how much water do you really drink?



  • DancingYogini
    I have an empty Naked Juice half gallon bottle, that I fill up with water every morning. I try to drink 2 of those per day! I don't always succeed, but get at least one of them in :smile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Thanks for everyone's input. I am trying to drink more water with every meal. I also try to take sips of water every hour. I want to make water drinking habit forming. I am guilty of drinking diet pepsi. 1 to 3 cans per day. I cannot drink green tea because it conflicts with medication that I'm on. I don't drink coffee at all. I was thinking of trying something like Crystal light or the new Special K drinks. I like the individual packets that you just mix with a bottle of water. Has anyone tried those type of drinks to flavor their water? I already add lemon, just want to try something different.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Thanks for everyone's input. I am trying to drink more water with every meal. I also try to take sips of water every hour. I want to make water drinking habit forming. I am guilty of drinking diet pepsi. 1 to 3 cans per day. I cannot drink green tea because it conflicts with medication that I'm on. I don't drink coffee at all. I was thinking of trying something like Crystal light or the new Special K drinks. I like the individual packets that you just mix with a bottle of water. Has anyone tried those type of drinks to flavor their water? I already add lemon, just want to try something different.

    Lemon in water is excellent, the following are snippets from various webpages regarding fruit as flavouring in water:
    Health benefits of lemon include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, fever, hair care, skin care, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, overweight, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure. Known for its therapeutic property since generations, lemon helps to strengthen your immunity system and cleanses your stomach. It is not only a blood purifier but also enables body to fight diseases. Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. Useful for treating kidney stones, curing heart strokes and reducing the body temperature, lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool.

    Strawberry is one of the most delicious and nutritious fruit. It has the ability to remove harmful toxin in the blood. It is also recommended for sluggish liver, gout, rheumatism, constipation, high blood pressure, catarrh and even skin cancer.

    •Grapes alkalinize the blood and act as a good liver and intestinal cleanser. Thus, they serve as a rejuvenator and digestive tonic. Grape juice in combination with apple juice is especially useful in cleaning the liver and kidney. The acid in the juice stimulates the liver and bile secretions, and thus prevents liver problems. The tartaric acid also acts as a laxative and prevents constipation. However, the grapes should be ripe, as the green acids are not good for the blood.
    •Grapes are a quick source of energy, as they contain large amounts of easily digested sugar.
    •The high water content in grapes prevents kidney and bladder stones by eliminating hardened deposits in any part. The combination of water and potassium and a low sodium content acts as a diuretic, which is beneficial in kidney problems.
    •Grapes lower cholesterol, prevent clots and cardiac problems.
    •The iron content is not very high, but organic iron is easily absorbed and thus beneficial for anemia.
    •Grapes soothe the nervous system and alleviate fever, migraine and asthma.

    Read more at Suite101: Composition and Health Benefits of Grapes: A Rich Source of Sugar and Antioxidants with Multiple Functions

    Sorry for the long posting :flowerforyou:
  • LeahSylina
    LeahSylina Posts: 40
    If I don't have a waterbottle, I don't drink water. I don't drink anything else either, I'm not a big soda or juice fan but I will have a glass of water and just sip on it. I never really drink much. But I find that keeping a water bottle with me all day long I drink quite a bit of water and don't usually have a problem making my 8 cups a day.
  • fansntt
    fansntt Posts: 19
    When I am at work I drink 2 8oz of water and 12oz of Coke. I would like to drink more but I can't be standing up to go to the bathroom every hour.

    When I do sport then I do drink my 8 8oz of water.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I find this easy, I fill a 2litre juice jug with water, I put it in the fridge, i'm not allowed to drink anything else until that jug is done...plain and simple. Works for me!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I am a terrible water drinker - so are both my sons. I have a steady supply of green tea for them, and diet green tea for me though - I only buy soda when we're having a party, and when it's gone - I won't buy more. I am guilty of getting a soda when we go out to eat though, I cave every once in a while!

    I've never thought about putting strawberries in my water, but I do add cucumbers and the water is so refreshing (even though i won't eat them, lol). I found that my sons sucked water down like crazy when it was flavored. I had to do a week off of it though - got to be too blah after a week or so. Time to spice it back up though!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I drink and swallow and drink some more water, sometimes hitting 12 glasses in a day. I drink 2 glasses before breakfast in the morning, and another glass before each meal or snack. It also helps me not keep eating when I'm full cause I was already half ful of water. I usually have two glasses in the evening during my me-time. And I almost always have a cup of water nearby, I use a big 20 ounce cup all day, so I get two glasses with ice each filling, goes fast this way. Drinking water is easy now that I don't drink soda!
  • forgiven4life
    I'm really bad about getting my water in. I may have a 16.9 oz bottle/day if lucky. I'm just not a big drinker period. Like another poster said, the only time water tastes good to me is right after a workout or when I'm really hot. Otherwise, I generally have to be eating something to drink something. I just don't sit around and sip on a drink throughout the day. And if I am drinking water, i have to have something in it, like Crystal Light or fresh lemon juice. I really need to work on replacing everything I drink with water.
  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    I am a very big water drinker. Always have been. Honestly, I easily drink 8 glasses by mid day sometimes. When I first decided to lose weight seriously about two years ago, I deleted juice or any kind of drinks completely. I treated drinks the way i treat alchol...only drink on occassion. It was easy for me because I was already a big water drinker. Even wen i fell off the wagon and gained much of my weight back, i was still loving my water. I drank water with every meal, and I luved it. room temperature, ice cold (preferable in these summer months)...i just love it lol
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    I found a 74 oz water bottle at Big Lots. My goal is to drink that every day and then some if I can. Since I can't take it with me when I go to someone's desk to work on their computer, I generally drink as much as I can between calls for help.
    I have also read about drinking half you weight in ounces. It seems reasonable since most of your body is made up of water.
    I add either a green tea bag or some lemon juice to my water. There is diet cranberry juice produced by Ocean Spray. I have now started adding some diet cranberry juice to the water to give it some flavor and some vitamins.
  • khursh8
    khursh8 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a 24 oz camelbak water bottle (the kind with a built in straw), and I drink three of those throughout the day (72 oz). The straw makes the difference for me, if I lose this water bottle then I'm sunk for the day.
  • naturalShar
    I have a 24 oz. cup that I use for drinking water. By noon I've usually already drank 5-6 of those which is 15-18 cups of water. By the end of the day I've probably had about 21-24 cups of water and thats not including the 3 12 oz. cups of green tea that I'll drink a day. I just let the color of my urine tell me if I'm drinking to much,but I'm extremely anemic and have to take lots of iron and all the water keeps me from being terribly constipated( sorry if too much info).