

  • You definitely aren't eating enough... You have a golden opportunity here to do it right! Start off with basic strength training, just 30 minutes worth, 3 days a week... like M, W, F.... then do cardio on T, Th, Sa.... and rest on Sunday... after 30 days, make it 45 minutes each.... Set your base intake at about 1500…
  • Congrats! Remember this pain... because if you stop and then start back up, you'll hurt like this all over again! that said, you need to give yourself rest time between workouts... especially first starting out... This is a 3 part process: we work our bodies (both strength and cardio), we feed them nutritious foods in the…
  • I always try to talk to and encourage everyone... Period!
  • I'm not really sure how to post and reply on all this stuff here. But to the person who challenged my previous comment where I said that this is all very subjective, I said much of the same thing as you did, I just don't need to try and impress everyone with a big word vocabulary... VO2 peaks when you're young, is also…
  • I don't pay much attention to mine either... I stopped logging burns months ago because the numbers almost seemed like bragging....and all that's important to me is performance... And i tweak what i eat based on how i feel and how i perform...
  • This is all pretty subjective... There are many factors that come into play for calorie burning... It's all best guess based on some criteria. Like age, weight, basic lifestyle, muscle mass, current fitness level, and most importantly, what percentage of your maximum HR you're utilizing and for how long etc... Sometimes…
  • I agree with the first couple comments you received before mine...i.e. water weight and too low of caloric intake. Your Basic Metabolic Rate should be around 1500 or so. That's if you laid in bed all the time. Your Net should not fall below your BMI as a general rule... But especially when exercising regularly... This is…
  • I'm in! It's wet and nasty here in Portland during most Decembers. I both ride and use my spin bike. When i ride outside, I go by both mileage and time in the saddle, but on my spin bike, its purely time... We are all at different points in our journeys, with different goals. And I do a lot besides riding... But I'll shoot…
  • In my opinion it can be both. I think that as we use this great tool, we need to pay attention to what we're doing so that we can also be independant of it. Kinda like food scales or a Heart Rate Monitor.... I had one friend who absolutely freaked out because her food scale broke and she couldn't figure out how much to…
  • I don't see any comments... lol... That's ok.... I'll do it with you!!! Oorah! :)
  • The best a scale can do it tell you how much you weigh! It's one tool in our toolbox. I'd use the tape measure and fat calipers along with it and keep a log.
  • We all make choices.... There is absolutely nothing healthy about this. Your body is not getting the nutrients it needs and then you're poisoning it on top of that...
  • P.S. Also make sure you're drinking A LOT of water... like almost a gallon a day...
  • I agree with the others: You need to eat more... When we don't eat enough, out bodies go into starvation mode.. they put the breaks on and won't let go of any weight because they're being starved....... If we give out bodies what they NEED, no more and no less, they won't mind getting rid of that they DON'T need, which is…
  • Haven't actually tried for longest distance without stopping in many years.... Today, I ran for a solid hour with my camelbak (about 20lbs total) on my back and then rode my bike for an hour... If I was going to guess, I probably ran about 10 minute miles... Every once in a while, I'd stop and do 10 miitary pushups; then…
  • First of all, Major Kudos for what you already do!... I agree with what's already been said... There's more to strength and conditioning than arms and legs....And it's a total myth that if a woman 'weight lifts' that she'll bulk up with man muscles..... thoses muscles are caused as much if not more my hormonal differences…