

  • Way to go! Keep up the good work and don't stop!
  • I'm so excited... I have a 5K on the 21st of this month, the 25th of August and after the first 5K I'm going to start training for a mini triathlon in October. (250 yard swim, 9 mile bike and 2 mile run). Running was the only thing that scared me, but having just finished my 9 week c25K and having another 3 months, I feel…
  • Agreed!!! No one is disappointed in you. I've found a way to strike a delicate balance of having goals but not so high of expecations of myself that I spend more time feeling guilty that just getting it done. Just get out there, do what you can. Push yourself (not to physical pain or injury) a little bit more every day and…
  • I'm excited for you too! I'm working on "improvers" now. We'll see how that progresses. I haven't run since Sunday, which is my longest lag and I'm kinda of missing it!
  • Way to go! Having graduated from Ball State, I'm extra excited for you! Over the last year, I've lost 114 lbs, have 2 5Ks in the next two months and will train for a sprint triathlon for October (250 yard swim, 9 mile ride, 2 mile run). It's a little baby tri, but I'm excited. Good luck in August!
  • Bwahahaha.... that's hilarious... almost as funny as how many of us were hoping there was a great new excercise! ;)
  • It's been a long journey for me, so there have been plenty, but my top 3 so far: 1) Fitting into a booth comfortably for the first time. 2) Being able to cross my legs 3) Having someone not recognize me, then start crying when she figured out who I was. ;)
  • Right now I'm doing Zumba 3-4 times a week... usually on run days at lunch or afterwork. I do a group power class on Tues and Thurs and swim or bike on the weekends. My c25K is Monday and Thursday at 530AM and then Saturdays at 730. I wanted to do Saturday AM so I can get the feel for what a race day would be like in…
  • Ditto here! I often go over b/c I do cardio most days and "earn more" but you can see it's doable. And I need to reign it in a bit myself, but generally, it's there. Good luck!
  • I'm right there with you! Started at 343, and I've done Zumba, hip hop classes... you name it. I know I got a little more rump in my rump shaker, but not for long!
  • I got started with a couch to 5K app. I'm in week 7 and though the first day was walk 60 seconds / run 60, I'm now (mostly) running 35 minutes straight. It is timed perfectly for that progression, and I'm still at 230 or so, so I know you can do it!
  • Great job on your first day back at it! I'm in week 7 and still average pace is about 13:15 so you'll be there (and past me I'm sure) in no time! Good job!
  • I've been running for 7 weeks and my overall time has gone from 15:46 to 13:12. Still a ways to go, but pretty awesome for 7 weeks, I think!
  • Yeah, I'll throw my 2 cents in for timed, too! It is very motivating to see a finite amount of time you'll have to keep going.
  • This is great! I'm so glad to see everyone supporting each other, and the timing of finding this group is perfect! I downloaded a c25k app from Run Double. It's a 9 week program and I'm in week 7. I'm to the point where I'm just supposed to run for 25 minutes straight, but it's difficult. I've not yet done it, but I will!…
  • Good luck to you all! I've joined b/c after having weight loss surgery, I dropped 110 lbs relatively easily.... and then stopped. HAHA... well, I'm not having that. Look forward to watching all your success. If you did it once, you can do it again!