'm inspiring some people, too.

    (Honestly, usually I don't even really notice. But if I think anything, it's the above.)

    i totally agree! You are working out cause you need to lose weight, and everyone else that wants to comment or stare can kiss my large hind end! A favorite pic of mine quotes "even if you are running slow, you are lapping everyone on the couch!"
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I am overweight and I find running really hard (shin splints plus burning out very very quickly), I've a way to go to build myself up and hopefully wind up liking it.

    So when I see someone my size running it makes me think
    a) they're great
    b) go them!
    c) I should be doing that.
    If I see someone bigger than me running, I think they are AWESOME.

    Basically I agree with pretty much everyone here and....be proud you're doing what so many others won't or cant!

    Agreed....Wu Shin Splints aint nothin to f wit