Favorite Packed Lunch?



  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    Check out the Kashi Frozen Entrees..They are so good and I believe the nutrition is a bit better....I usually have one and a greek yogurt for lunch on the days I am in the office..I also pack string cheese and one of the healthier snack bars .I also work a few days on the road, so no microwave available. I will have to take some of the other suggestions on here that do not require heating...it means taking time to plan and pack the night before, which is something I need to start doing..otherwise, I go through the drive through at Dunkin Donuts and get a flatbread eggwhite sandwich!
  • Chris_B
    Chris_B Posts: 15
    Yeah, I agree. At a subway salad today for lunch. Pretty good and very low calorie content. Went to the store this evening and bought some premade classic romaine, shredded carrots, onions, tomatoes and some light balsamic vinaigrette. Actually looking forward to lunch tomorrow.
  • browneyesbb89
    browneyesbb89 Posts: 141 Member
    In my area at Wendy's they have the Apple Pecan Chicken salad that is so good. It has bleu cheese crumbles on it too. Yum. It is 350 cal. for just the sald, 120 for the pomegranite dressing, and 110 for the pecans for a grand total of 580 calories. But you could leave off the pecan which would make it 470 calories. Save the pecans for a treat later on.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Lately I've been bringing in lentils and brown rice with a side of veggies. Tofu with udon noodles and carrots/snow peas. Salads when I don't have time to cook at night for my lunch the next day. I always bring in fruits for an afternoon snack (kiwi, berries, apples, mandarin oranges, grapes, cherries) and greek yogurt-Chobani or Fage.
  • Chris_B
    Chris_B Posts: 15
    Pecans Yum! Don't know if I could leave the pecans off. Love pecans, especially pecan pie which I'm way sure is not on my current menu. ;-}
  • Sara1478
    Sara1478 Posts: 21
    I usually make sandwiches with Thomas Bagel Thins (110 cal). It cuts out that extra slice of bread, which saves you quite a few calories. They also inherently reduce the size of your sandwich.

    ~Oscar Meyer shaved oven roasted turkey (45 cal/6 slices Downside: Sodium)
    ~Lettuce and tomato
    ~ A1 (15 cal/Tbsp) makes a good, flavorful alternative to mayo.

    That's a sandwich under 200 calories. Add fruit or veggies on the side and you've got yourself a very low calorie meal. I like eating this when I know I'm going to have to eat out for another meal in the day.
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    During the summer, I love Mexican-themed salads. Any or all of the following ingredients are great topped with some salsa, lime juice, and chopped cilantro: avocado, corn, tomato, mango, jicama, black olives.

    During the winter, I often have oatmeal with fresh or frozen berries cooked in-- if you cook the berries with the oats until they burst, and cook the oats with milk instead of water, it makes a tasty lunch on a cold day. Soup is also good for winter-- I split a single can between two tupperware containers (for 2 lunches) and add a bunch of frozen veggies.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I almost always pack my own lunch and snacks. Its usually dinner from the previous night (I avoid sandwhiches to help lower the bread carbs).

    My fave lunch is taco salad.
    Salad mix, tomatos, cucumbers (peeled), i add 1/2 a serving of cheese and 1 serving of light sour cream, and 4 oz of lean ground turkey (which has been cooked with taco seasoning, green peppers and onions). No dressing (thats the sour cream). I usually add A LOT of salad mix (generally 1/2 the bag).
  • underthebridge09
    Whole Wheat Pita Bread, stuffed with mixture of tuna (or chicken), raisins, tumeric, red onion, cilantro and a TBSP of plain yogurt.
    Whole Wheat Pita Bread, red bell pepper, mustard (or red wine vinegrette spray dressing - 1 pump), sliced chicken breast, romaine lettuce

    for a lunch side I usually do the baybel cheeses (yellow), 1 cup fruit such as cantelope or mango topped with granola
  • medrewiske
    medrewiske Posts: 51 Member
    I always pack a lunch everyday becasue it saves so much money and is so much healthier than anything you could pick up.
    I used to do the frozen lean cuisines & smart ones meals, but now I'm concerned about all of the sodium and the fact that they are in those cheap little plastic containers that get microwaved.

