When I see overweight people running...



  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 646 Member
    I would have a lot of respect for the bigger person exercising, yesterday in the gym there was this very large lady on the bike in front of me, and she was going at it like her life depended on it, sweat pouring and noises being made! I thought massive respect to her, I wanted to say great job, but dont that would be strange coming from a stranger. if everyone but effort in like that hey....
  • ryanpayne4
    ryanpayne4 Posts: 64 Member
    It makes me really happy and even though I may not know them, I'm proud for them.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    If I see someone overweight running, I think a couple of things:

    1. Good for them! That's awesome.
    2. I know it's got to be harder for them than it is for me, so if they can do it, I can do it. When I see people working on goals bigger than mine, I find it inspirational. I should suck it up! If they can get out there and do it, so can I.

    I'm not in the overweight category, but I'm sure someone somewhere judges me when I work out anyway. Maybe my form is poor. Maybe they don't think I'm working hard enough. Blah blah blah. But I hope I'm inspiring some people, too.

    (Honestly, usually I don't even really notice. But if I think anything, it's the above.)

    This. Totally this. I'm sure there are plenty of lean, healthy runners who weren't so lean and healthy until they started exercising and watching what they ate. We all have to start somewhere!
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    I think it's totally awesome - not only because that person is doing something for their health, but because they are brave enough to do it where other eyes will watch. Me, I'm a coward - I hate exercising at a gym because I always feel I'm being judged, and I run at lunchtime around the railyard - everyone else is in the cafeteria and the yard is fenced off from the outside world. I plan to start running outside the yard soo - if I want to wear a bikini (or at least a tankini) in Hawaii, I damn well better get used to feeling like I'm being watched.

    I admire your strength - keep it up!
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    I personally think its great to see somebody of a larger size jogging/running, but dont think i will go there again myself, not until alot lighter, this was due to nasty remarks made by 3 late teen/early 20's group of men, making rude comments as I went by whilst out jogging with a vastly slimmer friend, so unfortunately has put me right off and knocked my confidence.
  • sailorsiren13
    I am in the overweight category myself and get out there and bust it every day i'm only like 7 lbs from being in the healthy range and i think anyone that gets off their butts is inspirational and i will not judge for i am not in their shoes...People that sit in their cars at the parks are just creepy unless its cold..seriously weird. Good for you for doing something for yourself!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I ALWAYS think, "Good for them!!!"

    That said, back when I was a twig, my obese sister in law wanted to join me at the gym (yay!!!). I took her, and was showing her how to use the machines.

    A couple of hard-bodied studmuffins a few machines down were obviously mocking her and laughing at her. It was awful. She had a good attitude about it, but I thought it sucked, and it really surprised me. I mean, isn't that we would want? For her to work toward her health? Sheesh.

    But I do nothing but applaud anyone who works toward their heath.

    (also, I wouldn't want to run in front of an "audience" of people sitting in parked cars, either. :-)
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    For me...I feel very self-conscious, but continue on.

    When I see other people I think, that's great! I wish I could do that! LOL
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    If you are overweight, would you be more embarrassed about people witnessing you jogging and trying to better your health, or witnessing you purchase a bunch of junk food at the grocery store? I personally would be more embarrassed showing my face at a grocery store. It seems like the majority are less worried about that and more worried about how they look exercising. Makes little sense to me.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    It makes me realize how lazy I am being by not doing something and motivates me to get off my *kitten* and do something!
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    It inspires me :) I'm doing couch25K as well right now. I suck at running.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    I think "get it girl!"

    I was there once. Takes much more, IMHO, energy, commitment, and COURAGE to run when overweight than when at goal weight.

    Keep going. Those people that see you running most days are going to be really impressed as you shrink before their eyes!!
  • Mrsairforce
    Mrsairforce Posts: 130
    I just finished week 1 day 2 of c25k. Theres mostly contractors where I live building new houses so a lot of trucks drive in and out. We also have two patrol cops that always give me a thumbs up. I don't think that anyone should look down on anyone when they run. I don't think I am better than a 400 lb person who runs and I would certainly hope a 120 pound person wouldn't think they are better than me. We all work hard, we all sweat and we're all doing it for the same reason.
  • drrbradford
    I'm a serious runner (I run on average 70 miles a week at about 6:30/M) and always try and acknowledge every person I see running with a nod or a wave. Especially those who are clearly having to put in a big effort to get moving (bigger and/or older folk). It always pleases me to see people trying and doing!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Honestly? My first feeling is jealousy. *I* want to be running. Then I get that fire in the belly that says "go for it" and it makes me work harder.

    I feel inspired :)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I think this is the wrong site to ask. Everyone here is into fitness and supporting people so we would all think yup good on you. Other non MFP'ers might have more negative thoughts. But who cares what they think anyway!!!!! Its really best not to worry.

    I feel self conscious training in the free weights area of the gym, I am p;ractically the only female there that ever does. But its just too bad I'm not going to let that stop; me doing what I want, and as time progresses the looks are becoming MUCh more appreciative!!!
    Next time you feel self conscious, maybe you could use that - visualise the georgeous new skinny you and how many admiring looks you will get, use that as a motivating factor?
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I think the same as I do when I see anyone else running, that I hate them. I hate running with a passion, I'm also crap at it (not sure if the hate or the being rubbish came first), so I automatically loathe runners while seething with jealousy that I can't/won't do it.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I was indifferent before realizing that I was in this class as well. Now... empathy.
  • fitnessbekhs
    It encourages me to see ANYONE running! But to see an overweight person (like me) running? THAT'S awesome!

    (But I totally know how you feel. And I've been in the car with people who've made snarky comments about overweight runners/walkers.....and I just want to knock em over the head for it.)

    Just remember that MOST people that see you will be greatly encouraged......and that the more people that see you, the more people you will have encouraged.
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Being in the overweight category- I don't think about it. I am a bit self-conscious about being top heavy and running... I try to not worry about it though. I'm in week 2 of C25K, so it'll get better from here.