noneya2010 Member


  • WOW! How FABULOUS you look! What a wonderful accomplishment. I hope you are beaming with pride!
  • I already do all the shopping and the cooking. The only thing my wife does is work a job (I'm a homemaker). The problem is when she spends my grocery money on triple payments on bills or stashing it for family trips she has planned; this dips in the "eat healthy fund" and then we start to fight when I just charge it…
  • And sadly, debt will ruin your marriage and your family if you don't get on the same page. This is going outside of your post -- but something that might be helpful. Not sure if you both work or what your situation is. Or if she has more debts than you. My husband has always been debt free. I always had a LOT of debt. When…
  • Ha! It has taken my husband about 10 years to teach me and now I am better than he is!! LOL My DH played a pretty hard ball game and stuck his foot down and you know what? I got out of debt, we have healthy kids, and we live a good life. Sounds like you need to sit your wife down and have a serious talk and get her on…
  • I totally understand about the time in cooking. This is where the convenience of eating out seems better sometimes than eating healthier. I work from 7:30-5:00; pick up my youngest child from school and then have to go home and cook, get homework started, dinner on the table, dishes done, bathtime, reading time, and then…
  • I understood your post and the point I tried to make was how you can make things at home within a tight budget. If your wife is wanting to feed a family of 4 off the $1 menu - assuming you eat 2-3 meals a day at ONLYy $1 each (?) -- That comes to 4 people times $3 each a day for $12 a day. $12 a day times 7 days a week is…
  • LOL!! I have naturally red hair and HATED it growing up. A few years ago I started highlighting it - which I like. Then this past July, I went to the hairdresser and we had a miscommunication problem and instead of giving me black and blonde highlights, he misunderstood, dyed my entire head dark brown and then gave me…
  • I just got the Polar FT4 (??) a couple weeks ago and love it. It also gives me a bit more calorie burn than MFP but I just log MFP exercise. HRM are great to keep me motivated and workign out longer. I even wore it the other day mowing and was SHOCKED to see that mowing was such a burn and got my heart rate up higher than…
  • CHOCOLATE!!! LOL I have discovered Fiber One Chocolate Chip brownies. They are a great (healthy) way to satisfy the chocolate cravings. Actually, I treat myself to 1 almost every night. Other than that, carbs are my drug and I try to avoid them -- this has really also helped in curbing my serious PMS!!
  • Sorry. :( I haven't gone through all the responses you have received but will say it sounds like your SO if just trying to find things to complain about against you. Maybe there is someone else. I think when relationships go south like this, there is usually someone else in the picture so the other person finds fault in…
  • I used to think this and initially it did seem to cost more to eat healthy but now I have calculated and it is cheaper. We rarely eat out (by choice - because we eat so much better/cheaper at home). Check out various markets. We get some great deals on chicken, fajita meat, etc., at a local mexican market who offers great…
  • Sounds delish! I LOVE chicken salad - have some for lunch today - I just boil chicken and then chop and add lite Hellman's with onion, etc. I've tried it with nonfat greek yogurt but found it too tart -- but am going to try this with the mustard and see if that helps. Thanks!!
  • I also range from 700-1000 a day and for all those who will say that is too low -- I have eaten anywhere from 1200-1800 and cannot lose an ounce. My dr. even said some people will not lose unless they eat VLC around 800. I find this to hold very true for me. And I also eat very low carb - I aim for a NET (carb less fiber)…
  • I've done WW on and off for as long as I can remember. I've been through so many of their program changes too! I really like MFP waaaay better than their online site and I have found (several times over) that the support here is so much better -- and it's FREE! Feel free to add me as a friend. This is a great place to…
  • Congratulations! You must feel as wonderful as you look! Seeing stories like yours help keep me going when I feel discouraged or think I can't do it!
  • I agree. Being a compulsive dieter, I have starved myself on many a "diet" -- only to have to come back as soon as I eat 1 crumb of something. Plus, you will get severe headaches, painful hunger pains and will have NO energy whatsoever. So not worth it. At the recommendation of my dr., I even tried a liver detox program -…
  • Wow! You're doing awesome! Great job!
  • Great visual, nice and colorful menu!
  • I'm apple and lose in my stomach first and then my face. Surprisingly, my stomach loss is very noticeable after 10 lbs. I've recently really noticed in my face.
  • I can really relate to this. I will do great for a month, month and half and then WHAM one day I just quit. For me, it is a clear and obvious form of self-sabatoge. It's really true about "it's not about what your eating...but what's eating you." And also how it comes "from the inside out." It's a vicious cycle - diet,…
  • I have close to 100 lbs to lose and have been following the 1200 but find I actually lose better if I keep it mixed up -- like one day stay at 1200; the next 1400. So I have been ranging from 800 (on the very low side) to 1700. 1.5 to 2 pound loss a week should be expected at that range. Also I will say that I can eat 1200…
  • I agree! It makes it harder but you can do it! I grew up in a family like this. My mother was an alcoholic and very critical and mean about my weight. Although she would call me names (thunder thighs, etc.), looking back, she never did anything to help me and we were MADE to eat all the dinner on our plates. I'm married…
  • Oh great, thanks! I had heard from a co-worker not to miss out on St. Augustine but teh trip out to the island sounds great too!
  • Same here. I actually had horrible, 'flooding' periods until I got on thyroid meds. That has really cured that but now I do get pretty bad cramps, which I never used to get. I also get "pulling" sensations around my tube area too during my periods now. I just take some ibuprofen and take it easy on working out and just do…
  • What a great feeling that must be! Keep looking ahead!!
  • I'm coming to FL (Jacksonville) for my daughter's wedding in July. Any places (cheap!) you can recommend visiting? Any special beaches in that area that I should not miss??
  • Hi John, I just wanted to say you are doing great! You should be really proud of yourself and your accomplishments. I also wanted to add that by losing weight you will be there for your kids! I am from a family of 4 and my dad was overweight most of my life (I'm the "baby"). He was constantly told he was a walking "time…
  • Congratulations! You are an inspiration to so many of us with your same struggles - your post was raw, and REAL! And you look fabulous by the way! Keep up the good work and you should be so proud of yourself!
  • I am not, but my 19 year old son has been a type I, diagnosed at 14 months of age (yes, a baby), so I have dealt with diabetes for a long time. Feel free to add me and ask questions if you need help with anything. I alway thougth of it as somewhat of a "game" you have to play with the body as far as balancing insulin to…