Working out on a cheat day??

So my great healthy day took a VERY wrong turn after dinner as I stood infront of the pantry in my bulimic mode ( not mocking anyone that's just what I call it) and stuffed whatever I could into my mouth!! I have no clue as to how many calories I went over by because I ate a little , well, maybe..a lot of everything in the closet. Do you guys still work out even though there is no way In hell you could burn off all those calories or just call it a day and start fresh tomorrow ??


  • zenchik115
    zenchik115 Posts: 19 Member
    Sometimes I have days where I want to eat anything that is unhealthy all day...I learned I CAN NOT keep that crap in the is too tempting. If I were you, I would probably at least go for a walk just to get your head back in the game mentally. Dont beat yourself up, it happens... start fresh tomorrow and don't stress out because that is just gonna make you want to cheat again. Also, on a small side not...I think I would refer to what you are doing as a "binge" moment...not a bulimic one...because bulimia implies you then purged everything you just binged... When I think you really just mean that you went a little snack happy in the pantry :)
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I had a horrible day today eating just abnut whatever I wanted. There is no way I can work it all off. However, if I can uster the energy I will try to do something anyway. It's a personal preference I think. Whatever makes us feel better as long as we get back on the wagon again ASAP.
  • kan29
    kan29 Posts: 1 Member
    Know the feeling...happened to me today as well. Except mine was all day. Hate to even begin to think how much licorice and bit of honey I ate today. I feel horribly guilty and am headed out for a walk shortly. :( Hoping tomorrow is a better day!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I think you should always workout, if the motivation is there. Each workout will help you get stronger for the next one, and therefore, you will be more efficient and more more cals in the long run. Just my opinion. Even though diet and exercise go together, think of them as being independent from one another. You workout to get fit and strong. You eat healthy to fuel your body in the correct manner. Again, they go together, but that doesn't mean you should forget one, if the other sucked for that day.

    But, if you're not feeling it, take a rest day and start over tomorrow.

    Good luck!
  • runninglol
    runninglol Posts: 44 Member
    I would still workout. For me it's about sticking to my healthy habits even if I end up binging. I don't look at it as burning the calories but following through with a promise to myself to exercise.
  • runninglol
    runninglol Posts: 44 Member
    I think you should always workout, if the motivation is there. Each workout will help you get stronger for the next one, and therefore, you will be more efficient and more more cals in the long run. Just my opinion. Even though diet and exercise go together, think of them as being independent from one another. You workout to get fit and strong. You eat healthy to fuel your body in the correct manner. Again, they go together, but that doesn't mean you should forget one, if the other sucked for that day.

    But, if you're not feeling it, take a rest day and start over tomorrow.

    Good luck!

  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    i would keep all "bad foods" out of the house. go for a walk. ☺
  • 8620eater
    8620eater Posts: 9
    you can think tomorrow will be new, but if you can get in exercise, DO IT!

    keep the unhealthy options out of your kitchen/house
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Rule #1: Keep any tempting food out of the house. I even keep protein bars and peanuts in my trunk because I know I will eat them if they are in my house.

    Rule #2: If you plan to cheat, work its too late in the day, workout harder the next day