

  • What I do, since I can't afford a high dollar NICE sports bra... I double up and wear two of them. This works well for horseback riding so I don't see why it'd be any different for working out. I'm a 38DD.
  • I went and did an hour on the elliptical, and did upper body free weights. Do free weights have any cardio benefits and should I log them somehow as cardio? I don't know the names of the excercises I do, that's one problem. I have a friend who is huge into fitness and he's helped me by showing me different things to do and…
  • HORRIBLE! But now I'm back on track and about to head out to the YMCA for some cardio! Was pretty bad Friday too with the leftovers... example: someone at work brought something i'd never seen - a cheesecake iced with buttercream icing, then topped with a layer of red velvet cake, then iced again with buttercream!…
  • For some reason shrimp isn't allowed in the first 17 days. Didn't understand that one. (As I sit here eating a 300 calorie bowl of shrimp and grits, haha....)
  • I'm the kind of person that needs the motivation of leaving my house to work out. If I stay home, I put it off and keep putting it off until it never gets done. And the very few times in the past I've tried running outside, I ended up with shin splints that kept me down for days. So I thought maybe the going to the gym and…
  • I got through the first 17 day cycle and lost 6 lbs. Got through about 5 days of cycle 2 and lost track of what day I was alternating on... and I got bored with it so it kinda went out the window. I was soooo tired of chicken after the first cycle! Lol. I didn't lose anything more after the first 6 lbs in the first week or…
  • Thanks everyone, I guess I just thought W1D1 would be easy since it's geared at "beginners". It really made me feel like a loser. I just started back in the gym after about a 4yr hiatus - life dealt me a fairly rough hand in that time but I finally decided I needed to to something, anything, to better myself. My weight…
  • Tha's all I'm doing, about 4.3-4.4mph. I'm a lightweight heavyweight, lol! I can't hang! The walking segments were about 3.4mph, running about 1mph faster. Hard to get the treadmill to transition.
  • Wow! I'm jealous! I'm still trying to lose my first pound!! Any tips/tricks/advice??
  • Awesome results so far! Way to go! And I'm sure I'd be jealous of your scenery!
  • Good luck! I'm looking to lose about 35-40 myself. It sure is hard... i hope the support on here helps make it a little easier.