khursh8 Member


  • I don't usually post on the boards, but I have to say, you're amazing! I'm so glad you feel great about yourself :) I'm a college student too, and you're my inspiration for working at it, even in college when life is so stressful and so unorganized. Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • This doesn't really have anything to do with dieting, but I was wondering how you all ended up in the Middle East? I'm currently an ex-pat in Spain, but I'm interested in living in the Middle East someday. And just to throw in something about dieting, Spaniards are all pretty thin as well, and I think it has something to…
  • My best friend lectured me for an hour when I told her I was trying to lose 10 lbs. I'm 5'4" and 140 lbs. She said that she had never thought I needed to lose anything. But then my mom will lecture me for an hour if I have a piece of cake. So I'm confused. I don't really know if I need to lose weight or not by other…
  • I eat in courses. If I'm alone for dinner, I'll make my salad and eat that. And then I'll cook my chicken and eat that. And so on. Sometimes it takes me an hour and a half to eat my whole dinner. If I'm eating with family or friends, family style, I will only put the salad on my plate, and then only the vegetables, and…
  • Drink out of a camelbak water bottle, the kind with a straw. You can fill it up and take it anywhere, and for some reason, I always drink way more water out of this bottle than out of a glass.
  • Weighed myself yesterday morning and nothing had changed (+.1), so I need to kick it into a higher gear. My challenge for this week is to work my way up to running for a half and hour at 5 mph. And that includes the weekend (mental reminder for myself)!
  • I don't really trust my ability, or the site's ability, to count calories and exercise perfectly. I probably underestimate portions and overestimate calorie burns. If I have a extra calories at the end of the day, I usually just leave it in the hopes that that'll balance out any mistakes I've made in calculations.
  • I've been looking for a group, and this one seems pretty perfect, right down to the challenges. I'm 20 and I've gained 20 lbs over the last 2 years (darn that freshman 15) and I would like to lose it in this next year. I feel pretty good about my habits, except on the weekends, so a Monday weigh in will hopefully keep me…
  • I also think you should choose just one or two things to change this week. Make them things that you are relatively sure you can stick to in order to create momentum and feel successful. I know you don't have a lot of time, but the book "Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard" has been life altering for me. It teaches…
    in i give up!! Comment by khursh8 July 2010
  • I have a 24 oz camelbak water bottle (the kind with a built in straw), and I drink three of those throughout the day (72 oz). The straw makes the difference for me, if I lose this water bottle then I'm sunk for the day.
  • I bring a whole steamer bag of broccoli and cauliflower to start with. Pour a teaspoon of olive oil over and toss with oregano and basil and a little pepper and it's pretty good. And it takes me forever to eat. Then I snack on fruit and a hard boiled egg in the afternoon because, although I'm rarely hungry in the morning,…
  • Good God woman! That's insane :)
  • Awesome! You're an inspiration, you look great and you're healthy!
  • Having just a taste always makes my cravings worse too. Especially since I can't stop once I start :) Advice is great, but I've also learned that every diet decision you make should be tailored to what works for you. Stay strong!