freakingenius Member


  • Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
  • I take benefiber most days and a colace when things need to move along... that is probably the worst side effect from surgery that I've had.
  • when i had the band i could initially eat about 1/2 cup, about 1 year post op i could eat about 1 cup, BUT it depended on the texture of the meal... the more firm the texture (chicken breast/steak/firm veggies/solid cheeses), the less i could eat....the mushier or more liquid the more i could eat (soups/yogurt/cereal/ice…
  • Sounds like you might have hit a plateau? Have you measured yourself to see if you are losing inches? I would 2nd the suggestion of seeing a therapist. Honestly that was one of the toughest but most rewarding parts of my journey. They can help you figure out why you are wanting to eat, and resolve those issues. Find a…
  • i am almost 3 months post op... i've lost 59 pounds since my surgery date, my body has completely changed (in good ways and bad). skin is sagging, things are heading south..... *ahem*..... that part sucks! now the awesome part... i can run, i can bike, i can walk without pain.... i find myself glancing at mirrors as i walk…
  • after the first couple of weeks your body will start to retain liquids and the sudden drop in pounds equals out to a steady drop. don't worry about a little bump in the scale every now and then. being *ahem* backed up is common, invest in colace and drink as much as you can handle. when you can tolerate solids, try to get…
  • oh I L-O-V-E PB2!!! it makes tasty pb when you mix it with water. I use pb2+water instead of regular pb on apples & bananas. Its yummy in protein shakes, oatmeal & mixed into granola too. I've even put it into pancake mix to boost up the protein in my breakfasts.
  • oh i hated those leg things too! i would unwrap them every time a nurse left the room =/ did they leave any drains or the pumps in? if they did, you'll feel wonderful when they are removed. those pounds are going to fly off! keep us updated! =D
  • my surgeon told me to expect a plateau around the 8-12 week mark. have you measured your chest/belly/hips/bust/arms/thighs/calves? he also said to regularly measure because the pounds may not drop off but the inches will show progress. also increase your protein and bump up your cardio! try a new exercise or aerobics…
  • there are a lot of shakes that sell the packets for a buck or two. pick some of those up and try them before you buy them in bulk. personally, i like jay robb's whey protein & jay robb's egg white protein and the line of syntrax nectar protein (i drink the latte flavor every day). my tastes changed after surgery, so don't…
  • omg YES!!! I had a lot of those "its the last time i can ever eat..(fill in the blank)..." moments! and i filled most of those moments with oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies... i can't say those were the good ol' days, because these days are pretty rockin ;) it'll pass. try to keep on track with your calories & exercise…
  • i have one of the weight watchers scales. it was $25 at bed bath & beyond. works great! it is the first scale i've owned that was within half a pound of my weight at the doctor's office & my gym.
  • have you tried "priming the pump"? drinking a couple sips of something hot a few minutes before meal time? when i had the band and had a really hard time eating (felt like everything got stuck! grr!) i tried taking a couple sips of hot tea or coffee before a meal and the food would go down and thankfully stay down without…
  • not in my experience! you should lose 1-2 pounds a week, a little more for a week or two following a fill and especially so soon after surgery... at least that is how it was for me. how is your protein intake? are you exercising? play it safe and give your surgeon a call.
  • i was denied initially, did the 6 month thing too... but honestly it was the best thing i could have done! i saw my dr regularly and i saw a therapist. i love my therapist and give her credit for my success! I was also denied 3 additional times after my 6 month monitored period... I gave up after the last denial. The woman…
  • I hope everything went smoothly! Update us when you can! =D
  • fage yogurt is one of my favorites, and edemame
  • Hi there! I had lap band surgery on july 3, 2008. It ended up being not for me (I had revision surgery to RNY Gastric bypass 12-11), but I can answer your questions. - is it weird having the port coming out of body? (that is totally freaking me out) I could feel mine under my abdomen, but it never bothered me. I didn't…
  • I could sleep in my bed, but i would wake up in pain some nights. it felt like there was something pulling in my left side near the pouch. i stayed on the pain meds steadily for about 4 days, then as needed (1 or 2 a day) for another 5 days. I was up walking around 4 hours after surgery, making laps around the floor. By…
  • I spoke with my dr. He said that I need to break up my meals into 3 meals with 2 snacks in order to keep my blood sugar up. Plus I need to drink more water. I've done both the last week and I haven't gotten dizzy... HOWEVER I feel like I'm eating constantly =/
  • liquid vitamins aren't necessary unless you just can not tolerate solids period..... which would point to a more serious problem. I've taken the regular vitamins with no problems since day 1. Plus, the liquid supplements are just plain disgusting.
  • the dizzies invited their friend nausea.... ive got an appt with my dr on the 28th. got to find out whats going on or what im doing wrong. im on the oatmeal/grits/yogurt plus protein shakes week. im hitting my goals... maybe im still eating too fast (even though im making an effort to eat ever so slowly?)
  • congrats on finding your motivation! it is a hard journey, both physically and mentally, but it is totally worth it! you will need the same effort and motivation for quitting smoking and losing weight. focus on conquering those hurdles one day at a time! do you have a quit smoking hot line in your area? im a former smoker,…
  • Happy Anniversary!!!! =D
  • I had the RouxEnY gastric bypass. The pain killers have definitely helped me to function, but I am still sore. Im not fully functioning yet, but Im able to give the kids a bath, wash dishes, and move around without saying Ow! Ow! Ow! lol The liquids arent as hard to get in as I thought they were going to be. I make a point…
  • exact recommendations vary from doctor to doctor. have you had any follow up/fill appointments? a fill and a pep talk from your surgeon could be what you need to get your plan back into action. with that being said, my doctor wants me to get 80 grams of protein a day.
  • Hi! Im not too far from you, Im in Fayetteville. My doctor is Dr Davidson at Village Surgical. He is seriously awesome! His entire team is supportive and just plain nice. They are located on Quiet Cove which is across from Cape Fear Valley. And youre not the only one who got pregnant shortly after surgery... I did the…
  • my surgeon put me on the special diet 2 weeks prior... i start the monday after thanksgiving. i would like to add that I did have lap band surgery on july 3, 2008. needless to say, it didnt work for me. i do eat incredibly smaller portions than what i did presurgery, but my body did not respond with much weight loss. I…
  • talk to your obgyn about it. there are different pills with different reputations ;) also, i find that i get really hungry at night. that is my danger zone for snacking. ive started going to bed earlier because of it. plus a little extra sleep never hurts! if i have to stay up during the danger zone i will try to snack on…
  • Hi yall! My surgery date is Dec 12th, so close but it feels like time is ticking away sllloooowly! Im having the RNY gastric bypass. I had lap band surgery 7/2008 and needless to say it wasn't for me. Good luck to the group! Cant wait to see before/after photos from everyone!