Sapporo Member


  • Pure Protein is my favourite. 20-21g of protein depending on flavour and they range from 180-210 calories each. Tasty as well.
  • They reset it for people who use the app on their phone and for some reason it doesn't sync, or something like that. Legitimate reasons only should be requested. You didn't login so you shouldn't get that day counted for you.
  • Weird. Form is very important at the box I go to. There a lot of buff guys and girls who only do CrossFit there but I don't think this FAQ is explaining it right. We do a lot of weight lifting. You can do that at a CrossFit box or at a normal gym or in your basement/whatever. What is the difference? Pick your preference,…
  • I don't think it matters that much. My husband is very busy and likes to relax in his spare time. He is supportive of my fitness goals and that is all that matters. Sometimes we play tennis or golf together but I don't expect him to workout 5-6 days per week like I do.
  • New Order - Blue Monday
  • Now I have Bjork stuck in my head. Thanks.
  • I play tennis, do weight lifting, and run. I like to play so tennis is for fun, I also run for fun and I weight lift because I want to get stronger and bigger muscles. I love watching soccer, MMA, boxing, and sometimes hockey. I start boxing lessons this fall.
  • For weight lifting I love the Nike Free Fit 2's but they are no good for running. No cross trainer will cover weight lifting (heavy compound lifts) and running. Well, they can, but it would be not be even close to the same thing as having specific shoes made for each as they are so different.
  • Keep lifting and eat at or above maintenance. Since January I have gained about 5 lbs but I'm down 2 clothing sizes, which for me usually requires a 10-15lb loss per size. Being a bit smaller, a lot faster, and a lot stronger is good. I'm a bit of an oddball doing this at my weight but I wanted to take advantage of my…
  • I started at 230ish lbs and have had no problem. I have seen a few really big guys there as well. All parts of a workout have modifications, usually 3-4 different levels or even alternates for the super hard things. I started in Jan and half a year later I have made tonnes of progress in how much I can lift and in my…
  • It is ridiculous to sentence her to life for this. The motorcyclist had the responsibility of leaving the proper stopping distance plus driving a motorcycle on a highway means you should pay better attention, because hello you get killed much easier. I read that they didn't notice until a car in front of them swerved to…
  • Why does it have to be low calorie? I don't see that in the topic or anywhere.
  • Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Superman, Black Widow, and Spiderman ETA: forgot Wolverine. He is pretty awesome too. If I had to pick just one, Iron Man is the best.
  • Insane. I start tomorrow.
  • 15-18%
  • Love them both! Also X-Men. Hate Batman though, I hope Superman kicks his *kitten*.
    in Marvel/Dc Comment by Sapporo April 2014
  • Use whatever you prefer for now and gets your heart rate going real well. I loved the elliptical but have maxed out on it (highest incline and highest resistance can no longer get my HR to cardio zone) but I used it until the bitter end. Now I'm a treadmill or hit the trails person because I have to.
  • bump
  • MMF for sure give me both. No debate needed. :)
  • The Rock is chubby or average? Um, ok.
  • Yes, these really work well. It actually stays where it should and you can still eat without a horrible taste.
  • I like it when the serving size is in the food name because of various packages for the same bloody thing but they are all different. Like Doritos a serving size is 50g but most entries are 28 or 40 because of stupid american or japanese packaging or something, If you would all conform to Canadian standards this would not…
  • "BUT I also know - almost with 100% certainty we SHOULD know our farmers we SHOULD eat locally and seasonally..." Saying you know what all people should be eating is rather douchey. Well, other than saying all people should eat food. Though that is mean to all the cardboard box eaters out there so I dunno, maybe I'm a…
  • Nature's Path Blueberry Cinnamon Flax is my favourite. I also like Apple Jacks, Froot Loops, and plain Cheerios.
  • You don't need to force yourself into morning workouts. I work out Saturday morning only because I have to, the rest of the week is 8pm. My body is so used to this that my evening workouts I totally kill and the Saturday one kills me and is half assed because I have no energy. Your system adapts to what works for you and…
  • I started out at 282 lbs doing Jillian Michaels videos like 30 Day Shred and Body Revolution (repeating workouts 1 and 2 for a very long time before going on to 3 and 4). I'm still obese and have been doing CrossFit for a few months now. I went hard and pushed myself and still do. Make sure you are challenging yourself and…
  • Black Widow but sometimes Iron Man. I can't just pick one.
  • I assume the berries could go in the oatmeal so it isn't plain anymore. I would add something like almond butter to the oatmeal, ditch the rice cakes because they are nasty, add an apple or pear or some kinda fruit instead. Eating 6 times is just annoying, combine some it to make it 2-4. The macros look good. I need more…