    So I usually bring a salad & something else like a sandwich, soup or some kind of left overs. I got these little glass containers from Crate & barrel, and they are the perfect size for a single portion of anything (they hold about a cup). They were really cheap too, only $1.95 a piece. The clear plastic lid doesn't look microwave safe, so I just put a napkin over it when I heat them up. I really like these dishes becasue you aren't tempted to bring a portion that is bigger than what you should be eating. plus, becasue they are glass, you aren't getting leached plastic chemicals in your food when you heat it up.

    Here are the bowls I was talking about:
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I bring my breakfast and lunch with me to work, even though we have lunch provided everyday for us for free, but its not the best stuff to be eating EVERY SINGLE DAY!

    My typical lunch would be:
    -So type of protein- Tuna with a little miracle whip, Chicken salad on a whole wheat tortilla, or a Garden Burger pattie (I like it plain with no bun)
    -A string Cheese ( low fat, low calorie)
    -Some fruit (grapes, strawberries, an orange, an apple, etc.)
    -A 100 cal yogurt
    -Green Giant single serving trays (I like the broccoli and cheese-only 60 cal, or the lightly sauced corn-80 cal)

    I always try to bring a couple of small snacks to eat too between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner like some fruit or veggies.
  • underthebridge09
    There are awesome glass bowls with measurements on the side (hold up to 1 cup but have 1/4, 1/3, oz, etc) from Pampered Chef. Similar to the ones posted above. They are AWESOME! I always pack my snacks in those because I know exactly how much I'm getting, can prepare them all on Sunday so I'm not tempted to NOT take healthy stuff with me. I put 3/4 cup yogurt, 1/4 cup granola/flax seed, 1/4 cup fruit (blueberries/mango/cantelope). Very yummy and super healthy. They help with portion control. Other options are half full of hummas/half veggies, dill dip made with plain yogurt/veggies, cottage cheese with fruit/veggies. And you don't have to weigh or measure your food out!
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    This week I had chicken salad with either triscuits or wheat thins instead of bread (prolly about the same difference but was sooo good to me)

    The "vine" chicken salad

    1/2 pks frozen chicken tenderloins boiled for 30-40 mins then shredded
    1/2 cup light mayo (more to taste if needed)
    1-1/2 cups halved grapes
    1 lg can of manadarin oranges
    salt and pepper to taste

    mix it all up and yum yum yum!!!!!!!

    this week I just had some chicken salad with 1/2 sweet potato and some broccoli. So filling and very yummy!!
  • SunmayLo
    SunmayLo Posts: 16
    KIMBAP! Its soo good and you can prepare it early too. Its a Korean dish that looks like a very long sushi roll.

    You need to get some nori which is the 'sushi seaweed' and thats like 2$ for 10 sheets. Make some white or brown rice (put in any flavor you want but i usually keep mine plain) the stickier the better. once you let it cool (it will be hard if its still hot) lay out the nori and put a layer of rice over it. flavor the rice with soy sauce and/or sesame oil if you want (a little sesame oil goes a long way so be careful) then in the middle put whatever you want! I usually put some protien like ham or lean beef and some cheese and leaf lettuice and green beans. people say that pickeled things are good in it too but i havent tried it yet. Its really filling and you can make it however healthy or unhealthy you want or you can add more of certain things and less of others to fit your dieting needs.

    did i mention that it is delicious? well, it is. :D
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Whole wheat or low carb tortilla and make a wrap with your choice of leftovers from the night before OR the all white meat chicken breast in a can with salsa or Santa Barbara peach and mango salsa.
  • khursh8
    khursh8 Posts: 15 Member
    I bring a whole steamer bag of broccoli and cauliflower to start with. Pour a teaspoon of olive oil over and toss with oregano and basil and a little pepper and it's pretty good. And it takes me forever to eat. Then I snack on fruit and a hard boiled egg in the afternoon because, although I'm rarely hungry in the morning, I get the munchies in the afternoon.