Newbie with Questions

noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
Hi I am new as of today and have some questions. I got my numbers all plugged in and my recommended amounts of calories, etc., but my question is to those of you who have been doing this for a while and losing -- are you following any certain plan or just basically trying to stay within what the recommended figures show for your projected loss.

For example, I do best when I eat a more higher protein/lower carb diet. So my daily allowance says like 1200 calories with 160 carbs and say 20 fat (just thowing this out there), and 40 protein per day. I also use at least 1 T of olive oil daily, sometimes maybe 1.5-2. So that olive oil pushes my recommended daily fat amount in the red -- like it actually doubles it. But anywhere else in my journal/intake, I am eating lots of fat-free veggies. The same happens with my protein because I do eat meat at almost every mean (fish, baked or grilled chicken mostly). but my daily calorie intake is still in the "green".

I guess my question is to those of you successfully losing weight and using this website and tracking, are you really following any particular way of eating, or just trying to stay within the recommended allowances?



  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    If you like olive oil, purchase an oil sprayer (you can get one at Beds, Bath and Beyond for around $10). Plan your meals and make sure you are paying attention to the ingredients and nutrition panels on the foods you are using. For me, it is important that I stay within my calorie goals, fat goals, carb goals, sugar goals, and sodium goals. I never worry about going over the protein. Hopefully, this will help some. I wish you the best on your journey.
  • lds25
    lds25 Posts: 68
    i went onto this site and plugged in my info and it gave me a 1600 caloric count. I am usually under this but when i stick by it I find that I lose weight very quickly. I also follow the LA Weight Loss of long ago when they taught me the 5,4,3,2,1 diet - 5 veg, 4 fruit, 3 starch, 2 protien & dairy, 1 fat. I mainly follow that and have found that i drop the weight quickly. I also am an avid food weigher and read labels (old WW here too).
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    I use olive oil too. I've also purchased the Pam spray with olive oil to help. I generally try to stay at or under everything with the exception of fiber and protein. I usually go over on my fiber but try to drink lots of water to counter ill effects and I always go over on protein. Going over a little with protein is ok...going WAY over can have a negative impact on your body. I can't remember amounts and don't want to misquote but if you google the topic (or search these boards) you'll have a better idea of what range is good for you. I know I've never been close to that danger zone and like I said I go over daily. If I've had foods with the 'good' fat I'm ok if I go over but do try to keep everything in check. For me it was really more about trial and error than following a particular plan. Good luck!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Ok thanks! I'll just have to try to use the spray some and cut back on the olive oil and just try to stick as close as I can to the guides.