When I see overweight people running...



  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I remember about 10 years ago (before I had a weight problem myself), there was a very large fellow who used to run by my apartment -- I noticed him because he passed by me on my way to classes at the same time each day. My thoughts always were, "good for him!!"

    I didn't see him for about 6 months because of my timetable changing, but then ran into him after that...and I could not BELIEVE how fit he looked! He had great muscle definition in his legs and arms and looked like he probably had an average BMI. That was so inspiring to see, and it always stuck with me. Once I did develop a weight problem, I used the memory of that fellow to motivate myself.
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 183 Member
    To be honest,,,,,when i see an overweight person running.... say WOW.....Great job!.. I have never been able to run at any weight...lol

    I also just started the couch to 5K and I just finished week 2 day 1. When I get better, I would love to run with anyone no matter what their size!
  • schmidtka70
  • Brenda3827
    I have been on this nutrtion program since February. I love it. I have lost 20 lbs. and excited to lose at least 50 plus more pounds. I have three kids, two of them are adults and one still lives @ home. I am 43 years old, I am 5'4 and weigh 216 lbs. I absolutely hate it. I too know what you are feeling. I go to the gym with my fiance as he is also on this program and doing great. He is the most loving and caring person you can meet,. However, he doesn't have the insecurities like I do. I go to the gym with alot of inspiration and encouragement from him. TRUST me, I don't know about you but there are times when I feel totally embaresed to be there, or think when I am there I would like to look like that certain person. But, I have learned one thing that keeps me going is I know that in the back of my mind I can basically look how I want if I continue to go, so I keep going. I think you are an awesome person. Keep going and who cares what anyone else thinks. Signed right there with ya.
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    I am always happy to see people up and moving, regardless of size or age. Whether it is walking, running, lifting, zumba, or anything else, they are taking the initiative to be healthier than the countless number of people who live completely sedentary lives.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I respect and pull for anybody not backing down from a noble fight.

    Looking at the responses here I see that just about everyone does. Go get 'em.
  • LeslieMDoyle
    LeslieMDoyle Posts: 162 Member
    I have to tell you, I WAS one of those overweight people running. I let off over the winter and know I will have to start again. But I weighed 243 pounds when I started running. I was doing Weight Watchers as well. But I lost 18 pounds in two months doing WW and interval running.

    I started out doing the Couch Potato to 5k schedule, but couldn't keep moving to the next level at that pace. But I was amazed that I could run at all. The first time I ran for one minute, I thought I was going to die! After my two minute walk, I ran again, thinking I'd run as far as I could...even if it wasn't for a whole minute. But I did it! The first 'run', I ran five full minutes...though none of them in a row. by the time I stopped running, I was running 20 minutes, five minutes at a time.

    I'm sure I never looked pretty. And maybe there were folks who pointed and laughed. but I never heard or saw them. I just kept telling myself that this was a good thing for me.

    One advantage I had though was that I wasn't the only overweight person doing that workout. I mean, there were times when I was the only one on the track, but there were several people in my hometown that were taking up that workout...all of us in various places of fitness.

    Good luck with your running! And don't get discouraged if it takes you more than 6wks to 5k. Just keep running. You'll be great!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    When I see overweight people running... I want to catch them and ask them if I can run too.

  • Sigma28
    Sigma28 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't know if you will read this, since there's already seven pages and counting. I think mature people think positive things when seeing overweight people running. You're taking a proactive stance on your health. Keep it up! There is a concern I have after reading your post. You stated that you were possibly looking for a more secluded place to run versus the busy park you're currently using. Don't. Be very careful if you are running by yourself. It's better to endure an occasional insult than dying. After Sherry Arnold's death out in Montana, it really was an eye opener. If someone has already addressed this in the thread, I apologize in advance!
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Awesome and WTG!!! And I should be doing that! lol
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    Honestly, I fear for how others may treat them. I have been mocked/made fun of more than once for speed-walking, and I was thinner then than I am now. I was so humiliated that eventually I quit walking along the lake that I live on. I love the trail along the lake. It is beautiful, and I miss it. I can't wait until I lose more weight so that I can feel confident enough to enjoy it again.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I attempt to jog at Night around 10:30ish. And On the Highway so no one sees me, The problem, Not even the cars see me.
    But I'm one of those people who have the little voice telling me that people are looking at me, Laughing and Hoping I'll fail. I was worst in High school, I still struggle with it that's why i do my workouts in my house.
    But when i see people run, I think of how Happy that the little voices are not preventing them.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    When I see a *person* exercising, no matter what size they are, I give them a smile and a mental "high five."
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    Honestly I don't pay attention to the size/weight of anyone running - other than those who have the awesome running body I long for.

