OneShortBri Member


  • Happy One Year! That is an incredible accomplishment. I have been yo-yoing for a couple of years after being "big-boned" and having "baby fat" for most of my 35 years. I'm 5'1, I don't think my bones are THAT big lol. I don't go to a gym either, I walk everyday, whether it's inside the multi-purpose building here at work…
  • Hope it's ok that I sent yall friend requests! I have about 40 pounds to lose. I lose and gain, but I'm so tired of it.
  • That doesn't sound dumb at all! I have a whole duffel bag of clothes that I would love to fit back into, although at this point, none of them are age appropriate, or in-style LOL!!! I definitely need motivation, and accountability. I've been overweight most of my life, and it's just time to get my mess together.
  • i made the 100 cal chocolate mug cake and it was super bitter... maybe because I used unsweetened coco powder??? Any ideas yall?
  • my mom makes the chocolate cake mix with pumpkin and it is wonderful!
  • I can't say that I'm really a newbie, but I haven't been a real regular either. I joined this weight loss effort at work called "The Skinny Bunch" and have my eye on the prize (money is involved but I really just want to look good this summer!). I'm 29, 5'3, and have about 65 lbs to lose all together. Feel free to add me:)
  • I am so sorry you had a terrible experience with your NP! No one should be treated poorly by someone that they are seeking help from. Some people in the medical profession are often quick to point out all of your evils, never mind the accomplishments that you have made. Even worse, when your doctor is telling you to lose…
  • I agree! My husband can work out for a week and lose 10 lbs, I've been working out 3-4 times a week for 45 min/day and have lost 3 lbs. Dang genetics... I wish my body would realize that we aren't any where close to wanting babies right now so I don't need child bearing hips, even when I do decide to have babies lol.
  • I love it! I eat out of a coffee cup a lot of times. I will me naming my fat rolls!
  • Also, I am hoping to participate in Spartan Race in March. I am farrrrrrr from being any where near fit enough to even attempt it right now. So that's double motivation!
  • I try to get to the gym 3 times a week, I do 30-45 minutes on the treadmill at at least 3 mph and on an incline. I go to Gold's where they have the machines set up so if you do one row of machines you get an upper body workout and the next row is a lower body workout. I rotate upper and lower. If I don't make it to the…
  • It's soooo great to hear that I'm not alone!!! I started crying at this picture of sea otters holding hands, it said that they hold hands so they don't lose eachother while sleeping. I was like, I'm seriously crying right now, and my husband was laughing at me. I feel happier after a workout, and I look forward to working…
  • Most days, I feel like half of my workout is climbing out of a rut! In 2008/2009, I was in nursing school. I was dating someone that was far away so I had lots of extra time to go to the gym after class. I wanted to be HOT when he saw me again, and I wanted to look like the healthy, professional nurse that I was working so…
  • That is awesome!
  • I wanted to be a criminal psychologist, then a forest ranger. I was an EMT for a while, I wanted to be a paramedic but went for nursing instead. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! After having worked in the public since I was 14, I'm 28 now, I think I would like a job where I could be right by myself, but…