zenchik115 Member


  • Sometimes I have days where I want to eat anything that is unhealthy all day...I learned I CAN NOT keep that crap in the house...it is too tempting. If I were you, I would probably at least go for a walk just to get your head back in the game mentally. Dont beat yourself up, it happens... start fresh tomorrow and don't…
  • When you work out that increases your blood flow throughout your body...that extra boost of blood is probably what is speeding up your digestion. Your digestive track needs blood to function properly. Lots of people mentioned fiber and water intake..those things will help. If you "play" with when you ingest the most fiber…
  • I looked up the dymatize you mention... It does have 0 sugar... but Jay Robb has no fat or cholesterol and has no artificial flavors, artificial sweetners, no acesulfame-k .... Yes it is a little more expensive, but I would rather pay a little more than keep putting over processed stuff into my body... Lots of protein…
  • I love Jay Robb's products...the label even says the best tasting protein on the planet...I would agree...His Whey protein has 110 calories 25 g of protein and 0 sugar... I blend it with some fruit to make a smoothie or peanut butter....but it is great on its own too...
  • k...lets see if I can answer all this.... Potassium- yes I eat bananas and drink coconut water Stretching- yes I stretch afterwards and the second my muscles cool down the tightening is completely gone Massage- the are only tight during the run...so unless the therapist is coming with me not gonna help :) ...I get massages…
  • oh and I have been doing a crossfit bootcamp for 2 1/2 weeks to try and get into shape...so I am also working on loosening and stregthening those tight calves...
  • i agree... muscle burns more calories than fat...so if you keep building muscle then your body will naturally burn more calories...
    in HELP!!! Comment by zenchik115 April 2011
  • i think he looks up to his mom and is "copying" what he sees...lots of kids his age do that. Maybe change your words a little around him...instead of talking about the weight factor focus more on becoming healthy...eating right...taking care of your body...living longer...those are all positives that you want to pass on to…
  • alright people...So I sprung for the Polar FT7...I am wearing it now and I cant wait to see how it does at my fitness bootcamp. I am excited to see how many calories I actually burn getting my butt kicked! I think I am even gonna wear it all day tomorrow to see how many calories i burn all day :)
  • I dont think you should have to explain your choices to anyone....you do what works for you and keep it up! Screw what anyone else thinks... I say congrats on being more active and yippee on the weight loss!
  • the way I understand it... Lets say your body burns 1300 calories just by sitting around all day...if you eat 1200 calories a day then you are burning an extra 100 calories already...so then if you work out and burn 700 calories but eat and additional 300 calories then you are still -600 calories for the day... I dont eat…
  • i feel ya...whenever my friends go out it seems to not be the healthy places either...the other day when we went out I ordered wings(like everyone else) i just asked them to leave off the sauce and not fry them. It sucks...especially since i was out with my personal trainer! I dont really have any great advice...just…
  • there are chances you might hit a plateau....it happens to everyone... I think the key is to change things up(even just a little bit) to keep your body from getting to used to the routine... not sure what your current workout is...but try to keep things interesting, it will also keep you from mentally getting bored as…
  • coffee by itself has 0 calories....so if you can wean down to no sugar than you are golden! im not a big fan of "fake" sugar because putting that processed stuff into your body cant be healthy...i use honey in my tea...it is a raw sugar...
    in coffee Comment by zenchik115 April 2011
  • k...new question...when a post says "bump" what does that mean??
  • I dont like wearing a thong to workout either...i wear one everyday but when I am really working out it drives me insane! I wear UnderArmour boy shorts...with the reg UA undies you will still get lines...but I have found the boyshorts come down far enough that I dont have pantie lines...just my preference...goodluck :) oh…