Weight Loss Pace

soniams Posts: 95 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I am wondering if the pace of weight loss slows down as you reach your goal weight. I have been losing weight at a steady pace since I started last July. I am averaging about 6 pounds per month. My hope is to reach my goal weight by July 2012.

What I don't know is if I will be able to maintain the 6 pounds per month as my BMR drops. I know that my daily calorie intake will be lower as I lose more weight. I don't really plan on drastically changing my exercise routine; my approach has been to develop a lifestyle that I will maintain even after I reach my goal. I would like to stay on track with my weight loss pace though.


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    The weight always comes off faster in the beginning. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones with consistency =)
  • You can maintain that pace as long as you continue to lower calories to account for the lower BMR. Your BMR will not change much though because it is based on your lean body mass and if you are losing fat then your lean body mass should roughly stay the same. If you see the pace start to slow then lower your calories a 100 a day until the pace resumes.
  • zenchik115
    zenchik115 Posts: 19 Member
    there are chances you might hit a plateau....it happens to everyone... I think the key is to change things up(even just a little bit) to keep your body from getting to used to the routine... not sure what your current workout is...but try to keep things interesting, it will also keep you from mentally getting bored as well. If you go for walks...try walking in an area with little hills... or i found that for me Interval training "shocks" my body... Ex: go for a walk but every couple minutes jog instead ...going from quick to slow repeatedly keeps your body on its toes... every once in awhile I will do something fun(new workout video or something) just to keep me motivated. But on another note...you have already lost 58 lbs...so congrats! you are doing something right!!
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