Not new to MFP (or SB...) but coming back to SB
Hi, I am a lifetime dieter and over and over see that plans like SB work best for me. I went and got the newer book and a cookbook last night and was going to start today but didn't pack lunch so I went by the grocery store and got a pre packaged Cobb Salad with blue cheese. I figured for today, that was probably the…
Anyone been able to get off Statin's with good diet/exercise?
I am almost 47 and have genetically high blood pressure and have been on meds since my 20's - long before I had weight issues. I am now about 80 lbs over weight on a 5'2" frame and my dr. did a new lipid test on me where they check for actual ldl particle counts (slightly different than the regular cholesterol tests) and…
Tracking Fat Grams - where are the unknowns?
Question about MFP and tracking fat grams. At the end of the day, let’s say MFP shows I ate 29 g of fat. Then it breaks down: Saturated 8; Polyunsat. 1; Monounsat. 2; and Trans 0. This does not add up to the 29 for the day. What are the other missing grams – unknowns? I am just curious because I eat a higher fat diet due…
Anyone use a Dehydrator?
I ordered a dehyrdator and am not sure besides jerky, what I will or can use it for! I was recently at an arts/craft vendor show where someone had either dehyrated or freeze dried fruits and veggies and they were very tasty! I googled up recipes for dehyrators and did not find much other than jerky and fruit roll up…
Anyone with medicated Thyroid issues? Question!
Is anyone on medication for thyroid? I have been on synthroid for 2 years to no avail. I have all the symptoms, some even severe. When they upped my levothyroixine to over 100, I got heart palipitations and had to go back down. However, my symptoms continued to plaque me. I finally got my dr. to allow me to try Armour and…
walked a mile barefoot!
So last night I was really struggling to get any exercise in (weekend issue I need to work on!) and after dinner I finally decided to head out for my mile walk. Well I did -- in flip flops and about a block away from my house, one of my flip flops broke! So I decided to keep on going. I ended up having to take the other…
Walking for 30 minutes or OK to break up?
I began my exercise program 3 weeks ago and started by setting a goal of exercising 3 times a week. I began by walking 15 minutes in the morning around an indoor track and another 15 minutes in the afternoon 5 days a week. Each time, I am walking about .80 of a mile. This week, I have increased by time to 20 minutes each…
Exercise Tapes - How to log into exercise
I took my very first stab at the Biggest Loser Final Workout Tape today, beginners level which included warm up, intense workout - in which I did use a set of the 2 lb weights, and then a section on upper body strength training, followed by warm down. Not sure how I log this all into the exercise tab to get credit for my…
Couch potato -- where to start??
I am trying to get motivated to lose weight and make exercise a part of my daily life but it's a little overwhelming where to start and then once I start, I do great for a week or two then end up stopping. I am about 100 lbs overweight so I cannot just up and start running. Does anyone have any suggestions on some sort of…
Newbie with Questions
Hi I am new as of today and have some questions. I got my numbers all plugged in and my recommended amounts of calories, etc., but my question is to those of you who have been doing this for a while and losing -- are you following any certain plan or just basically trying to stay within what the recommended figures show…