how much water do you really drink?

Most days, I have a hard time eating my 8-8 ounces of water. On hot days, I can drink much more. When I'm working out, I can drink much more. But normal days, I may get to 48 ounces of water. When you workout, are you supposed to drink more water for what you sweat out? I read somewhere I long time ago, that you are supposed to drink half your weight (in ounces) in water. So for me, that would be more than 64 ounces. It seems impossible somedays. I try to drink 2 cups as soon as I wake up and 2 cups about an hour before I go to bed. So I'm only responsible for 4 more cups throughout the day. Sometimes it works, usually it doesn't. I also read that lemon water is good for the liver so I put fresh lemons in my morning water. Anyone have any suggestions about this??


  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I drink 5 pints of water a day (at least) but find it easy to do seems like my body craves water. It is difficult at the start and you find yourself needing the loo quite regularly. However, this need as reduced for me and it's not such a bad thing anymore.

    I have also heard that you should be drinking half of your body weight in water! :flowerforyou:

    Gradually increase and you will be at your goal intake in no time at all :flowerforyou:
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I use a liter water bottle and I end up drinking a lot more then what's required. It's right by me at all times at work and at home. I think it's easier to drink your water if it's in a big water bottle. May be something you would like to try :)

    Yes you do need to drink more when working out because of sweating and your body needs the water. (as far as i know haha) :)
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    I get much more than that, especially when I'm working out, but I always do, even on days I don't work out and I do it by always having a glass/bottle of water with me. It's not the end of the world if you don't get it once in a while because you get some water from the foods you eat, especially if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, which I'm sure you are doing anyway. But it's better to get a little more than the minimum than a little less. You have to drink a good bit of water before it's too much. The only exception to that is if you are exercising super hard and long, such as running for over an hour or push mowing your lawn all afternoon. In that case, you are losing electrolytes at a high rate and simply drinking water will speed that up, so you should drink something like Gatorade at half strength (pour half the Gatorade into another glass or bottle and add the same amount of water).
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I drink at least 2 liters (66 ounces) of water a day. Like Md, I use a liter bottle. I like my water cold and filter/bottled (I won't drink tap b/c of the funny taste, not to mention who know what else is in there!) Once I started and cut out all other fluids, it's no problem for me. On heavy workout days, I drink quite a bit more than 2 liters. (3 or 4)
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    I drink a lot of water, but it is, and must be, ICE water....I don't like water that is warm/tepid. I keep a bag of ice in the freezeer here at work and have a thermal cup with a straw that I fill 3-4 times a day (it is a BIG mug and hold 16 oz.) and I have one at home that I use at night so I know I am getting my water intake. But it must be ice water!!:wink:
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I find myself drinking even more water in the Summer. My job is outside and I am constantly hydrating myself. I even take a gallon of water with me in case I need more. I am a huge water drinker so I probably drink more than the recommended but then some days I am so busy I don't drink as much. I take a water bottle every where I go so I know it's there and drink it! PLUS..if you drink ice water, they say, you burn somewhere close to 200 calories more a day. Lemon is also a good thing for ya!
  • Breathe_Glamour
    I drink 4.5 to 6 pints of water each day...I know some on MFP drink way more than that - I believe in dividing your weight in half to get the right amount of water you should drink each day.
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    I drink close to a gallon of liquid per day. I keep a 23 ounce glass at my desk and drink it at least twice per day, then about 32 ounces at home every evening and I drink at least a 32 ounce glass of unsweet (no artificial sweetener either so it counts as a water source) of black tea for lunch. I will sometimes grab another 20 ounce bottle of water on the way home. I drink it room temperature or ice cold and everywhere in between.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I drink any where between 1 and 2 gallons of water per day. I have always been a big water drinker.

    Most times I drink it plain or with lemon squeezed. Sometimes I add mint leaves, lime or orange slice in it.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I drink about 16 ounces of liquid per day (which happens to be water). That's it. Just 16 ounces of water in a day and nothing else. No soda, no juice, no milk. I guess I don't drink much. My mom said I'd probably lose even faster if I just drank more water... Or anything, lol!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    24 cups.

    12 at work. (made in a coffee maker w/1 teabag and 2 splenda)
    12 when I get home. (plain water)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Depending on heat & activity levels, I could drink anywhere from 60 - 150 ounces of water in a day.
    Usually its around 80 though.
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    I don't drink my 'straight' water, I tend to have it in Green Tea format, or some other sort of tea, such as cranberry and elderflower. I always polish off one bottle of straight water in the gym, but have around 5-6 cups of green tea a day. I am alos guilty of a glass or two of Coke Zero. Shameful I know, but take away my cheeseburgers and I must have another vice!
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    I drink about 12-15 8oz glasses a day. I used to have trouble making the 8 glasses but then I realized how much other stuff I was drinking throughout the day. I replaced everything with water, it is literally all I drink, I don't drink soda, juice, coffee. Occasionally I will a glass of milk with breakfast but other than that it is nothing but water.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    i have to MAKE myself drink water. its just something i dont think about..i really dont drink much of anything at all. some days i can go having only drank 64oz of diet coke! if i keep crystal light in the fridge i can drink the heck out of that at times.

    for me..i have to fill up a cup and carry it with me..or a water bottle and make myself drink it. but i know that it does help!

    i also LOVE putting lemon in my water!
  • rmwilliams0519
    I know this is going to sound crazy but I have a large jug its called a Bubba Keg. It is 54 oz. It goes everywhere I do. In fact when my friends and family see me with out it they think something is wrong with me. I fill it about 4 to 5 times a day with water.

    I've been wondering how much water is too much?
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    1.5liter - 2 liters. MINIMUM 1.5 liters
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I have to put Crystal Light in to enjoy water. I'm just not a fan unless it's during or after a workout. That's the only time plain ol' water tastes good to me.
    I have a 64 FL Oz. Gatorade bottle that I wash out and reuse daily at work. I drink 1.5 of those. I also work out nearly every week day, so I also will drink another 1-2 glasses after or during the workout. On the weekends, I tend to drink only 4-6 glasses/day because I have too much to do to sit near a bathroom for the required amount of time :)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I drink about 16 ounces of liquid per day (which happens to be water). That's it. Just 16 ounces of water in a day and nothing else. No soda, no juice, no milk. I guess I don't drink much. My mom said I'd probably lose even faster if I just drank more water... Or anything, lol!

    You don't feel dehydrated?

    OMG, my lips would be so dry, they would start cracking if I drank only 16 oz of water per day.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Close 10 8oz glasses a day...