akshil Member


  • I believe as a former 260lbs'er there is no pace you should target. Every month try to beat your pace, also please do not ignore lifting heave weights. It is essential to keeping up muscle mass. Cheers ! always be motivated and don't compare yourself to others , just yourself :)
  • To stop your night time cravings, have a cup of unflavored greek yogurt with stevia/sugar free torani syrups and brush your teeth afterwards. Having a cut off time for the last morsel to enter your mouth helps too. Cheers hope this helps
  • create your own "zero calorie" chocolate. Mix in unsweetend cocoa powder and stevia and add some water to make a paste... voila great melted chocolate for less than 10 calories i bet will taste way better than some stupid stick...
  • Low carb is anything below 50 net carbs per day. Ie subtract the fiber from the total carb number
    in low carb Comment by akshil May 2014
  • Yes !!!! It will stop , it is only the body storing more water after the hard diet at 1200 cals. you need to continue to eat more every week, something like +200 cals every day for a week till you get to maintenance weight. Please watch the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3gTGLulLnI
  • I can help out more with the program/ diet . i would like to know more on your goals in terms of fat loss muscle gain. I understand there is a lot of conflicting information out there. and the worse part is that the answer to all problems is always relative, there is no one cookie cutter approach.
  • Looking at your profile Picture and goals , I believe you are aiming to become summer beach ready :) I firmly believe if you have had trouble sticking to programs like p90x, Body revolution, specially due to scheduling conflicts. You should start a basic compound barbell strength training program in the likes of starting…
  • Check this website it is where all the magic of IF started. And yes it does work, helped me maintain my weight for more than a year allowing me to eat all my favorite foods after the weight loss. www.leangains.com www.rippedbody.jp
  • Pre Logging is the way to go. Log your food, have something which you like to eat if it fits in your macros, that way you will look forward to that meal and for me that is enough motivation preventing me from eating junk snacks . Drink iced tea, iced coffee any zero calorie drinks. I am a big eater I have lost and continue…
  • Chop it up!! Interval training is the way to go for loosing body fat. I have had great results chopping my workouts as by doing so you can push harder/maintain the same pace for rest of the workout giving you a bigger calorie burn. If your goal is to loose weight and fat don't hesitate , ultimately its a cumulative calorie…
  • Yes, this happens to me too. I realized I was eating way less specially when I excercised on that Day. Eat back at least 90% of the calories you burnt that day and you will loose. Its a process of trial and error to determine the exact sweet calorie number to give you results, but it has helped me blast through plateaus.…
  • Try using fage 0% greek yogurt for your protein needs. It has 23gms of protein in 130 calories with 9gms of sugar and 0g fat. You can add pure agave/honey to sweeten it. It is better to stick with natural sugars then artificial ones which make you want to eat more. I add fruits to sweeten it further. Bluieberries and…
  • Thank you all for the response
  • Having a Cheat day makes it tougher to get back to normal eating the other day, I eat a small "cheat meal" usually on the weekends within my calorie budget. That way I have more small cheat meals till I get all my cravings satisfied. You have to look at it in a very long term manner, for me not exceeding my BMR even on…
  • Among the natural sources non processed sources: I would say all the lentils specially bengal gram which has a low glycemic index which will not hurt your "low carb diet" and also red kidney beans which have high fiber. If you do not mind processed food, then extra firm tofu, the chicken substitutes made from soy…
  • In my experience if I am incorrectly positioned while doing the work out, for eg bending over too much on the exercise bike I develop the cramps, You could evaluate if an incorrect position is causing your cramps
  • The acidic buildup is due to your muscles producing lactic acid which makes the muscles sore, It will subside within a few hours. I believe it is best to take it down a notch and build up your endurance , which I know is hard but I see it this way that I might burn a bit more on the day I get cramps by doing really high…
  • A very great acheivement !!! You are doing great enjoy your new life