Help I Lost Motivation

The begining of June I hit the gym hard! 5 days a week no excuses! I was tired of being the only thing standing in my way of making changes. My first 2 weeks were awesome! Not only did I go 5 days a week but I sometimes went twice. I found extra work out classes and was anxious to try new things. End of last week my personal life was turned upside down, moved back in with my parents at 27 a week before my birthday. I cant sleep at night and I eat because I know Im supposed to not because Im hungry. I took the weekend off and indulged my self pity. I hit the gym yesterday but had very little motivation. I missed my personal training session this morning and Im so upset with myself. I wasnt working out and making changes for him so why does losing him effect me so much. I wanted this I wanted to feel better and be better. I wanted to see results and I was motivated to get them! Has anyone else found themselves stuck in a rut?? My scale hasnt moved in weeks but I was starting to feel like I was losing inches ... now I can hardly get myself to the gym let alone on any equipment =(! I dont know how to yank myself out of this rut! I need help!


  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    Ruts stink, but you can beat it! I find that it helps me to have mini goals, some are weight related and some are NSVs. Like I had 5 pairs of pants in various smaller sizes and I lined them up in biggest to smallest and I wont stop until they are all too big! I have mastered the 1st 2 pairs and working on my 3rd. I also set a goal on June 1st to go to the gym every day for the entire month, so far I have only missed one day and I felt so guilty over it I am not going to miss another.....only 4 more to go! I am my own worst critic so if I set a goal for myself I won't let myself fail ;)
    Having friends on here and at work help with motivation as well. We are all here for each other!
    Don't let someone get you down or cause you to lose motivation, they are not worth it, trust me I KNOW first hand! Now I do the opposite, they are my motivation, I want them to be envious of me and how awesome I look (or will look haha)!
    But my main motivation is my health!
    Find what works best for you, but most of all just do it for YOU!
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    Baby steps, first of all forgive the lapse, you know why you have done it your whole world has been turned upside down... just accept thats happened and then give yourself a next goal... do you want to go to the gym every day? Why don't you say right I'll go tomorrow and friday then if you feel up to it thursday you can "go for 20 minutes" Normally you end up doing a full workout once you get there... at least I do. Baby steps and mini goals to aim for

    Look at how far you have come... So no more self pity.... Remember the only person who controls your feelings is you and your letting him make you feel like this. Keep busy, keep your mind off it, and try to find something completely different to do/read/sing/think about/listen to - things that take you out of yourself and don't bring back memories.

    You can do it keep your chin up and just remember how good your going to look next week/month/year!
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    My daughter is your age and the last thing she would probably want to do is to move back home (even though we really have a great relationship). You had life turn you upside down and you just need to take a breath and realize the positives along the way. Your parents are there for you and you moved back in - no big deal - you won't live there forever. And I agree with the others - set mini goals. You seem to be hardest on yourself. But take comfort to know we all have been there and things WILL TURN AROUND for you. I just know it. You're a beautiful young lady and just need to really know that today is a new day, a fresh start.

    You are worth kindness and support! Friend me if you wish. My name is Laurie.
  • OneShortBri
    OneShortBri Posts: 19 Member
    Most days, I feel like half of my workout is climbing out of a rut! In 2008/2009, I was in nursing school. I was dating someone that was far away so I had lots of extra time to go to the gym after class. I wanted to be HOT when he saw me again, and I wanted to look like the healthy, professional nurse that I was working so hard to become. I ate super healthy, went to the gym like every day, and I lost 50 lbs. Long story short, he dumped me (twice), I was devastated, and found myself gaining the weight back with a vengence. I met someone else that I was very comfortable with, we ate out A LOT, and my gym time was traded for the time that we spent watching TV. I married the big guy in my pic in Nov 2010, and now we're both 50-60 lbs heavier than when we met.

    Like the ladies said, it takes baby steps. Don't punish yourself for your slips. Figure out why working out and eating healthy is important to you. Let those be your motivation. I don't want to have babies in a fat body. My husband is 27 years old and borderline hypertensive. Those are our motivations. Maybe working out can be your time, the time you can zone out and go to a happier place. I have figured out many of the world's problems while on the treadmill.

    Don't get down! Keep going! You deserve to be healthy, and happy.
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    Turn this stinky situation around! Use this a fresh start! Living with your parents will give you the freedom to save money, and concentrate on yourself for a while. If you use it the right way you will be happier healthier and closer with your family.

    Can't get to the gym...start going for walks. Invite a friend or family member with you.
    Keep to your MFP goals and don't slack..this is always a good restart for me. If I am good about my calories..then I can add in the exercise.

    Take a few yoga classes to stretch and refocus.

    Best of luck..we all have can do it!
  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    The worst part of this is the fact that I wasnt doing this for him in the first place! I was doing this for me. He didnt and doesnt care what I look like, but I do. I hated how out of shape I was. I appreciate that my family is willing to take me back in and I will use the opportunity to save money and pay off my debt. Im scheduled to do my measurements this friday. Hopefully I will see some results and that will help me get back on track. Im so upset with myself for letting this get to me. and allowing it to stand in the way of my goals =(