MooMooooo Member


  • Get some real help, Join a support group like overeaters anon and/ or get some therapy. You don't need to do this alone.
  • It's your relationship and whatever you decide to do about this issue is up to you. You have the option to fight until you win/ break up or drop it. Your current partner needs to realize that he will benefit from a happier and thinner you. Only you know how much you care about this issue. Good luck.
  • Governments should *absolutely* step in. Big food corporations are destroying our health and they tactics they use are insidious. If I were in a position to change anything I would ban food advertising. That's it. No more tv commercials, no more endless billboards - no nothing. Then after a year I'd reassess and see if…
  • I really liked this answer although I agreed with the first answer and not the second. What I find truly offensive about the original post here is the way the responsibility is on the woman to appease the man, with no onus on him to accomodate her. No chance that he could be wrong or unreasonable. If it had've been phrased…
  • I admit to deleting friends if their diary is closed or pinned - not that I want to 'food stalk' but I do get curious about my friends diets and I keep diary open for them. I don't think it's fair if they can see mine but won't share theirs - not very friendly. lol. I also delete if they're inactive for several months (not…
  • She could also be referred to as a 'frenemy' Seriously, I know you're feeling much better now but this so called 'friend' of yours isn't good for you. If you get flustered easily and have obvious difficulty throwing kids parties then why is she making things harder for you? Not only that, but bringing up her issues with…
  • If you have anything approaching addiction (I understand this is debatable in regards to sugar) and you're trying to quit. If you're in any kind of treatment program your support workers will advise you to stay away from the substance and people who use the substance (whatever it is) until you can get a grip on how to live…
  • Maybe punish the whole office because they aren't respecting her wishes to keep the candy in a different room because she ADMITS she is having a PROBLEM with it. She's doing her best - her workmates are in the wrong here - this is how I see it. If she didn't speak up and just threw them away then that is wrong. If this was…
  • Either just tip them into a bin and 'confess' that you ate them all or...... wee into a spray bottle and give them a spray - you won't be tempted then (I'm kidding, don't do this) I think it's disrespectful - you've been honest and let everyone know what you would prefer and why, they've been given the chance to listen and…
  • I've never used Slimfast but I have used Optifast - I am going to guess that these are approximately the same. I lost 5kgs (10lbs) in 5 days - it was the worst 5 days of my life, but I kept those 5ks off - and they are still gone. That must have been 5 years ago. I still drink the shakes, I had 2 today, I love the new…
  • Thanks peeps, I've been working out on a regular basis for over 15 years, karate, running (couch to 5K) gymnastics, ice skating, trampolining and lots of walking, body balance and pump classes. I am fitter than average but just never feel good afterwards. Never. Never. Never. My diet is not perfect but is (in my opinion)…
  • Sorry to hear you're not happy with your body and don't see the changes you deserve. The last 10lbs are the hardest, I am currently struggling with them myself - there is no magic answer unfortunately. I have had success in the past using optislim diet shakes but I don't think I have the strong motivation required for that…
  • I really like the OP in this thread but this post is 100% true for me too. Dieting is one of the hardest things a person can do and dieting while living with an active sabatour is fu@king horrible torture and is absolutely maddening. It is gaslighting to tell people that this doesn't really happen to anyone, that it's our…
  • Nope, if you tell anyone they suck often enough they will come to believe it. Society tells women we 'suck' if we are fat or old. It's hard to maintain inner confidence with a constant barrage of 'you don't live up to the ideal'
  • All women feel this way from time to time. Society puts big pressures on all of us - and then, in turn, we beat ourselves up. Imagine if on TV and on the billboards we saw everyday there were endless images of what you described seeing in the mirror the other night and it was societies ideal woman? You'd feel GREAT! You…
  • At first when I read the title I thought 'not me' and then I read the responses about friends being controlling. YES, I can relate to this as I had an abusive 'friendship' with a toxic woman at work. She was very skilled socially and extremely manipulative and managed to get right under my skin and she controlled me from…
  • I'm not one for conspiracy theories normally, but I blame 'big' food. They are able to manipulate society in such a way as to have them believing that Anorexia is a common illness (heads up, it isn't. 0.6% of Americans will suffer from it in their lifetime) and that eating too little is worse than eating too much. They…
  • It's more than a 'desire' and less than a 'need'. It's a bad habit. Sorry to hijack, but we were pretty poor as kids and I can count on one hand how many times I went to the movies growing up. We NEVER got snacks and we NEVER smuggled them in either. We also never ate junk while we watched tv movies at home. We ate at meal…
  • I am a sugar 'addict' too. I once gave up sugar for 6 weeks - no sugar in anything (fruit was ok). I switched to Xylitol for coffee and baking. Dropped weight like crazy. Went back to my usual habits afterwards, I felt no better or worse mentally or physically but did gain a little bit of weight back - but recently I have…
  • It's KINDA the parents fault. Sort of - I can see how it's easy to blame the parents and why people are quick to blame them. However, we live in a society where food is shoved at us at every opportunity, kids can't watch tv or even take a walk without being bombarded with images of food. Then the parents (and everyone…
  • Don't drink your calories. Research low calorie foods and use them, also never keep junky, high calorie foods in the house. Switching to splenda and low fat milk made me drop weight like crazy. But I also use slim pasta, chocolate fish (imported from New Zealand), cup-a-soups, Soleil yogurt and low joule jelly to help me…
  • I lol'd, this is funny. Yeah, I've had days like this too. When I'm just pissed off with the world and start hating everyone and everything annoys me. But I usually post about my crap day on fb and get drunk after. :P
  • I understand what you're saying - but this is what facebook is - the minutiae of life. Sorry for the armchair diagnosis in advance. You actually sound kind of depressed.
  • Not to be mean but I have found that people who hate facebook tend to hate people in general. I love fb but I will admit to getting annoyed or offended by people's posts - I choose not to delete people (I think it's mean) but I unclick the 'show in newsfeed' instead if I decide I can't take it. In the past I have made mass…
  • Yes, it happens to people when their minds get crowded with other thoughts. They just stop paying attention to their looks. You'd have to experience it to know the feeling of gaining without noticing - but when it happens you realise how it happened - you just got way too busy with other things.
  • There's no magic answer. Join Overeaters Anon and/or get some private therapy. Good luck xxx
  • My hair is past my butt - I sleep with my eyes closed.
  • I grew up poor, mum refused to buy us any expensive food or any food that we liked and she didn't. She would never buy us any junk food or takeaways nor give us breakfast at home or lunch for school. We were hungry a lot of the time - and we 3 kids and mum were always skinny. We ate only simple foods in small quantities…
  • My overweight husband always likes to tell me 'I don't need to diet - exercise is all anyone needs to do' OK champ *rolls eyes*