    Seeing someone running usually sparks one or more of the following thoughts:
    I wish I could get out there right now...
    Darn it I wish I didn't oversleep..
    Oh the weather looks better for them on their run that it was for me...
    Oh I like those shoes/pants/etc...
    Looks like they had a long run... (noticing posture, fatigue, sweat etc.)

    The only one who focuses on the weight of the runner - is you about yourself.
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    1) Jealous! Especially if it's on my lunch break and they get to be out their burnin it up in the warm weather
    2)Super jealous if they are faster than me and I try to figure out why I'm so much slower (I often blame my short legs- pretty sure that's not it)
    3) I worry about their joints, their endurance, I wonder how their diet is, where they are in their journey, what they did to work up to it
    4) always proud and inspired!
    I'll be honest- I'm critical of myself so it does translate to my thoughts about others- but mostly as a way to define myself. I'm having the issue of not knowing where I am, how the rest of the world perceives my body size, how I perceive my body size. So I think things like " I wonder if my *insert body part* look like that/used to look like that/are bigger/smaller."
    I think about the shoes they are wearing (I'm slightly more into the minamalist thing). I think A LOT about form, are they hunched/am I hunched.
    So NOT GOING TO LIE, I notice their jiggles, lumps and bumps. It's motivation for me to keep working toward my goal. and I send love to them for sometimes letting me beat them, and other times kicking my butt and giving me something to work toward.
  • sjackson1717
    sjackson1717 Posts: 94 Member
    I want to give them a HIGH FIVE and some words of encrouagement. It makes me happy inside to see that they want to better themselves too.
  • qtpieprnsz
    qtpieprnsz Posts: 21 Member
    Don't let your mind or subconscious control you!!!! I am well overweight, even with the 50 lbs that I've lost so far. It was such a big struggle for me to start running/ jogging on the treadmill in my gym.

    Many times, I would try to work myself up to jogging but failed each and every time. I only started jogging as my trainer was standing beside me supporting me.

    When i was done.... I wanted to kick myself in the rear for being such a chicken little. It really was an unnecessary mental block and turmoil that I was putting myself through.

    Today, several weeks later, I still feel a bit self conscious as I'm on the treadmill jogging but tell myself to @#$& it as I'm there for me and not for others.

    My mentality has always been if people don't like what they see..... DON:T LOOK!!!!!

    Good luck on your journey and keep up the great work!!! Although be careful with those folks in their cars!!! LOL
  • ChristineW82
    ChristineW82 Posts: 116 Member
    First thoughts that go through my mind when I see ANYONE out running is that they must be working hard for their goals and I hope one day I can get myself out there running.
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    As an overweight person who runs everyday, I can totally relate. I joined an all women's gym because I thought I would feel more comfortable but I still feel uncomfortable sometimes because I feel like people are looking at me.

    However, there are lot of people that are 1. smaller than me and 2. bigger than me who are all doing less work than me. When I see someone my size walk on 2 miles per hour it pushes me to work really really hard because i WANT the change.

    The biggest thing that discourages me is when I run (or do anything) I sweat...BAD...like the whole front of my shirt on my neckline is soaked...and women definitely look at me like i'm disgusting. o__O
  • qtpieprnsz
    qtpieprnsz Posts: 21 Member
    Don't let others stop you from where you want to be!!!!! When I first started out with my trainer, he would make me do things facing everyone else and would ask: do you think they are concerned about you and what you look like? No, they are here for themselves.

    Everyone has their own reason for being in the gym or for working out... trying to improve one's health is not to be frowned up.. trust me, I know it hurts like hell... I've been a chubby kid all my life and obese all my adult life. Never have I been the average size and the name calling from elementary school still bothers me at times. BUT, I am better and much stronger today than I was a year ago and even back then.

    Don't let anyone stop you... don't even let yourself stop you... I'm my biggest enemy and really trying to break through that grip!

    Keep strong and wishing you continued success on your journey!!!