Fizzgig168 Member


  • Hey @naysline14 and @briannac52392 you guys interested in joining me at Hogwarts this summer? It's super motivating!
  • Yesss!! I've been looking for this post for like a week and a half. I had to drop out last fall because of a loss in the family, and I'm finally ready to jump back in.
  • Went over my calories again, but not by as much and I stopped eating at 8. I feel like I'm getting better. Me: 8(+1) LNS: 4 Streak: 4(+1)
  • Felt very in control of my eating today! It was an awfully nice feeling. Me: 7(+1) LNS: 4 Streak: 3(+1)
  • Well, I went way over my calories but I stopped at 8pm (my target time to stop eating), so I'm gonna give myself the W. Small steps. Me: 6 (+1) LNS: 4 Streak: 2 (+1)
  • This is like fate, I swear. Last week I just started to address my (increasingly serious) late night bingeing problem. I came on the forums tonight for the first time in over a year, and this is the first thread I saw! So I'm only starting from June 7th instead of the 1st. So far I'm doing okay-ish. Me: 5 LNS: 4 Streak: 1
  • I'm only five pounds from my goal weight, and I definitely want those last few pounds shed before I start wearing my bikini! You know the last five pounds are always the hardest though, haha, so I'd love to give and receive some support :smiley:
  • I've been sloooowly working my way up from not being able to do push-ups AT ALL towards my goal of being able to do 50 push-ups in a row. I started with wall push-ups, and then moved up to knee push-ups. This timing is perfect, as I've just recently graduated from knee push-ups to regular push ups. I'm down to give it a…
  • I've moved into a comfortable 10, but my goal is to get to a comfortable 6 to 8 as well :) I'd be happy to add you! I don't have many friends who use MFP consistently, and it's nice to have some support.
  • This is going to sound mean and nasty, and I don't mean it to be, but there's no way to say it nicely, so here goes: In my experience, when people say things like this to you when you *know* you're still pounds and pounds away from a weight you feel good about, it's almost always because they resent the hell out of you and…
  • Thanks so much for the input, everyone! Thanks especially to @colors_fade, that was particularly helpful for me :smiley:
  • Personally, I've found that every single time I run with anything at all in my stomach, I get cramps about 2 miles in. Obviously, this means that for me, if I'm running in the morning I do it on a totally empty stomach (and if I'm running in the afternoon or at night I make sure it's been at least 3 hours since I last…
  • Well, I'm at 155.3, up over a pound a half from last week thanks to this plateau that I've now whinged about all over everywhere in this group, haha. I'm still down from my starting weight of 157 though, and I'm determined to push through this. Next week's weigh-in will be amazing!
  • @RaeBeeBaby Thank you for your words of encouragement! And for the reality check ;) It can be easy to forget that this is a long-term change and path. The instant gratification is so, well, gratifying! Holding onto the idea of long-term payoff (and in more terms than JUST weight) is a really helpful, if occasionally…
  • In a weird way it's really nice to see other people struggling with "stuck" weight. Not that I'm enjoying anyone else's misery, of course! Haha. But I've been doing everything right and have been stuck at 155 (when I'd previously, though briefly, dropped down to 153) for most of this week, and while I absolutely know the…
  • @groovigyrl That is excellent advice, but sadly for me my clothes fit exactly the same right now. It always takes a while for my body to start changing when I start being good about diet and exercise again. The first month is always this same exact struggle: I'm doing everything right and nothing's changing. I know that…
  • I seem to do more of an "every other day check-in" than a "daily check-in," but I guess whatever works, right? I've been doing pretty damn good this week. I've run twice and done two non-running workouts, and I've stayed under my calorie limit every day. Of course, I forgot that I was starting over from scratch with…
  • I am! I'm just getting back into running on the regular, so I'd love a friend on there.
  • @ACSL3 Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! It helps so much to have someone else tell me that it's a victory, too, if that makes sense. @MayorGrimby I really understand your frustration. I get very discouraged if I have more than a day or two with no weight loss. I won't tell you what your logical brain…
  • Name: Nikki Age: 27 Height: 5'6" Starting weight (March 30th): 158 Goal weight (May 1st): 150 April 1st: 157.5 April 8th: 156.5 April 15th: 154 April 22nd: April 29th: May 1st: Weight lost/gained this week: -1.5 lbs Weight lost/gained this month: -3 lbs Successes/struggles this week: I started exercising this week, which…
  • Today was one of those days that just sucked. I was an emotional al wreck, nothing worked right, and it's now past midnight and I'm not in bed yet. I went over my calorie limit today, but I'm still wicked hungry and have been for hours. I'm trying to focus on the positive, though, which is that I didn't cave in to…
  • I lost 3 pounds in the last 8 days! I am so happy, I could do a jig. I know I won't have losses like this every week, and my trend is still only -1.5 pounds per week, but it still feels darn good.
  • @aleesha9109 There are a number of reasons your loss could be slow right now. For one thing, if you are working out very hard (good for you!) you'll be putting on some muscle as you lose fat, and muscle weighs significantly more than fat, so the results won't show the same on the scale. Try focusing on other things…
  • I had dropped a pound or so over the weekend, but in spite of going for a walk and sticking to my calories I was up this morning when I weighed myself. I'm sure it's water weight or something, so I'm holding off doing my weigh-in until tomorrow or Wednesday. Today I went for a run in the sunshine! I wasn't very fast and I…
  • Feeling pretty good about finishing this week off. I went over my calorie limit Friday night because I went out to eat, but I was able to control myself and only eat a tiny bit of the appetizer and dessert, and half my entree. I've been doing great this weekend, eating healthy and pretty active. My husband and I took the…
  • [quote="NicNakmfp;32032989" What is a 'free' day? Can we really have one of those? [/quote] @NicNakmfp You absolutely can have one of those! If that's what works for you ;) Some people, especially those who struggle with restricting their diets, have one "cheat" or "free" day during the week. Some people let themselves eat…
  • Hey all, checking in. I'm FINALLY getting over this wicked miserable head cold I've had since last week, and I'm really looking forward to the weather this weekend. Gonna take advantage and for a nice looong walk to prep for getting back to a workout routine next week. I was really thrilled when I got on the scale…
  • Name: Nikki Age: 27 Height: 5'6" Starting weight (March 30th): 158 Goal weight (May 1st): 150 April 1st: 157.5 April 8th: 156.5 April 15th: April 22nd: April 29th: May 1st: Weight lost/gained this week: -1 lbs Weight lost/gained this month: -1.5 Successes/struggles this week: I've been sick all week, so I wasn't able to…
  • I love this app! It is so much fun, and I swear I get more of a work out from it because my heart beats twice as fast from the adrenaline of running "from" something lol.